Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/537

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NoUs and Queries, Feb., 1918.



Florists' feasts, when first held, c. 1724, 266 Flower (Barnard), d. 1517, King's glazier, 436

  • Flying Post,' oldest Exeter newspaper, the cessa-

tion of, 1917, 355


Angelica, significance of an offering of, 51,

259, 312, 372 Barnacles and birds, 67 Bible and salt, 18 Chelsea superstition about Old Battersea

Bridge, 356

Dreams, their meaning, 8 <3oats and cattle, 310 Hair cut off to prevent headache, 250, 307,


Heart attacks warded off by a cork, 449 House, new, risks of entering, 59 Jewess and her hair, 446, 484 Milk, new, a cure for swollen legs, 273, 431 Spider, superstitions and legends, 272, 395,


Toad at the heart, 360, 490 Touching for the king's evil, 480 Wall-rue, superstitions and legends, 272, 395,


Folk-tale, the king and the falcon, 29, 77 Forges. See Hubert. Fortune, foreign books of, 144, 165, 184 Fountains Abbev, words used hi accounts, c. 1454,

129, 219

Fox (Charles), 1856, a riddle by, 479, 520 France, Marshals of, from 1185 to 1870, 74 France ancient with England, arms of, 419, 485 Francis I. of France, a salamander as his device,

192, 214, 278

Fraser family at Eton, 504

" Fraternalia," lights at funerals so called, 444 Friends, Religious Society of, their London Yearly

Meeting, 504 Fromond's Chantry, Winchester, the chaplains of,


Fulham Bridge Tavern, Brompton Road, 229 Funerals : lights called " Fraternalia " used at,

444 ; churchwardens' duties at, 476 ; stallions

at, origin of the custom, 505

<5alH (Marco, Cardinal), d. 1683, his portrait by

Velasquez, 30 Gambardella (Spiridione), Italian portrait-painter,

c. 1860, 50, 114, 189

Games :

Crookern, origin of, 16, 99, 158

Losing loadum, 332, 402, 488

Maw, card game, description of, 299. 367, 426

Ring, a ring of roses, 129. 256, 426, 456

4 Garden of Health ' in imitation of ' Hortus

Sanitatis,' c. 1689, 508 Garrick (David), his friends, 28, 155; his solicitor

Albany Wallis, 149

" Gavelock," meaning of the word, 1620, 73 Gawler (George), 1796-1869, Governor of South

Australia, his portrait, 230 Generations, three, in two centuries, 61, 107 George III., his private secretary Bishop, 218 Germans called Huns, first use of the term, 383,

42 7

Germany, England, and the dye industry, c. 1678,


Germany in Roman times, 383 Ghost, ceremony for the laying of, 504 Gibson (Edmund), Bishop of London, 1745, and

Sunday observance, 145, 237 Giffard family of Tiverton, 508 Gilbert (John), Archbishop of York, 1693-1761,

his mother. 50 Gilbert (Sir William S.), memorial tablet to, 129,


Gillian, early use of the name, 49, 117 Giraldus Cambrensis, his ' Expugnatio Hiber-

nica,' 495

Girdlestone (Jos.), character in fiction, 447, 490 Gladstone (W. E.), Disraeli's reference to his

verbosity, 229

Glapthorne (H.), ' Argalus and Parthenia," emenda- tion, 442

Glasgow, booksellers of, c. 1800, 445, 518 Glass, powdered, a poison, 239 Glass, stained : portraits in, 15, 36, 76, 95, 159,

198, 218, 286, 344, 430 ; artists in, 1700-1900,

299, 396 ; its importation forbidden, 446, 485 Glass-making and glass trade, the history of, 334 Gloves at weddings, the custom of giving, 210,

283, 367 Gluckstad, H.M.S., its captain Edward Bass or

Ross, 59, 195

Goad (Roger), Provost of King's College, Cam- bridge, 1570, 358 Goats kept with cattle, 310

Gordon (Thomas), d. 1750, date of birth, 146, 280 Gore (Barbara), c. 1600, parentage and arms, 92 Gorky (Maxim), his poem ' The Storm Petrel,' 477 Gorse on Wimbledon Common, Linnaeus and the,

333, 400

Gorvin Hunt, its locality and period, 299, 364 Govane family, 271, 315 Gown of undergraduates at Scottish Universities,

59 Graham (Sir James), his electioneering experience,

3820, 329 Grant (Sir Francis), his picture ' Shooting Party,

Ranton Abbey,' 385

Gratian, his ' Decretum,' date of edition, 416, 487 Graves, foreign, of British authors, 39, 59, 96,

114, 176, 238, 277, 392, 460 Gray (Thomas), memorials at Cambridge to, 32,

99, 153, 237 ; his books and MSS., 291, 326, 363. " Gray's Tnn pieces," origin of the phrase, 57 Greece, the national flag of, 73 Greene's Museum, Lichfield, wooden figure of a

midshipman in, 1788, 52

Grey (Hon. John), M.P. co. Stafford, 1689-98, 90 Grey (Lady Mary), alias Keys, and Christopher

Chewte, Chowt, or Chute, c. 1574, 448, 484 Greystoke family, pedigree of, 384, 424, 454 Griffiths (Dr. Ralph) and ' Monthly Review,' 334 Grindrod (Dr.) and Tennyson's ' Becket,' 149, 253 Grolier Society, the founding and the cress issues

of, 449, 491

Grosvenor (Sir Thomas) = Mary Da vies, 1677, 297 Grosvenor Chapel, South Aud'ley Street, inscrip- tions in, 183, 254

Guelph party, a meeting of, in Hanover, 1917, 476 Guide-books to Naples and the vicinity, c. 1700, 85 Guinness and La Touche families, ' Memoirs of,'

c. 1870, 250 Guise (Francois, Due de), date when wounded,

c. 1545, 33

Gulston (Josepha), " Talbot Gvynne," author, e. 1830, 272, 364