Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



Knowles (Sir Lees), Bt., on " Malbrook s'en va-t-cn guerre," 358. Portraits in .-tained glass, 96. St. Denis, Napoleon's librarian, 149

Krebs (H.) on Millais : ' Christ in the Carpenter's Shop.' 307

Kunz (George F.) on William Jones, author of ' Finger-Ring Lore,' London, 1877, 358

L. (F. de H.) on Archdeacons of Cleveland, 344

L. (J. de C.) on St. Burchard, 219

L. (J. H.) on 74th Regiment of Foot, 399. 36th Regiment of Foot, 308

L.-W. (E.) on crest, 491

Laffan (Major J. de C.) on Col. Hon. John Scott, temp. Charles I., 51

Lancashire Officer on the " three arms " at Bolton, 482

Lancastrian on Dodson, Dodgson, or Dobson family. 509

Lane (Albert L.) on metal-tipped staff, 301

Lane (John) on " Mrs. May Drummond " : portrait, 358. European artists in India, 415. Melvill (Sir Andrew). 1624-1706, 507

Langworthy (F.) on author wanted, 432

Laurence (Miss Edith Valpy) on ' Conquest of Canterbury Court,' by Roger Quartermain, 366. Giffards of Tiverton, Devon, 508

Lavington (Margaret) on co-operative system in fiction, 281

Law (Ernest) on authors of quotations wanted, 492. Hampton Court inscription, 426

Lawson (Malcolm) on music to song of Christina Rossetti, 214

Le Couteur (John D.) on laying a ghost, 504. Representations of the Blessed Trinity, 168. St. Barbara, V.M., 280. Stained glass : its importation forbidden, 446

Lee (A. Collingwood) on " Boniface," an innkeeper, 461. Folk-tale : the king and the falcon, 77. Newton (Sir Isaac) : Capt. Newton, 71

Lega-Weekes (E.) on bishops elect : domiciliary custom, 70. Gratian's ' Decretum ' : Berthold Rembolt, 416, 487. Lights called " frater- nalia," 444

Leggatt (E. E.) on Mrs Ord, 418

Leslie (Major J. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 419. Bibliography of the Victoria Cross, 97. Champagne's (Ma jor-General) Regi- ment. 308. Crimean war medal, 332. English Army List of 1740, 46, 103, 217, 267, 254, 408,438. Gunners' handbooks, 90. 'Military Quarterly Review,' 169. Naming of loco- motives, 173. Plymouth Brethren, 231. 74th Regiment of Foot, 427

Letts (Lieut. Malcolm) on contributions to the history of European travel, 242. Early guide - books to Naples and the vicinity, 85. English travellers in the Netherlands, 364. Tartars bow, 12. Thrale Hall, Streatham, 306. Venetian account of England, 135

Lewis (Penry), C.M.G.. on Americanisms, 115. Buss = aeroplane, 462. Champagne's (Major- General) Regiment, 308, 396. From Liverpool to Worcester a century ago, 21, 63, 89, 106, 178, 457. Jewsbury (Maria Jane), 271. " Politi- canting " : " Politicanter," 444. Portsmouth Dockyard in 1756, 221, 406. Titles " Baton " and " Lord," 187. Verdun barony, 492 Livingston (Mrs. L. S.) on lost poem by Kipling, 173

Lock (Rev. Campbell) on discoveries in coins, 449"

Lucas (J. Landfear) on Col. William Byrd, 274. Capital city of the U.S.A., 170. First steamer to America, 189. Indian mounds, U.S.A., 90- JewesB and her hair, 446. Stallions at funerals,- 505. Tower of London moved by the tide, 332. Wall Street, New York, 30

Lucis on authors wanted, 148. " Blood is thicker than water " : Commodore Tattnall, 356. ' John Inglesant ' : key wanted, 386. " Paci- ficist " : " pacifist," 479. Reference wanted^ 274. Tennyson and Grindrod, 149

Lumb (G. D.) on Grace Darling, 235

Lumpkin (Tony) on "And the child's name's' Anthony," 478

Lupton (E. Basil) on " Benedict," the Delia Cruscan, 229


M. on " Buller's thumb," 425. Early Noncon- formity in Devon and Cornwall, 338

M. (A.) on " Nosey Parker," 170. ' Tales of my Landlord,' new series, 300

M. (C.) on McBride, 518

M. (C. H. S.) on Mews and Mewys family, 454

M. (D.) on dream folk-lore, 8

M. (F. M.) on riddle by Charles Fox, 520

M. (H. A. St. J.) on author wanted, 169. Mews, Mildmay, and Honywood families^igS

M. (J.) on military salute in Cromwell's army, 274

M. (M.) on Keats queries, 273

M. (M. M.) on James I. and Sir Henry Mildmay's marriage, 255

M. (P. ) on English colloquial similes, 276

M. (P. D.) on Bowtell : Beauclerk, 110. Maund! (Clinton) of Merton College, 149

M. (P. W. G.) on warden pies, 454

M.A.Oxon. on English colloquial similes, 233. Portraits in stained glass, 36. Sorron (Bishop- of), 109

M.D. (2) on arms on old seal, 478. Collections of animals or birds : carving terms, 446

Me. on Dutch in the Thames, 472. Port of London and the States, 502

MacS. (J.) on cock : carving of a legend, 168

MacArthur (William) on remarkable longevity, 107

McDonnell (Michael F. J.) on Col. Duncombe, 358. Foreign graves of British authors, 176. St. Paul's School : Edward Nelthorpe and Thomas Trenchfield, 128, 148. Saurin (Mark Antony),. 418 Uvedale, Cary, and Price .families, 371

McGovern (Rev. J. B.) on ancient Irish titles, 91.- Bibliography of the Victoria Cross, 219. Diary of Thomas Earl, 413. Gray (Thomas), P9. New Testament MS. of the fifteenth century, 507

Maclnerny (M. H.), O.P., on Dominican Order, 172

MacSweeney (Joseph J.) on a legend used by

Shakespeare^ 297. ' Ring, a Ring of Roses ' :

English traditional rimes, 426. Shelley's copy

1 of Abbe BarVuel's work on secret societies, 1P6

Madeley (Charles) on Derby Ram, 154. Vaughn and Welch as surnames, 457

Magrath (Dr. John R.) on artists in stained glass,. 396. Banbury, 393. Clitheroe proverbial for bribery, 417. " Cutting off the hair as a preserva- tive against headache, 250. Greystoke pedi- gree, 424. King's [Gentlemen Volunteers in the Royal Navy in 1692, 229. Letters from H.M.S. Bacchante, 484. New milk as a cure for swollen legs, 273. Rolls of Lords Lieu- tenant, 485