Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

Collison-Morley (Lacy) on Hogarth : a contem- porary Italian admirer, 8

Coolidge (Bev. W. A. B.) on ' Simple Story,' 408

Cope (Mrs. E. E.) on Warren Hastings, 212. Kennett, M.P., 78. Newcome's School, Hack- ney, and Lord Chancellors Hardwicke, 217. Village pounds, 79

Cope (J. H.) on church goods, 287

Corfield (Wilmot) on currency notes, 256. Effect of opening a coffin, 295. Sturge (Joseph), 16

Corner (C.) on " Honest Injun," 458

Corner (Susanna) on Queen Anne's " three realms," 217. Authors wanted, 117

Corney (B. Glanvill) on heart burial, 133

Cotterell (Howard H.), F.B.Hist.S., on Cotterill : connexion with the Continent, 229

Country Mouse on bibliography of Spanish litera- ture wanted, 287

Cox (F. A.) on Louisa Parr, 150

Crawford (J. R.) on " She braids St. Catharine's tresses," 447

Cresswell (Lionel) on Sir Henry Cavendish, 353

Creswell (P. T.) on author wanted, 389

Crooke (W.) on British herb : herb tobacco, 317. Tigers' whiskers, 37. Turkish crescent and star, 255

Cross-Crosslet on Barony of Wharton, 46

Crosse (Gordon) on Shakespeare and patriotism, 184

Crouch (C. Hall) on " Descendants' Dinners," 469. Harlington, Middlesex, 513

Cuningham (Granville C.) on effect of freezing on the human body, 234

Curious on Latton family, 378

Cyril on author of quotation wanted, 90. Be- reaved parish, 486. Macaulay's Prince Titi, 207

D. (A.) on author wanted : lines on spring, 449 D. (H. L. L.) on Gennys of Launceston and Ire- land, 193 D. (J.) on Joanna la Loca, 128. Statue of

Maximilian, 110 D. (T. F.) on authors of quotations wanted, 432.

" Correi," 458. ' Bomola,' 415. Bushton, 173.

Tigers' whiskers, 118 D. (T. O. A.) on rats et crapauds, 53 Dahlgren (E. W.) on phantom Parliament, 132 Dale (Bev. T. C.) on Bichardson, c. 1783, 298 Darsanani on child's story-book wanted, 208 Dayey (H.) on Wellington at Brighton and Bot

tingdean, 517

David (W. H.) on female novelists, 1785-1815, 155 Da vies (C. Llewelyn) on " have " : colloquial use


De Minimis on " Billycock," 50 Deedes (Prebendary Cecil) on Synodal Statutes of

Bishop Fulk Basset of London, 148 Denny (Bev. H. L. L.) on family of Jenkinson

Baronets ofifHawkesbury and Earls of Liver

pool, 208. Gorges brass, 488 Dibdin (E. Bimbault) on portrait of Charles

Towne, 369 Dickinson (H. W.) on Chanelhouse : Ion

Ormondy : -Twisaday, 274. Contributions to

the historyTof European travel, 339. " Terra

rodata," 298 Dickson (Frederick Stoever) on Tom Jones and

his sword, 506 Dobson (Austin) on 'BSte du Gevaudan,' 315

Fielding (Henry) : two corrections, 284

Dodds (M. H.) on shrines and relics of saints,


)odgson (E. S.), M.A., on ' Amusing and In- structive Fables in French and English,' 449. Anne's (Queen) " three realms," 153. Authors wanted, 268. " Aviatik," 435. " Betty " in 1756 : William Toldervy, 88. Black Hole of Calcutta, 379. Brigstocke (Owen), 408. Christ's " Seven Eyes " in Welsh poetry, 16. Church bell at Farnham in Dorset, 389. Curious anagrams, 246. Documents discovered at Lyon in 1916, 186. Drexelius (Hieremias) : his translator's words, 147. English carvings of St. Patrick, 429. Epitaphs of Finmore and Willis at North Hinksey, 26. ' Gentleman's Calling,' 198. " Leuiciana," 266. " M. A. E.": who was she ? (A.D. 1864) 410. " Marking- stone " in 1786, 308. Newman (Cardinal) : his bust in Oxford, 427. Stothard's illustrations of ' Don Quixote,' 247. Toldervy (William) and the word-books, 503 Dodson (Mrs. E. A.) on authors wanted, 268 Dorchester (Baroness) on author and context

wanted, 369. Words of song wanted, 369 Douglas (W.) on album lines by James Sheridan

Knowles, 216. Whitfield (John), actor, 74 Dowdney (J. C.) on ' Magical Note,' 136 Dray (E.) on freezing to death, 399. Origin of the

British navy, 226 Drury (Charles) on Sir Henry Cavendish, 352. Drury (Sir William), Lord Justice of Ireland, 345. Fairfax (Major John), 266. Second wife of John Moyle of Eastwell, Kent, 336. Stuart, Count d'Albanie, 156 Duke (Louis A.) on Battersea Training College,


Dunn (Courtenay) on Anne Boleyn, 347 Durham (James) on Bi chard Wilson, 277 Dyer (A. Stephens) on Elizabeth Evelyn, 288, 435. Gennys of Launceston, 299. Moyle of Bake, St. Germans, 242. Salusbury (Foulke), 168. Second wife of John Moyle of Eastwell, Kent, 189. Whitford (Bichard), 1511, 409

Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on Bichard Wilson,

214 Editor ' V. H. Surrey ' on " Victoria County

Histories," 431 Ellis (H. D.) on " Blighty," 194. Chanelhouse :

Ion : Ormondy : Twisaday, 274. Playing cards

sixty years ago, 468. Water of the Nile : the

Tigris, 76 Emeritus on poisoned robes, 267. Quotation

from Pope, 488 Ewing (John G.) on Scottish heraldry : Workman's

' Book of Arms,' 311

F. (J. T.) on accidental likenesses, 348, 497. Children's books in " the thirties," 144. Church bell at Farnham in Dorset, 436. Dando, the oyster-eater, 54. Effect of opening a coffin, 192. English carvings of St. Patrick, 478. Fires at Alresford, Hants, 294. Funeral biscuits, 355. Hymn -tune ' Lydia,' 377. Piscina, 465. Sarum Missal : hymn, 296. Scheme (Sir John), 56

F. (V. A.) on Sir Bobert Carey's ride, 189

F.-H. (H.) on water of the Nile, 38