Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/547

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



" Water Plane,' a poem, c. 1914, author wanted,


Watson (Daniel), M.P. Lichfleld, 1660, 90, 156 Watts (Richard), c. 1579, his Charity in the city

of Rochester, 127, 286 Waugh (Edwin), illustrations of his works, 9

Weatherhead ( ), his picture ' Suspense,' 70

Webster (J.), "The White Devil,' emendatiou,441 Weddings, the custom of giving gloves at, 210,

283, 367

  • Weekly History,' periodical, 1741, 87

Weenix (Jan), artist, c. 1697, 506

" Weep Irish," use of the phrase, 13

Welch and Vaughn families, 418, 457

West, De Morgan, Bannerman, and Turing

families, 358, 455 Westcott (Philip), e. 1849, portrait painter, his

pictures, 385 Westminster Abbey, removal of memorials in,

451 Westwood (Thomas) on Charles Lamb and

Stackhouse's * History of the Bible,' 269, 368 Wheble (John), publisher, his ' Lady's Magazine."

359, 453

" Whelping," 1673, meaning of the word, 34 Whippingham, Isle of Wight, Court Rolls of, 385 White (John), Oxon, name on engraved coin, 301 White Hart silver, fine imposed by Henry III.,

30,97 Whiteneld (Rev. George) and ' The Weekly

History,' 1741, 87 " Whites " =surplices, use of the word, c. 1600,

447, 490

Whiting (James), founder of ' The Atlas ' news- paper, d. 1871, 359

  • Whittington Gazette,' 1849, 447

Wild (Jonathan), Fielding and, 38, 74, 237 Wilkinson family of Thorpe, 358 Will written in rime, 1815, 185, 251, 308 William of Orange, inscription to. 29, 78 Williams (Roger), 1604(?)-83, his portrait, 230,

314 Winchester College, the chaplains of Fromond's

Chantry, 150 ; the arms of John, Lord Dinharn,

at, 496 " Wmesour," a plum, English equivalent of the

name, 510

Winton (Philip), b. c. 1750, in Hereford, 57, 177 " Wipers," pronunciation of Ypres, 54, 118 Witchcraft in Huntingdonshire, bibliographical

note, 177, 284

Wogan family of Pembrokeshire, 415 Wolfe (Major-General James), relics relating to, 1757-60, 8 ; mezzotint portrait drawn 011 the field, 169

Women and umbrellas in Sicily, 414 Women ordained to the priesthood, 449 Wood, old family portraits carved in, 51 Wood carving in alto-relievo, figures and in- scription, c. 1800, 230

Woodcroft Manor, its history, erroneous refer- ence, 250 Wood-sorrel, quotations in prose and verse, 360,


Woodward family of Bocks Place, Ross, Here- fordshire, 332 i Worboise (Emma Jane), d. 1887, her biography,

404 Worcester, journey to, from Liverpool, c. 1771,

21, 63, 89, 106, 133, 178, 215, 252, 457 Wright (Rev. C. Howard) of Keston, Kent,

d. 1912, 387 Wroth family, 510

Wyatt (Sir Thomas), married 1520, his family, 121 Wynne (W. Watkin E.) of Peniarth, Merioneth- shire, d. 1880, his library, 230, 283, 309, 388

Yates family at Westminster School, 507 Yeoman of the Mouth, 1549, duties of, 508 Yonge (Rev. W. Johnson), writer of letters from

H.M.S. Bacchante, c. 1812, 328, 363, 450, 483 York (Frederick, Duke of), his natural sons, 90 York Litany, of modern use, 509 Yorkshire Clergy Lists, 415

Young (Sir George John), his Crimean medal, 332 Young (James), English Vice-Consul at Jerusalem,

his portrait, 230

Young Ladies' Companion, c, 1860, 476, 522 Ypres, pronounced " Wipers," 54, 118

Zionist movement, principles and objects of, 447'

617 Zoffany (Johann), his picture ' Porter and Hare,'

477 ' Zoriada ' (1786) and the wordbooks, 5, 24, 40,

47, 60, 65