Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/546

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.

"There has been dirty work at the cross-roads,"

use of the expression, 509 36th Regiment of Foot, its stations, 1757 to 1760,

272, 368 Thistles resulting from snow ploughed into the

land, 90, 179

Thomas (Lieut. -General J.). his marriage, 333 Thornton (Alfred), his 'Adventures of a Post

Captain,' 1817, 70, 172, 283, 371 Thrale Hall, Streatham, visited by Dr. Johnson,

231, 306

" Three arms " at Bolton, 482 Thun from Montbovon, Lord Byron's route,

1816, 301

Tide of the Thames, and the Tower, 332 Timbrell (Francis), author of ' The Divine Musick

Scholar's Guide,' c. 1715, 76, 112, 427 Tinsel pictures, publisher of, 18 Titles, ancient Irish, use of the prefix " The,"

fy J. 9 X *5 O

Toad at the heart, medical superstition, 360, 490 Toldervy (William) and ' Zoriada,' 1786, 5 24,

40, 47, 60, 65

Tonks, origin of the surname, 476 Topographical books for research work, 359 Toppe ( John) = Ann Cardell, c. 1600, 475 Toppe family, 70

" Touch " for money, early use of the phrase, 26 ' Touche (La) and Guinness Families, Memoirs of '

< 1870, 250

Touchet (Lydia), c. 1740, her identity, 187 " Touching " for the king's evil, 480' Tournament, Eglinton, 1839, prints and accounts

of, 211, 285, 367

Tournaments at Berwick-on -Tweed, 1599, 506 Tower of London moved by the tide, 332 Towne (Dr.), schoolmaster at Deptford, 1802, 149 Traders, Phoenician, in Britain, 210, 281 " Transom," meaning of the word, 413 Trapp (Joseph), his ' Pralectiones Poeticse ' a

translation, 1742, 387,483 " Traunser," meaning of the word, 413 Travel in Europe in the 17th century, 242 Travellers, English, in the Netherlands, their

books, 333, 364, 399, 456

Travellers in Syria, their journals, c. 1750, 331 Travels in Spain, book on, published c. 1830, 333

Traversin," meaning of the word, 413 Treacle Bibles, particulars of, 446 Treby ;(George) senior, M.P. Dartmouth, 1722-7,

Treby (George), M.P. Plympton, 1708-27, 69 Trelawny (Sir William), 6th Bart., d. 1772 his

biography, 37, 113 Trenchfield (Thomas), steward of St. Paul's

School Feast, 1712, 128

Trinity, the Blessed, representations of, 168, 231,

Ov 4

Tristan da Cunha and cold germs, 55, 118 Tl 478 P 520 dmiral Van ^' hlS English descendants, Tucker and Peter families, 504 Turberville (George), Winchester scholar and

poet, 1554, 37, 110 Turing, Bannerman, West, and De Morgan

families, 358, 455

Turkey, Henry VIII.'s envoy to, 66 Turkey-red dye, introduction of, into England,

Turner (Richard) of Erith, his pedigree, 210 lyndall (John), pedigree of his family, 387


Umbrellas not used by women in Sicily, 414 " Unberufen," word to take its place, 417, 458 United States of America, capital city of, !70,

338, 428

Universities, Scotch, undergraduate's gown, 59 Urswick (Christopher), " Abbot of Abingdon,"

c. 1500, 54 Uvedale (Dr. Robert), scholar and bonanist,

1642-1722, 33 Uvedale, Cary, and Price families, 91, 180, 371,


Vailing the hat," meaning of the phrase, 25, 98

Vale ( ). marine artist, c. 1798, 475

Vane (Frances, Viscountess), b. 1711, d. c. 1788,

her biography, 167 Vaughn and Welch families, 418, 457 Vauxhall Gardens, antithesis to, at Denbies, 412 Veal and lamb, composition for, 1624, 508 Vega (Lope de), translation of his ' Pastores de

Belen,' 274, 397 Velasquez (Diego), 1599-1660, his portraik^of

Cardinal Galli, 30

Venetian account of England, 1497, 50, 135 Verdigris, the formation of, 33 Verdun Barony, English, the creation of, 274,

341, 492 Vickers (John) of Fulham, d. c. 1672, his parentage,

189 Victoria (Queen), her statue in the Medical

Examination Hall, Strand, 15 Victoria Cross, the bibliography of, 49, 97, 219 Victorian age, chivalry in, 382 Village pounds, their construction, 340 Villiers (Barbara), Duchess of Cleveland, 1640-

1709, her portrait, 448, 484 Villiers (Frederick [Meynell]), M.P. for Saltash,

1831, 299, 366


Wagers, a pigeon eaten every day for, 75 Wagner and Hemans families, 128 Wake (Edward), Westminster scholar, 1774, Si Wake (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1812, 333 Waldegrave (Frances Elizabeth Anne, Countess

of), her fourth marriage, 1863, 90 Wales, Red Dragon of, over Prime Minister's

residence, 1917, 274, 314

Wall (Moses), author, c. 1652, his portrait, 230 Wall Street, New York, origin of the name, 30,


Wallis (Albany), solicitor to David Garrick, 149 Wallis (Lieut.-Col. Lewis [Bayly]), his death,

1848, 28, 74, 155

Wall-rue, folk-lore of, 272, 395, 491 " Walls, Hereford," name on an engraved coin,


Walter or Walters family of Pembrokeshire, 331 War, ' Notes and Queries ' Service Roll, 60 War scenes, engravings of, 505 Warden pies, receipt for making, 273, 402, 454,


" Ward-room " of a ship, origin of the term, 250 Warfare, the employment of wild beasts in, 38 Wasp-stings, precautions against, 30 " Watch houses," date when first built, 233, 318 Waterloo Roll of Honour suggested, 442 Water-colour drawings, various, the whereabout*

of, 476