Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/536

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918,

Dollar and Eagle, American, 405, 456 Dominican Order, books on the history of, 31, 114,


Donaldson (William), c. 1775, words used by, 248 " Donkey's years " =a very long time, use of the

phrase, 39, 74 Donne (Dean John), author of ' Polydoron,' 1631,


Douglas of Carr family, 358, 393, 424 Downing Street, 10, Bed Dragon of Wales at,


Drayton (James), botanist, c. 1740, 231 Dreams of absent soldiers, their meaning, 8 Dress, evening dress for men, 479 " Drifter," the vessel defined, 414 Drummond (Mrs. May), portrait of, c. 1780, 358 Dublin, first performance of ' The Messiah ' at, 30 ;

expiration of the lease of the Metal-bridge, 59 " Dude," the pronunciation of, 298 Duel, military, at Fort St. George, 1812, 474, 522 " Duityoners " =guardians, Elizabethan word. 34 Duncombe (Col.) of St. Paul's School, c. 1610, 358,


Durham, inscriptions relating to, 250 Dury or Durie (John), 1596-1680, his portrait, 210 Dutch boats in the Thames under royal charter,

472 Dutton (Anne), theological writer, d. 1765, her

residences and Jibrary, 78, 136 Dyde, variant spellings of the surname, 417 Dye, turkey-red, its introduction into England,

167 Dye industry, England and Germany and the,

c. 1678, 284

" Ea," the pronunciation of, 58, 77, 97, 219, 313 Eagle, the emblem of the United States, 405, 456 Earl (Rev. T.) of St. Mildred's, Bread Street,

c. 1548, 413 Ebsworth (Joseph W.), the MSS. of his Songs and

Ballads, 209 Ecclesiastical Commission for the North of

England, Act Books wanted, 416 Edinburgh, booksellers of, c. 1800, 445, 518 Editors, contributions solicited by, 1679, 67 Edwards (Richard), the correspondence of, 1669-

1679, 1, 44,81,122,161,205,244,262,293,323,

349, 377, 409, 439, 470, 498 Edwards family of Ta-lgarth, pedigree of, 418 Effigy in the church of Old Cleeye, 109 Eglinton Tournament, 1839, prints and accoxmts

of, 211, 285, 367

1809, notables born during the year, 148, 216 Elizabeth (Queen), her palace at Enfield, 257 En and Cu, surnames of 1485, 296 Enamel, mediaeval work on the making of, 169,

253, 311

Enfield, Queen Elizabeth's palace at, 257 England, Germany, and the dye industrv, c. 1678,


England, Venetian a ccount of, 1497, 50, 135 England with France ancient, arms of, 419, 485 ' English Conquest of Ireland ' (' Expugnatio

Hibernica '), English translation made c. 1420,


Engravings of war scenes, 505 Enigma in verse, " We rule the world,'we letters

6?.' 249

Epigram :

The Picture plac'd the busts between, 379

Epitaph on a parrot, 506 Epitaphs :

He struggled bravely to complete for some

one else this stone, 296 Hie jacet Georgius filius Dni. Johan. Dni.

Dynham, 497

Life to the last enjoyed, here Churchill lies, 238

Essex, sorcery in, 1863, 478, 521

Esten (Mrs. Harriet Pye), actress, d. 1865, 61, 115

European travel in the seventeenth century, 242"

Evening papers, their evolution, 261

Ewald (Alexander), his ' The Earl of Beaconsfield 1

and his Times,' 29, 74 Ewell (De), family, 249 Exeter Cathedral and Christmas Eve, 509 ' Expugnatio Hibernica ' of Giraldus Cambrensis r


Farewell family, 477

" Faugh-a-Ballagh " (clear the way), regimentaP

motto, 14 " Felons and fugitive goods," meaning of the-

phrase, 446, 491 Ferrebee (Rev. Michael), c. 1739, his marriage, 08 S .


ffairebanck family, 209

Fiction, the co-operative system in, 211, 281 Fielder (John), member of the Long Parliament^.

his death, 2VO Fielding or Folding (Edmund), his military career,.

132, 340, 4G5

Fielding (Henry), his works and those of Richard- son on the Continent, 7 ; date corrected, 100-

Fieldingiana : ' Mist's Weekly Journal,' 38, 74 ;

benefit ticket for ' Pasqoin,' 181 ; Lord Glen-

conner's picture ' The Green - Room, Drury

Lane,' 181, 370; 'Amelia,' 182, 465 ; 'Journal of

a Voyage to Lisbon,' 182; ' Joseph Andrews,'

465; Salisbury, 466; Cradocks of Salisbury,.

467 ; Lady Gould's house, 468 ; his birthplace,.

469 Fielding (Sir John), blind, half-brother to Henry

Fielding, 146 Finch (Sir Henry), 1625, Serjeant-at-Law, his

portrait, 210

Finlay and Stanhope families, 331 Finucar (Matthias), c. 1780, miniature painter, 169" Fire putting out fire, 372 Firebacks and stove ironwork, bibliography of..

270, 519 Fishing-rod, mention of, in the Bible or Talmud..

14, 55

FitzReinfred family, the arms of, 332, 430, 462 Fitzwilliam family of Grhnthorpe, the pedigree of,

384 " Fives Court," St. Martin's Lane, 1803, the site

of, 13

Flags, national, their origin, 73 ' Flatland : a Romance of Many Dimensions,' by

A Square, 299, 366

Fleetwood family, genealogical puzzle, 224, 389? Flemish burial-ground, London, the site of, 129,

285 Fletcher (Mrs. Maria Jane), nee Jewsbury, d. 1833,.

her diaries, 271 Fletcher family, 384, 431

Fleurj, " le petit Fleury," come"dien, 1759, 249 Flodden, Aberdeenshire men slain in the battle-,