Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/540

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

Regiments in Russia raised by Scotsmen, 126 Registers of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire

parishes, index to, 29, 78, 93

Relhan (Richard), jun., c. 1800, his biography, 449 Relics of saints reputed to have cured diseases,

70, 133, 178 " Remainder," use of the word in the book-trade,

206, 298 Republics, small, record of " fancied discoveries,"

42, 129, 195, 258, 456

' Revenge for Honour,' Glapthorne's play attri- buted to Chapman, 401 Rheumatism cured by grease from church bells,


Ribes sanguineum and American currant, 247 Rice, horse washed with, versions of the story,


Richard III., his motto " Lovalto Melie," 9 Richardson family, c. 1783, 128, 298 Rider or Ryder family, 349, 419 Rimes : the man in the moon, 327, 396 Rings : ecclesiastical, in stained-glass figures, 335,

375, 457 ; memorial, to Lord Nelson, 34, 96 Rixon, White, and Finlay families, 370 Roach. See Quon (Mrs.}. Robertson (George), c. 1780, pictures by, 467 Robertson and Dundas families, 388 Robes, poisoned, examples of, 267, 417 Robinson family, 489 Rochard (F.), artist in wax portraits, 1813, 208,

413 Rochester (Lord), his statement about Nathaniel

Lee, 35

Romans in Kent, towns, roads, &c., 148, 258 ' Romola,' notes on, 310, 374, 415 Rosenhagen (Rev. P.), of Colombo, d. 1799, 135 Rosicrucian Society, the history of, 70, 138 Ross (David), his parents and marriage, 127,

Royal Sussex Regiment, the prefix " Royal," 268,

375 Rushton (E.), blind sailor, 1756-1814, his poem

' Neglected Genius,' 110, 172 Russel (Rev. G.), of Schull, co. Cork, d. 1767,


Russian regiments raised by Scotsmen, 126 Ryder or Rider family, 349, 419 Ryhopes, two, co. Durham, King Athelstan's

grant, 930, 49, 98, 153

St. Alban (Madame) and Grace Dalrymple, c. 1785,

233, 286 St. Anthony in Roseland, Cornwall, Augustinian

cell, 189

St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street, view of, 1824, 328 St. Domingo, drawing of Fort Jerome, 328 St. Dunstan-in-the-West, the tombstones of, 57 St. George mumming play, versions of, 327, 390,


St. John's Church, St. John's Wood Road, in- scriptions in, 145, 204, 306 St. Leger (Col. J. Hayes), b. 1756, d. at Madras,

1799, 26, 77, 98

St. Loy, Dublin, the Guild of, its location, 229 St. Luke's, Old Street, bibliography of the parish,

St. Mary Cray (Sudcrai), history of the church,

166, 256 St. Mary's, Lambeth, inscriptions (corrigendum),


St. Medan's Well, its healing properties, 133,


St. Nicholas's Day, customs, 173, 294 St. Patrick, English carvings of, 429, 478 St. S within able to restore broken eggs, 16, 58 Salisbury Cathedral, monumental inscriptions and

heraldry in, 425

Salusbury (Foulke), his descendants, 168 San Babila Church in Milan, 288 Sand on Hampstead Heath, its use, c. 1760, 46 Sander (Dr. Nicolas) and Dr. Owen Lewis, c. 1587,


Santiago de Compostela, the relics, 182, 275 Sartorius ( ), animal painter, his biography,

370 Sarum Missal, hymn " Zyma vetus expurgetur,"

229, 296, 337

Satyrs' dance in ' Winter's Tale,' 326 Saunders (Erasmus), Westminster scholar, 1547,


Sawing-horse, use of the word, 1545, 165 Scaliger (Julius Caesar), epigram by, c. 1650, 67.

130, 193, 454 Schorne (Sir John), two MSS. of his office, 3, 40,

56, 70, 258, 396, 455 Scilly Isles, history of monks in, 244 Scott (James), engraver, c. 1820-40, 248, 355 Scott (John), engraver, d. c. 1827, 370 Scott (Sir W.)f his * Eve of St. John,' the tradition,

128 ; reference to, in unpublished letter, 446 Sea, folk-lore relating to the, 66, 154 "Sea-board" and "sea-bord," meanings of the

words, 448 Semitic and Mexican languages, resemblances

between, 70, 234, 431 Seneca, his " Plura mala nobis contingunt quain

accidunt," 269, 315 Serbia, oppressed by Germans and Turks, 1717,


" Seven Eyes " of Christ in Welsh poetry, 16 Seward (Thomas), Westminster scholar, c. 1718,

108 Shades of London Bridge, description of, 110,

154 Shakespeare (W.) : and patriotism, 184, 314 ; his

schoolmasters, 321, 414 ; portrait of, on a

bellows, 326, 418 ; paraphrases of his works,

370 ; his falcon crest, 429, 493

Shakespeariana :

'All 's Well that Ends Well,' Act IV. sc. iii., "the practice in the chape of his dagger," 344 ' Cymbeline,' the *' wager incident," 342

  • Hamlet,' Act III. sc. iv., "And either

the devil," 365 ; Act IV. sc. i., " And what's untimely done " ib.

  • Henry IV.,' Part L, Act II. sc. i., "Robin

Ostler," 344; Act IV. sc.i., " All plumed like estridges that with the wind," ib.

  • Henry V.,' Act III. sc. vi., "By your

patience," 344 ' Julius Caesar,' Act I. sc. ii., " if I have veil'd

my look," 365; Act III. sc. i., "our arms in

strength of malice," 365, 477 ' Love's Labour 's Lost,' Holofernes, his

identity, 323 ; Actl. sc. ii., Samson, Solomon,

and Adam, 344 ; Act IV. sc. ii., " facere, as it

were replication," ib.; Act V. sc. ii., " so

perttaunt-like," ib. 'Macbeth,' Act I. sc. vii., " shoal of time," 365

  • Measure for Measure,' Act II. sc. iv., " pro-

claim an enshield beauty," 344