Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/541

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916. bUBJECT INDEX.


I can

Shakespeariana :

'Merchant of Venice,' Act I. so.

easier teach," 344 'Midsummer Night's Dream,' Act II. so. i.,

luscious woodbine," 344

Othello,' in the original Italian, 16, 212, 315 ;

Act IV. sc. ii., "slow unmoving finger," 365

' sionate Pil g rim ' original edition, 1599, 59,


'Romeo and Juliet,' Act III. sc. v., "Day,

night, hour, tide," 365 ; sc. v., " Hath not so

green aneye,"i&.

Shakespeariana in Booksellers' Catalogues,

  • Tempest,' Act III. sc. in., "I '11 fight their

legions o'er," 343; Act IV. sc. i., "filthy mantled pool," 344 'Titus Andronicus,' Act III. sc.

lamenting doings," 345 ' Twelfth Night,' Act II. sc. v., " the lady of

the Strachey," 344

' Winter's Tale,' the satyrs' dance, 326 Shamela,' Henry Fielding and, 24 Sheldon family, and Ferrers and Allen families, 84,

125, 156, 416 Sheridan (T.), the younger, c. 1750, his degrees,


Sherwood family, 16th-century recusants, 445 " Sniffles," meaning of the word, 16 Shilleto family, 127 Shippen (W.), 1673-1743, " Downright Shippen,"

348, 414 Shooting, largest bag of game for a day, 510

Shorten (Robert), Dean of Stoke, d. c. 1535, 67 , ,-..,_- --., _._

Shrines of saints reputed to have cured diseases, Statues : in the British Isles, 16, 65, 243, 406, 473

Songs and Ballads:

Johnnie Armstrong's Last Good-Night, ' 320

Loath to Depart,' 14, 33, 373

Lyke Wake Dirge,' 268 ' Oh, that we two were maying," 400

Old Bachelor,' 189, 273

On the Banks of Allan Water,' 168, 300

Vicar of Bray,' 12, 72, 139, 213 ' We are the boys," 429

' When I was a schoolboy aged ten," 189, 273 ' Wondrous are these Hearts of Men," 369 Sophie Dorothea of Hanover, her burial-place, 326 Southampton Bow and Marylebone Boad, 1857,

Southey (B.) : sources of his ' Thalaba,' 111, 217 ;

on Popery, a doubtful reading, 208 ; his mother's

family, 469, 518

buzz Southwick, Augustinian Priory of, c. 1145, 49, 232 1 Spalding Priory and Abbey of St. Nicholas,

Angiers, c. 1074, 309 Spanish literature, bibliography of, 287, 378, 397,

455 ' Spanish Moor's Tragedy ' or ' Lust's Dominion,'

notes and comparisons, c. 1657, 81 Spiders, phosphorescent, in the Far East, 267 " Spinet, derivation of the word, 55

Staig," stallion, use of the word, 68, 116 Stained glass of the 14th century, 267, 335, 375,

457 ' Standard,' first published 1827, its history, 341,

363, 381, 414, 454 Standish family, 209 Stanfery (Joshua), artist, c. 1851, 128 " Stateroom " =a passenger's cabin, 307, 475

70, 133, 178

Sidney (Sir Philip), his daughter Elizabeth, 108 Simancas MSS., Dr. Nicolas Sander and Dr. Owen

Lewis, 366

Skull, iron nails driven into, 77, 133 Skynner family, 349, 419

Sleeper, superstitious objections to waking, 158 Smith (Dr. A. V.), his ascent of Mont Blanc, 1847,


Emperor Maximilian, statue in armour, 110, 172 Stephens (Frederic G.), portraits of, 226 Stevens, Hales, and Kenrick families, 509 Stewart (Sir D.), his march from Kandahar to

Kabul, 149, 212 Stewart (John) and two 18th-century pamphlets,


Stewart family, 49

Sticking-plaster, portraits in, 109, 153, 198 Smith (C. Manby), his ' The Working-Man's Wav Stone, inscribed, discovered in Derbyshire, 376

in the World/ 1853, 468 Stone (Bev. S. J.), his hymns, 285

Smith (J. F.), novelist, his works, 309 Story, * A Simple Story,' 1791, 408, 456

Smith (Sir T.), Queen Elizabeth's letter of warrant Story-book for children, of Napoleonic wars,

to, permitting torture, 407 208

Smith-Dorrien-Smith (T. A.), his seat, Tresco

Abbey, Scilly, 244

Smokers, origin of a superstition, 208, 276 Smugglers, their Hell-Fire Clubs, Scotland, 466 Snaith, Peculiar Court of, marriage licences, 50


Society for Constitutional Information, 1769, 11,

Society, London, for promoting Christianity among Jews, 125

Songs and Ballads :

"Ah, vous dirai-je, maman?" 11, 56, 131,


"Are your glasses charged ? " 111, 238 ' Dustman's Wife,' 227, 333, 436 'Final Toast,' c. 1870, 111, 238 " For jealousy causes both bother and strife," , 436

227, 333,

Go 'cruit me Cheshire and Lancashire,



In Cawsand Bay lying," 268

John Smith was a navvy strong and ," 38,


Stothard (T.), 1755-1834, his illustrations of

Quixote,' 247

" Strafe," use of the word, 426 Street name-plate, London, 1734, 47 Street-names, meaning of " Loke " in, 510

Stricken field," origin of the phrase, 178 Strowbridge ( ), schoolmaster in London, 1718,

Stuart (Charles Edward), Count d'Albanie, his

biography, 110, 156, 190, 277 Stuart. See Stewart.

Sturge (Joseph), memorial to, Birmingham, 16 Sudbury Hospital, London, its location, 127, 217 Sullivan (Sir Arthur). See Pinafore. ' Sunday Times,' 1826, anagrams from, 246 Surgical instruments from ancient Etruria, 15

Surnames :

Anerley, 228 Archer and Bowman, 29 Blizard or Blizzard, 298 Chanelhouse, 207, 273 Driden, Dryden, 269, 453