Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/345

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



'Bigamy and divorce, attitude of Mr. Justice

Maule, 64, 129 Billheads and cards of tradesmen, particulars

wanted, 317 'Billingsley (John), letter to Richard Edwards,

1673, 34 ; note on, 34 Bird-names, two obsolete, 125 Birds in captivity poisoned by others, 210, 273 "Bird-scarers' songs, 98, 160, 246 'Birth, place-name, its reference, 238, 279 'Bishops of Church of England in America, list

wanted, 264 'Bishops, three in fifteenth century, 107, 161,

273 'Blackman family of Sussex, information wanted,

181 'Blacksmith, the Village,' original shop, 211,

248, 299 Blackwell Hall Factor, explanation of term,

266, 306

"Blades family of < 'overdale and Wensleydale, 40 Blake (Robert), scholar at Westminster School,


Blackstone the Regicide, particulars wanted. 291 "*' Blankett " obsolete bird-name, 125 Blue eye and Ancient Order of Foresters, 22 Blupcoat Schools, list of, 126, 158, 159, 218, 302,

332 " Blues. The Derby," 1745, volunteer corps,


Boase (Rev. Charles William), 88, 95 Boase (Frederic), biographer, 88, 95, 161 Boase (George Clement), biographer, 88, 95,


" Boche," its etymology, 182 Bolton, co. Lanes., memorial cross there, 312 Bonaparte (Lucien), his captivity at Ludlow,

236, 300

Bond family, bell-founders, 45

  • Bonfire night,' doggerel lines, 318

" Bontefeu," meaning of word, 66, 108

iSooks recently published:

Ashdown (Charles Henry), F.R.G.S., History

of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers of

of the City of London, 251 Boswell's (James) Life of Samuel Johnson,

selections from, chosen, &c., by R. W.

Chapman, 196 Bradley's (Henry) Oxford English Dictionary :

Stratus Styx, 334 Bradley (Henry), Spoken and written English,

307 Brougham's (Eleanor M.), Corn from Olde

Fieldes : an Anthology of English Poems

from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth

Century, 167 Cambridge, A Concise Guide to the Town and

University of, by J. Willis Clark, 6th edn.,

307 Chapman (R. W.), editor. Selections from

Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson, 196 Child, The Natural History of the, by Dr.

Courtenay Dunn, 280 Clark (John Willis), M.A., A Concise Guide to

the Town and University of Cambridge,

6th edn., 307 Corn from Olde Fieldes : an Anthology of

English Poems from the Fourteenth to the

Seventeenth Century, by Eleanor M,.

Brougham, 167

Books recently published :

Crisp (Frederick H.) (editor), Visitation of England and Wales, XIX., 139 ; Visitation of Ireland, VI., 139

Dames (M- Longworth), translator, &c., Book of Duarte Barbosa, 195

Duarte Barbosa, Book of, trans., &c., by M. Longworth Dames, 195

Dunn (Dr. Courtenay), The Natural History of the Child, 280

Fielding (Henry), The Tragedy of Tragedies or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, 54

Foundling, " The Child She Bare," 280

Genealogist (The), New Series, Vol. XXXIV., 84

Glaziers of the City of London, History of the Worshipful Company, by C. H. Ashdown, F.R.G.S., 250

Hayden (Arthur), Chats on Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, 84

Hillhouse (James T.), editor. The Tragedy of Tragedies, by Henry Fielding, 54

Indexes of Irish Wills, Vol. IV., Dromore, Newry and Mourne ; ed. by Gertrude Thrift, 110

L'Interme'diaire des chercheurs et curieux, 335

Jebb (Sir Richard C.), Milton : Areopagitica, 251

Johnson, The Story of Doctor : an Introduc- tion to Boswell's Life, by S. C. Roberts, 167

Journal of the Folk-Song Society, No. 21 (Vol. VI., Pt. 1), 139

I^atin Epigraphy : an Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions, by Sir J. E. Sandys, 280

Leslie (Lt.-Col. John H.), R.A. (retired list) and Smith (Lt.-Col. D.), R.A., A Biblio- graphy of Works by Officers, Non-Com- missioned Officers and Men who have ever served in the Royal Bengal, Madras or Bombay Artillery i Parts VI. and VII., Gascoigne Jacob, 27

Markham (Sir Clements R.), trans, and ed., War of Chupas, 195

Milton : Areopagitica : with a Commentary by Sir Richard C. Jebb, 251

Onions's (C. T.), Oxford English Dictionary : Sweep Szmikite, 334

Oxford Almanack for the Year of our Lord God MDCCCCXIX., 84

Oxford English Dictionary : Stratus Styx, by H. Bradley, 334 ; Sweep Szmikite, by C. T. Onions, 334

Quiller-Couch (Sir Arthur), Shakespeare's Workmanship, 27

Roberts (S. C.), The Story of Doctor John- son : an Introduction to Boswell's Life, 167

Royds (Thomas Fletcher), The Beasts, Birds and Bees of Virgil : a Naturalist's Hand- book to the Georgics ; Virgil and Isaiah : a Study of the ' Pollio,' with Translations, Notes and Appendices, 111

Sandys (Sir J. E.), Latin Epigraphy : an Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscrip- tions, 280

Shakespeare's Workmanship, by Sir A. Quiller-Couch, 27

Smith (Lt.-Col. D.), R.A., see Leslie (Lt.-Col. John H.).