Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/544

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.

Kichsrdson (Samuel) and Fielding, thojr work

read on the Continent, 7 Biddell (Charlotte Eliza Lawson, Mrs. J. H.)

novelist, her death, 404 Riddle : What though some boast through age

dark, 479, 520

Eitnes : Fill me full and drink about, 66 ; Inne

Temple, rich, 57; Little Jack Horner, th

original, 524 ; St. Thomas's Day, 9, 96, 17E

254 ; Well-a-day, well-a-day, 96

Bing, a ring of roses, origin of the game. 129, 256

426, 456 Boberts (Rev. B.) of Stewkley, Bucks, 1830-59

387 Bobinson (Dr. Edward), author c. 1841, his>

portrait, 230, 314 Bobinson (Luke), member of the Long Parliament

his death, 29P, 366 ' Bobinson Crusoe,' Cassell's illustrated edition

110, 194, 308 Bocca (Louis Alphonse), son of Madame de Stael

b. 1812, 311

Boche (Capt. Joseph), B.N., his journey from Liverpool to Worcester, c. 1771. 21, 63, 89, 106 133, 178, 215, 252, 457

Bocbester, Watte 's Charity to wayfarers, 127, 286 Bolls : Court Bolls of Whippingham, Isle of Wight,

385 Bolls of Lords Lieutenant, list of, from 1553, 385,

455, 485, 520 Bomney (George), artist, c. 1780, prices for his

pictures, 503

' Bosalie " = bayonet, so called in France, 39 Boss (Commander Edward). See Softs. Bossetti (Christina), her ' Song,' " When I am

dead," 149, 192, 214

Boyal arms, metrical description, 57, 94; sug- gested change in, 435 Bundle. See Charles (Elizabeth). Bunt"=small pig, use of the word, 1841, 167, .uoo

Bushbrooke Hall, legend connected with, 301,

4:iiO, 462

Bussell (William Clark), his books for boys, c. 1866,

oT Byckwaerts (C.), his Histoire des Troubles et

Guerre Civile de Flandres,' 1584, 448, 489 Bysley family, arms, 31

Sailors of the United States in London, 502

St. Barbara, V.M., her life and martyrdom, 41,

136, 158, 160, 175, 211, 279, 341, 394 Sfc - Botolph, churches at city gates dedicated to,

oUj yo

" St. Bunyan's Day," St. Swithin's so called, 17 St. Burchard, Bishop of Wiirzburg, 742-751, 127,

  • w !-.*, OUO

St. Cassian and St. Nicholas, their feast days, 473 St. Denis, Napoleon's librarian, his handwriting,


St. Kilda and influenza colds, 55, 118 St. Leonard, pre-Conquest dedications, 476 St. Martin's Lane, site of the " Fives Court."

c. 1803, 13

St. Mary's, Battersea, coffin-plates m, 474 St. Nicholas and St. Cassian, their feast days, 473 St. Patrick, English carvings of, 460 St. Paul's School, stewards of Feasts, 128, 220;

biography of some pupils, 148, 282, 398

  • St. Peter's finger," meaning of reference to, 449

St. Swithin's Day called " St. Bunyan's Day," 17 St. Thomas's Day, rimes on, 9, 96, 173, 254 St. Wilfrid, the arms of, 250, 310, 372, 432 Saints, uncanonized, some notes on, 141, 200 Salamander in flames, the meaning of, in heraldry,

108, 192, 214, 278 Salt and Bible, superstitions, 18 Salter (Bev. F.) of Hethe, Oxon, 1854-81, 387 Salute, military, of the Cromwellian army, 274 Sappho, a suggestion, 8, 120

Sargent (Winthrop), b. 1825, d. 1870, author, 386 Sarum Missal, printed by Morin, Bouen, 1514, 34 Satan as an angel of light, 75, 175 Saurin (Mark Antony) of St. Paul's School, 1823,

418, 491

Savages, the keen sight of, 16, 259 Scott (Col. Hon. John), killed fighting for

Charles I., 51, 312 ' Scott (Sir Walter) and his Literary Friends at

Abbotsford,' engraving, 477

Screens, Coromandel, meaning of the term, 383 Seabury (Bishop Samuel), his ancestors, 272 Seals, armorial : Arg., a fesse. . . .between three birds, mallards or swans, 49 ; Arg., a cross engrailed per pale gu. and sa., 478 Seize-quartiers, the right to, 13, 55 Serrano (E.), artist, his biography, 359 Service, greatest recorded length of, 258, 312 Service Boll of ' Notes and Queries,' 60 Seton. See Winton.

' Seven Eyes " of Christ in Welsh poetry, 462 74th Begiment of Foot, its stations, 1760-66, 331,

399, 427 Shafto (S.), cited in Kerr's ' George Selwyn and

the Wits,' 507

Shakespeare (W.) : a legend used by, 297 ; his schoolmasters. 492

Shakespeariana :

' Hamlet,' Act I. sc. i., " The bird of dawn- ing," 297

'Henry VIII.,' Act I. sc. ii., 441. Negro named Othello, 1685, 146 ' Pericles,' Act IV. sc. i., " Come, give me

your flowers," 382 Satan as an angel of light, 75, 175 ' Winter's Tale,' the origin of, 164 Sheffield (John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of), an

autograph letter of, 1793, 201 Sheldon (William), F.S.A., c. 1769, 35 Shelley (P. B.), his copy of Abb Barruel's work on

secret societies, 1798, 108, 196 Sheppard or Shepherd family of Blisworth,

Northamptonshire, 38 Sheriffs of Staffordshire, the arms of, 505 ihop devices and signboards, books on, 446, 517 Shorthouse (J. H.), key to 'John Inglesant '

wanted, 386 ihrapnel family, 248 ~>icily, women and umbrellas in, 414 ignboards and shop devices, books on, 446, 517 ilhouettes, process of production, 30, 114 "liver Street, Blooms bury, origin of the name, 507 imiles, English colloquial, 27, 50, 77, 116, 160,

170, 177, 188, 232, 274, 370

isson (J. Lawson), petition to Chancery con- cerning, 1833, 299

Sister "=hospital nurse, used 1731, .89 kinner (Mose), American humorous writer, 277 krymsher (Edwin), M.P. Stafford, 1681, 90, 156 lang, Australian, specimens of, 296, 400, 521 Small Books on Great Subjects," series pub- lished c. 1841, 169, 278, 339