Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.

Makeham (J.) on Cassell's illustrated ' Robinson Crusoe,' 194. Dickens and Henry VIII., 53. North American Indian, 74. " Tattering a kip," 170

Malet (Col. Harold) on Fieldingiana, 370. Medi- aeval work on the making of enamel, 312. Mittan (Mitan), engraver, 13 Manwaring (G. E.) on naval relic of Charles I.. ,77.

Venetian account of England, 135 Marston (R. B.) on fishing-rod in the Bible or

Talmud, 55. " The call of ," 69

Marten (A. E.) on Marten family, 274. Marten

and Martin families of Sussex, 446 Martin (Stapleton) on Dr. Bateson on Colenso,

484. Carlyle and Newman, 211 Master of Arts on Mews or Mewys family, 236 Matthews (Albert) on Col. William Byrd, 367. Gray (Thomas), 237. Hyphenates, 217. Lost poem by Kipling, 34., Officers' " batmen," 195. Skinner (Mose), 277. Wall Street, New York, 259. Witchcraft : the case of Mrs. Hicks, 177

Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on buttons, 445, 518. Copley (Sir Joseph and Lady), 487. Gray's books and MSS., 363. Riccio's murder, 442. 74th Regiment of Foot, 399

Maycock (Sir Willoughby) on artist's signature : Thackeray and ' Punch,' 16. Authors wanted, 139. Bevis Marks, 198. Charles Edward Stuart (Prince) in Paris, 444. Curious tavern sign, 159. Derby Ram, 154. Foreign graves of British authors, 277. Gilbert and Sullivan : Gilbert memorial, 235. Gorvin Hunt, 299. " Gwynne (Talbot)," 364. Pigeon -e ating wagers, 75. Riming will, 251. " Self " : a dictum, 478. Thrale Hall, Streatham, 306 Meade (C. J.) on Browning : motto from Hanmer,


Mee (Arthur) on Bristol Channel frozen over, 189. Headstones with portraits of the deceased, 14. " Judy," 229

Melladew (Miss B. N.) on J. Raphael Smith, 477 Menmuir (Charles), M.A., on bibliography of the Victoria Cross, 49. Greatest recorded length of service, 258. Sprotborough Church : quaint carving on pulpit, 443 Mentha ( Rev. F. H.) on Sheppard or Shepherd

family of Blisworth, Northamptonshire, 38 Mew (J. H. Lethbridge) on " Kadaver," 330 Middle Templar on English colloquial similes,


Milne (J. R.), D.Sc., on arresting a corpse, 444 Milner (J. D.) on Gambardella, Italian portrait- painter, 114

Milner-Gibson-Cullum (Gery), F.S.A., on Gam- bardella, Italian portrait-painter, 50. Phillip (John), R.A., 457. Portraits in stained glass, 95, 198

Milton on Roger Goad, 358

Minakata (Kumagusu) on cutting off the hair a,s

a preservative against headache, 484. Fire

putting out fire, 372. Sight of savages, 259

Mitchell (Charles) on engravings of war scenes, 505

Mitchell (Fred.) on signboards and shop devices,


Molony (Alfred) on English colloquial similes, 78 Moring (Alex.) on authors wanted, 108 Morley (Claude) on ' A Ring, a Ring of Roses, 256. Monks' Soham : parish history, 69. Woodcroft Manor, 250 Mullens (W. H.) on William Bullock, 149.

Hubert (Robert), alias Forges, gent., 479 Murray (John) on Americanisms, 35


tf. (L. C.) on Lope de Vega, 274

bewail (George) on title of play wanted, 459

Sicholson (Col. Edward) on barnacle folk-lore,

67. Foreign graves of British authors, 177.

Pronunciation of " dude," 298. Rimes on

St. Thomas's Day, 173. St. Barbara, V.M., 158 Xbrcross (John E.) on American dollar and eagle,

405. Capital city of the U.S.A., 428 STorman (Philip) on " Jobey " of Eton, 59.

Ribright (Thomas), optician, 489 Norris (Herbert E.) on Roger Handasvde, M.P.,

113 Northup (Clark S.) on Gray's books and MSS.. 291,

326 Novice on parish registers : their decipherment,



O. (D.) on Hans-Town or Cadogan-Land, 236 O. (H.) on Eglinton Tournament, 1839, 367.

Mews or Mewys family : Honywood, 53.

Thackeray and the original ' Song of Hate,' 209.

Vega (Lope de), 397 O. (O. O.) on James I. and Sir Henry Mildmay's

marriage, 107

O. (R. T.) on Rev. Thomas Orfeur, 128 Old Askean on Robert Aske, 383 Old East Anglian on Mews or Mewys family :

Honywood, 52, 113 Oliver (V. L.) on coffin-plates in St. Mary's,

Battersea, 474. English Army List of 1740,72 Osier (Sir William) on Kennedy's proposed

Medical Bibliography (British) to 1800, 416.

Picture by Maguire, 299 Oswald (Harold) on Paddington Pollaky, 509 Oughtred (A. E.) on English colloquial similes, 77.

Oughtred (William), 128. Ploughing snow

into the land, 90. St. Barbara, V.M., 137 Outis on Francis Baldwin, 1564, 90

P. (A. G.) on Carlton House, 300

P. (D. G.) on authors wanted, 281

P. (E. L.) on Germans as " Huns," 383. " Rattle," 446

P. (G. T.) on authors wanted, 38

P. (H. W.) on headstones with portraits of the deceased, 14

P. (J.) on arresting a corpse, 489. Authors of quotations wanted, 450

P. (L. C.) on Govaue, 315

P. (R.) on authors of quotations wanted, 480

P. (R. B.) on ancestors of Bishop Samuel Seabury, 272. Bloomsbury in 1840, 459. England, Germany, and the dye industry, 284. Hanway (Jonas) : umbrellas, 426. Invention of the achromatic lens, 334

Page (John T.) on authors of quotations wanted, 522. Churchill's grave, 238. Constable family, 15. English Army List of 1740, 306. English ^colloquial similes, 233. Pronunciation of " ea," 219. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 125, 380, 468. Wood-sorrel, 430

Palmer (G. H.) on old wood carving : inscription, 230