Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.




Quotations :

Dear books ! the man who knows you, and

hath tried, 210, 314 " Dear God ! the name Thou gavest me, alas !

I have forgot," 480 Death opens out the covered way which

enters into light, 510

86s fj.oi rt> irrtpov, 09, 119, 158 '%

E'en as he trod that day to God, 480, 522 Farewell the beautiful, meek, proud disdain.

480 Genius, which means the transcendent

capacity of taking trouble, first of all, 374 Gigantic daughter of the West, 301, 372, 402 God bless thee wheresoe'er thou art, 510 God girt her about with the surges, 29 God is on the side of big battalions, 38, 56, 75 God send the land deliverance, 117 He flits across the stage a transient and

embarrassed phantom, 450, 492, 522 He who killeth a cow was as if he slew a man,

108, 195

Help me to need no aid from men, 360, 402 His foe was folly, and his weapon wit, 129,

d9O Holy Father, in Thy mercy, 70, 153, 344

I have a thousand men," said he, "to wait

upon my will," 148

I know not flesh is holier than flesh, 29 I ; d not give room for an Emperor, 148 I m the loudest of voices in orchestra

^98, 371, 459 In an Elizabethan or Jacobean house I throw

my hat down on the hall table, 480 In matters of commerce the fault of the

Dutch, 472

In summer, when the vales are clear, 419 Inebriated with the exuberance of his own

verbosity, 229

It has a short quick jar upon the ear, 450, 492 Ivy and violet, what do ye here ? 506 Johe hypothese, elle explique tant de choses,


. ...le simple appareil D'une beaute" qu'on

vient d arracher au sommeil, 69, 158 Life isn't all beer and skittles, 230, 282 May I sink meanlier than the worst, 419 Men cannot live without my first, 298, 371,

4o9 Miserere, Domine ! The words are uttered

and they flee, 508

Multum Legendum, sed non Multa, 314 My dead lov.i came to me and said, 387, 432 Nescis, mi fili, quantilla sapientia regitur

mundus? 480 No pleasure to a London tradesman to sell

anything which was what it pretended to

be, 189, 431 Nor spring nor summer beauty hath the

grace, 90, 139 O, the fierce purr of it, clang of it, whirr of it I

505 " Oh ! where is the sea ? " the fishes cried,

360, 462 On a lone moor all wild and bleak, 301, 372,


Out of space, out of time, 69, 158, 344 Penes Reges est inferre bellum, penes autem

Deum terminare, 70, 192 Poe, the most incorrigible blackguard of

genius, 230, 339 Poets and princes own a common P, 30

Quotations :

Pourquoi cette trombe enflamme'e, 4

Qui ante diem periit, 100

Quinque sumus fratres, uno de stipite nati,

510 Sad, happy race, soon raised and soon

depressed, 90, 139

St. Peter's finger at the churchyard side, 449 Science is measurement, 360 See the silent smithy where, 129 Self is a subject on which all can be eloquent,

but few entertaining, 478, 520 Stupor mundi clems Anglicanus, 169 The blackest Ink of Fate, sure, was my Lot, 36 The dog that don't know how to bite, 419 The little speedwell's darling blue, 318 The lofty peaks of the Andes pierced the

skies like perforated zinc, 130 The multitude is more taken with appearance

than reality, 108

The Picture plac'd the busts between, 379 The secret consciousness of duty well per- formed, 274 The star that shines so pure and bright, 301

The triple pride Of Eildon, 360

There is so much bad hi the best of us, 480, 522 There rolls the deep where grew the tree, 148,

195 They say there's iron in beer, and I believe it,

450 This very morn I've felt the sweet surprise, 69,

158 To Banbury came I, O profane one, 360, 393,


Uncouth forms in disarray, 415 We rule the world, we letters 5, 249 What though some boast through agea dark,

479, 520

When the golden sun is sinking, 148 Yet if his Majesty, our sovereign lord, 419,

462, 492

Ranton Abbey, engraving of a shooting party at,

385 Rathbone (Hannah M.), her ' Diary of Lady

Willoughby,' 524

" Battled "= flurried, origin of the word, 446, 487 Records of the Ecclesiastical Commission for the

North of England, 416 Red Dragon of Wales at 10 Downing Street, 1917,

274, 314

" Red wigs," meaning of the term, 1734, 332 ' Regal Rambler,' 1793, its author, 57 Regiments : 36th Regiment of Foot, its stations,

1757-60, 272, 368 ; 74th Regiment of Foot, its

stations, 1760-66, 331, 399, 427 ; " Men of

Kent" and " Invicta " badge, 477 ; Northum- berland Fusiliers, their badges, 509 Reid (Capt. Mayne), quotation from, on the

Andes, 130 Rembolt (Berthold) and a copy of Gratian'a

4 Decretum,' 416, 487 ' Reminiscences of a Scottish Gentleman,' by

" Philo Scotus," 1861, 30, 118 Reynolds (J. Hamilton), poet, his descendants,

360, 425 Rhoscomyl (Owen), pseudonym of Owen Vaughan,

author of The Shrouded Face,' 402 Ribright (Thomas), optician, d. 1781, 447, 489 Riccio (David), date of his muruer, 1566. 442