Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/547

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916. AUTHORS' INDEX.


Madun, 265. Mother of George Frederic Cooke, tragedian, 110. Neilson (Lilian Ad laide), 320, 452. Phmkett (Mrs.) and Arthu Murphy, 128. Quon (Mrs.), 272. Regiment nicknames, 74. Boss (David), 191. St. Leg (Col. John Hayes), 26. Supposed miscarriag of justice, 358. West (Elizabeth), thief, 44 White (Lydia), 305. Wilson (Richard), 90, 21 437

Bowes (Arthur) on "Bete du Ge>audan," 41 Orange Lodge apron, 169. " Parapet " footpath, 190. "Pedestras," 149. St. Georg mumming play, 393

Bradbury (F.) on ' David Copperfield,' 397 Bradley (Dr. Henry) on epigram by J. C. Scalige 130. Schorne (Sir John), 56. Sticking-plaste portraits, 109

Brjdstow (Private) on "Blighty," 194. Coo (Ann), 30. Smokers' superstition, 20 "Swaddy," 228 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Collins : asylum at Islington 247. Disraeli and Mozart, 167. Griffi (Gerald), 190. Hirsch (Rabbi) and Prussia tyranny, 88. Maria the Jewess, 70. Materia Medica in the Talmudic age, 102, 122, 357 Methods of waking a sleeper, 158 Bridge (Prof. Joseph C.) on ' Ladies of Castel inarch,' 155. Letter-Books of Chester, 33 ' Loath to Depart,' 33. " Parapet " = footpath 319

Bromby (E. H.) on ' Book of Almanacs,' 146 Brotherton (H.) on altars of antiquarian interesi

410 Brown (F. Gordon) on St. George mumming pla>

327 Brown (W. H.) on " Laus Deo " : old merchants

custom, 409 Brownmoor on Anne Clifford, Countess of Cumber

land, 356

Bull (Sir W.) on novel of the seventies wanted, 150 Bullen (R. Freeman) on " Jerry-builder," 299 Bulloch (J. M.) on duchesses who have married commoners, 36. Enlistment as a birthday celebration, 449. Family of Hackett, 69 Gordon (James), Keeper of the Middle Temple Library, 91. Heroes of Waterloo, 485 Larckin, 268. Leitner, 48. Mack surname 278. Maxse as a surname, 287. Milner's (Lord) pedigree, 48. Regimental loving-cup, 229. Regimental nicknames, 30. Russian regiments, 126. " Staig," 68. Stewart's (Sir Donald) Afghan adventure, 149. Thunder family, 36. Wahab family, 247. Webster (Arthur), dancer, 188. Wolrige family, 209 Bullock (Col. R.) on action on water of frogs and

toads, 418

Burls (A.) on song wanted, 333 Burmester (Frances G.) on " The dogs of war are

straining at the leash," 209

Burnett (R.) on " Coat and conduct money," 189 Buss (Frances M.) on authors of quotations

wanted, 288

Buxton ( J. Frank) on Mass : a famous English- man's change of view, 149

C. on shrines and relics of saints, 70. Status of

the tenant farmer, 207 C. (A. C.) on Allen and Ferrers, 156. Baptism,

1644, 95. Treasury notes, 249. 'Wanted a

Governess,' 515

C. (A. K.) on " Colly my cow ! " 91

C. (C. U.) on Hoby : Poulett, c. 1600, 418

C. (E.) on female novelists, 1785-1815, 111, 150.

Rumours of capture of Napoleon, 126 C. (F. H.) on German helmets : F.R., 309. Mon- tagu and Manchester, 267. " Taper," 326 C. (F. W.) on E. Cashin, 111 C. (G. C.) on Sir Robert Carey's ride, 272 C. (G. G. M. G.) on duchesses who have married

commoners, 96

C. (H.) on basins given by Henry VI. to Winchester College, 441. Clockmakers : Campigne, 172. Eighteenth- century Virginian letters, 454. Fires at Alresford, Hants, 294. Henry VI. and Winchester College, 481, 501. Lawyers employed by Winchester College during the fifteenth century, 361, 383. May (Thomas), Recorder of Chichester, 1683, 216 C. (Leo) on baptism, 1644, 50. Col. John Camp- bell of Shankston in Ayrshire, 110. Heraldry, 298

C. (S. D.) on Maxse surname, 418 C. (S. R.) on " agnostic " and " agnosco," 492. " Man is immortal till his work is done," 517 Cameron (Archdeacon George H.) on Allen and Ferrers : Sheldon family, 416. Descendants of the Rev. John Cameron (1653-1719), 88. Mensal Chapelry, 327 Campbell (A. Albert) on ' Tommiad,' 128 Castro ( J. Paul de) on Did Fielding write ' Shame- la ' ? 24. Fielding at Boswell Court, 264. Fieldingiana, 483. Fielding's " Parson Adams," 224

Cestrian on Frodsham, 116 Chamberlain ( J. ff.) on Knave of Clubs in churches,


Chambers (L. H.) on epitaph in Brigstock church- yard, Northants, 387. Gaskin (Rev. John), M.A., 190. Tubular bells in church steeples, 352. Village pounds, 193, 416 3heltonian on Briggs collection of pictures, 429 Cheslett (R.) on Rev. Joseph Rann, 510 Chippindall (Col. W. H.) on Blizardj or Blizzard as a surname, 298. Heraldry, 50, 218. Memory at the moment of death, 97 Citizen on Underground Railway of the United

States, 125

Clapperton (Alan E.) on Papal insignia, 50 Clarke (Cecil) on Warren Hastings, 318. Sticking- plaster portraits, 153. " Strafe," 426 Clay (W. H.) on " Severe," 458. " Scribenda et

legenda," 349

Clements (H. J. B.) on ' Blazon of Gentrie,' 196. Duchesses who have married commoners, 57. Eighteen seventies : ' Pinafore ' and tennis, 253. Heraldry, 334. Mother of George Frederick Cooke, tragedian, 218. " To box the compass," 226. Waring, 377

lippingdale (S. D.), M.D., on Queen Anne's " three realms," 277. Ranby (John), F.R.S., 473

low (H. Austin) on authors wanted, 209 oad (O. S.) on William Dunlap, 148

ohen (H.) on song wanted, 38, 59

olby (Elbridge) on Thomas Holcroft's descen- dants, 168. Holcroft (Thomas) : two anecdotes in the ' Memoirs,' 188. Society for Constitu- tional Information, 31. Two letters by Thomas Holcroft, 64

olepeper (E. B. de) on Allen and Ferrers, 84. Ferrers: Alleyne, 125

oleridge (Stephen) on death warrants, 358. Ford, Chobham, 369