Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



Churchwardens of Coventry, accounts of, 1561-

1716, 289, 366 Chute. See CJietcte. Clergy Lists of Yorkshire, 415 Clerical biographies, 1854-1912, 387 Clerical biographies and testamentary burials,

c. 1650-1850, 297 Cleveland, Archdeacons of, complete list of, 272,


Clitheroe and bribery, 417, 510 Clock : " Act of Parliament clock," 462 Coach, the first in Dublin, name of driver, 448 Coal-balls, " patent fuel " used temp. Queen

Elizabeth, 89 Cobbett (Edward John), painter, b. 1815, d. 1899,

301, 399, 431. 459

Cobden (Richard), his statue in St. Pancras, 508 Cock, Herod's, carving of, 168, 235 Cocker (Edward). 1631-75, his ' Arithmetic,' the

first edition, 352

" Cockney," as applied to Londoners, 404 Coffin-plates in St. Mary's, Battersea, 474 Coins : names engraved on, 300 ; other coins and

miniatures hidden in, 449 Colds, germs brought to islanders, 55, 118 Colenso (Bishop), Dr. Bateson's defence of, 449,

J84 Collections of animals or birds, special names for,


Colonels and regimental expenses, 35, 96 Combe (William) and ' The Diaboliad,' 48, 99 " Commandant," English, at Brussels, 1815-16,


" Commendam," use of the word, 1563, 29 Congreve (William), " cadua " in his ' Love for

Love,' 1695, 186, 252 Conquest (George) [rightly, John T.], his version of

the Bible, c. 1850, 478 Constable family, 15 Cookery words used in 1742, 228 Cooper (Major W. Cooper), Fellow of the Society

of Antiquaries, 1838, 35 Copley (Sir Joseph and Lady) of Sprotborough,

449, 487

Copthorne, name of place and Hundred, 126 Cork, heart attacks warded off by, 449 Cornelisz (Lucas), artist, his works, 447 Cornwallis (Caroline Frances), 1786-1858, and the

series "Small Books on Great Subjects," 169,

278, 339

Coromandel screens, meaning of the term, 383 Corpse, the legal process of arresting a, 444,


Corpus Christi and Liege abbess, a legend, 507 " Corruptio optimi pessima," old saying, 503 Cotes (John), M.P. Lichfield, 1708-15, 90, 176 Court Rolls of Whippingham, Isle of Wight, 385 Covent Garden Theatre green-room in 1853,

picture of, 507 Coventry churchwardens' accounts, 1561-1716,

289, 366 * Coventry Street, Leicester Square, Nos. 10, 11, 12,

473 Coxe (Thomas), his travels in Switzerland, 1689-

1692, 242

Crednl forms prior to the year A. p. 400, 385 Crests : demi-lion couped, holding between its

paws a cross fleury, 387, 491 ; hind sejant

reguard errninois, 331 ; wreath on a pigeon, 332 ;

on Scottish cake-dish, 1712, 385, 455 Creusot family, 189, 281 Crimean War medal, presented to Sir G. J. Young,


Croke and Stocker families, their relation to Anne

Boleyn, 384

Cromwell (Oliver), military salute of his army, 274 " Crookern," etymology of the word, 16, 99, 158 Cruikshank (George), artist, his greatest work, 130 Cumberland (Bear-Admiral William), his Chri-tian

name, 55

Cutler (Sir John), story of his hose. 29, 74 Cyprus cat, variety of tabby cat, 14


Danteiana, 'Inf.,' iii. 42, 100

Darling (Grace), number of persons saved by, 235

4 Dauntless Three ' and Macaulay's ' Lays of

Ancient Rome,' 60 Davenport (T. D.), actor, c. 1838, and his daughter,

281, 368

4 David Copperfield,' translation into Welsh, 209 Davies (Mary) =Sir Thomas Grosvenor, 1677, 297 Davison of St. Mary's, Carlisle, his pedigree, 210 Dayrolles (Solomon) cited in Kerr's ' George

Selwyn and the Wits.' 507 De Ewell. See Eicell. De Foe (Daniel), Cassell's edition of ' Robinson

Crusoe,' 110, 194, 308 De la Pole. See Pole. De Morgan See Morgan.

De Quincey (Thomas), his stay in Eifionydd, 26 " De tenente " = unceasingly, various readings of,


44 Death's part," phrase in wills, 1590, 360, 430 4t Decelerate," first use of the word, 48, 139, 157 Delamar family of co. Westmeath, 500 Delaunay family, 167 Delia Cruscan literary circle, 1785, " Benedict's "

identity, 229

Demosthenes, and Disraeli's reference to Glad- stone's verbosity, 229 " Derby Ram," origin and meaning of the phrase,

70, 154, 309

'Derelict Empire,' by " Mark Time," 1912, 230, 281 Deuce, meaning of the word, 474 Deutecum (Johannes a.), cartographer, c. 1570, 250 ' Deviliad,' the actor Taswell's connexion with, 273 Devizes, origin of the place-name, 524 Dickens (C.), his description of the reign of Henry VIII., 53 ; Watts's Charity in his ' Seven Poor Travellers,' 127, 286 ; ' David Copperfield ' translated into Welsh, 209

4 Dictionary of National Biography,' additions and corrections, 375061, 11590176272, 364299 Dinham (John, Lord), his arms at Winchester

College, 496

Dinner bills, hotel, dated 1715, 228 Disraeli (Benjamin). See Beacons field. D'Israeli (Isaac) and the Parisian Sanhedrim,

letter, 1807, 188 Dixie (Sir Willoughby), Bart., alleged riming will,

1815, 185, 251, 308

Dobson, Dodson, or Dodgson family, 509 Dodd (Robert), marine painter, c. 1811, 507 Dodgson, Dodson, or Dobson family, 509 Dodington (George) of Horsington, M.P. 1747-54,

69 Dodington (George Bubb) of Gunvill.M.P. 1747-54,


Dodson, Dodgson, or Dobson family. 509 ' Dog of Montargis,' plav, c. 1814, a print of, 386,


Dollar, " old British dollars " redeemed at Trengganu, 14