Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.

Higgins (H. V.) on evening dress, 479

Higham (Charles) on. London societies for religious

purposes in 1821, 71

Hight (G. Ainslie) on reference wanted, 189 Hildyard (Cecil G.) on riddle by Charles Fox, 1856,


Hill (N. W.) on Americanisms, 313. Capital city of the U.S.A., 338. Cumberland (William), 55. " Drifter," 414. Employment of wild beasts in warfare, 38. Jacob or James, 285. " Loafner": meaning and derivation, 520. " Old British dollar," 14. " Winesour," a plum, 510 Hippoclides on Jill, Gillian, 49 Hipwell (Daniel) on Bichard Lambert Jones, 178 Hirst (M. E.) on pronunciation of " ea," 313 Hirst (W. A.) on artist's signature : Thackeray and 'Punch,' 16. Authors of quotations wanted, 522. English colloquial similes, 277. Laud (Archbishop): bibliography, 298. Old inns, 257. Peerages : their sale, 479. Phoenician traders in Britain, 210. Trapp's (Joseph) ' Prselectiones PoeticJB,' 387. Watts's Charity, Rochester, 286 Hobbs (J. H.) on naming of locomotives, 23 Hodson (Leonard J.) on bibliography of the Vic- toria Cross, 97. " Buller's thumb." 424 Hogben (John) on George Harvey, 333 Hogg (Percy F.), Lieut. B.G.A., on ' Mayor of Quinborough,' 170. Boss (Capt.) and the Gluck- stad, 195

Hogg (B. M.) on Eglinton Tournament, 1839, 211 . Notables born in 1809, 217. Smith (Alexander) on Poe, 230

Holwojthy (B.) on Court Bolls of Whippingham, Isle of Wight, 385. Scott (Col. Hon. John), temp. Charles I., 312 Homer (Frederick A.) on tournaments at Berwick-

on-Tweed, 506

Hooper (James) on Arbor tristis, 386. Folk-lore : the angelica, 51 . William of Orange inscription , 29

Horton (C.) on George Cruikshank, 130 Hoste (G. H.) on Charles Lamb on " All round the Wrekin," 455. Letters from H.M.S. Bacchante in 1812-13, 363 Howard (Henry A.) on Bloomsbury street-names,


Hudson (H. K.) on tally sticks, 300 Hudson (Sir Bobert) on Jos. Girdlestone, 490 Hughes (T. Cann), M.A., F.S.A., on pictures : where exhibited, 153. Westcott (Philir^, portrait painter, 385

Hulme (H.) on Aleston, Middlesex : John Toppe =Ann Cardell, 475. Ferrebee (Bev. Michael), 179

Humphreys (A. L.) on Argostoli, 233. Balleny Island, 254. Bowtell : Beauclerk, 219. Bristol Channel frozen over, 302. Bull- fighting in Spain and Portugal, 170. Early Nonconformity in Devon and Cornwall, 337. King's Gentlemen Volunteers in the Boyal Navy in 1692, 315. Legends on love tokens, 341. Mediaeval work on the making of enamel, 311. Mitford (Miss) and her works, 309. Perkins (Sir William) School, Chertsey, 130. Boute of Charles I. from Newcastle to Holmby, 361. Smith (Michael), D.D., 371. Temple Bar, 216. Watch houses, 233

Hunter-Blair (Sir D. O.), O.S.B., on arms of St. Wilfrid, 310. Butler's ' Analogy,' 258. Heraldic query, 215, 278. MacBains of Scotland, 365. Maw, a game of cards, 367. Millais : ' Christ in the Carpenter's Shop,' 307. Notables born in 1809, 216


I. (C. B.) on North American Indian, 9 Inquirer on Joseph Addison's descendants, 383 Irwin (Sir A. M. B.) on James Bulteel, 1752,

445 Isherwood (Percy) on Gorky's ' Storm Petrel,'


J. (E. T.) on authors of quotations wanted, 360 J. (G.), F.S.A., on Kirkpatrick of the Isle of

Wight, 299. National flags : the Greek flag, 73.

Sixteenth century maps, 250 J. (B. H.) on heraldic query : salamander, 108 J. (T.) on library of the late William Watkin

Edward Wynne of Peniarth, Merionethshire, 230 Jaggard (Lieut. W.) on ' Polydoron,' 443 Jensen (J. N. J.) on English travellers in the

Netherlands, 333 Jerningham (Charles E.) on ' Smith Street

Gazette ' : ' The Whittington Gazette,' 447 Jessel (F.) on " Losing loadum," a game, 402.

Maw, a game of cards, 426 Jones (E. Alfred) on Elizabeth Hopkins's third

husband, 147. ' Morris, Arnold, and Batters-

by,' 1782, 416. Two schoolmasters : Pickenige

and Towne, 149 Jones (Rev. T. Llechid) on " In commendam,"



K. (H.) on St. Cassian and St. Nicholas, 473

K. (J. A.) on medieval work on making of enamel, 169

K y (J.) on Isabella S. Stephenson, 70

K. (L. L.) on American dollar and eagle, 456. Blythe (Geoffrey) : English ambassador to Hungary, 1502, 229. Coal -balls, 89. English ' Garden of Health,' 508. English travellers in the Netherlands, 399. Envoy of Henry VIII. to Turkey, 66. Firebacks and stove ironwork : bibliography, 270. Foreign books of fortune, 144, 165, 184. Hyphenates, 10. Limumis and the blossoming gorse, 333. Onion v. magnet. 503. Magic squares in India, 424. Sub- marines, 397. Tartar's bow, 12. Timbrell (Francis), 76. Urswick (Christopher), 54

Kealy (Bev. F. G.) on alphabet in the Christian Church, 271. Arms of England with France ancient, 419. Bevis Marks, 198. Heraldic query, 214. King's Gentlemen Volunteers in the Royal Navy in 1692. 311. Lidge abbess and Corpus Christi, 507. Mittan (Mitan), engraver, 13. Portraits in stained glass, 218. Ross (Capt.) and the Gluckstad, 59. Tre- lawny (Sir William), 6th Bart., 37

Kemeys-Tynte (St. D. M.) on English Army List of 1740, 132. Hassell (Buisshe), 454

Kent (W.) on Thrale Hall, Streatham, 231

Kidd (B.) on Cobbett, 301. John Phillip, A.B.A. : portraits by him, 272

King (Dorothy) on Miss Mitford and her works, 110

King (W. L.) on William Hetherington, benefactor of the blind, 461

Knowles (John A.) on representations of the Blessed Trinity, 232