Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/346

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Books recently published:

Smith (David Nichol), Characters from the

Histories and Memoirs of the Seventeenth

Century, 83 Spoken and Written English, by Henry

Bradley, 307 Thrift (Gertrude) (editor) Indexes to Irish

Wills, Vol. IV., 110 Toynbie (Paget), D.Litt. : Supplement to the

Letters of Horace Walpole, 2 vols., 223 Tragedy of Tragedies ; or, The Life and

Death of Tom Thumb the Great, by Henry

Fielding. Ed. by James T. Hillhouse, 54 Visitation of England and Wales, Vol. XIX.,

ed. Frederick A. Crisp, 139 Visitation of Ireland, Vol. VI., ed. Frederick

A. Crisp, 139 Walpole (Horace), Supplement to the Letters

of, arranged by Paget Toynbee, D.Litt.,

2 vols., 223 War of Chupas ; trans, and edited by Sir

Clements R. Markham, 195

Booksellers' Catalogues, 28, 56, 111, 140, 168,

196, 224, 252, 307, 335 Borough Courts : " Jur de la vile," 39 Borrow (George), identification of his localities,

165: memoranda for a book on Cornwall, 237 ;

mention of Lieut. Parry, 95, 333 Boswell (James), an error in his Life of Johnson,

176 Boulogne, registers of English births, marriages

and deaths there, 181 ; statue to Jenner, 288 Boumphrey family of Manchester and Liverpool,

67, 138

Boutell's (Rev. Chas.) printing catalogue of paint- ing and sculpture, 173 Bow-Bridge, Old, and Pyrgo Park, 229 Bowshot, the longest, 180, 220, 278 Boyer family, particulars wanted, 294 Boyle (Capt. Robert), privateer, book of his

voyages, 294, 329 Boys born in May cruel to parents, Chinese belief,


Brady (Patrick), particulars of family wan ted, 291 Bran (George), Bishop of Dromore, 107, 161, 273 Brasses (monumental) at East Hatley, co. Cam- bridge, 260

Brassey, or Bracey, family, its history, 302 Bransford, Worcestershire, mills at, 149 Bredwardine incumbents and patrons, 200 Breslau churches, eighteenth century collection

for, 18 J

Brewing rimes, examples, 209 Briefs, church, books about, 294, 331 Bristol, name of hotel in Calcutta, 25 Bristol, particulars of Bell Tavern, Broad Street,

wanted, 295

Bristol wills, old, c. 1500, missing, 122 Brobury incumbents and patrons, 200 Bronte (Patrick Bran well), his poem, ' Juan

Fernandez,' 177

Brown (Alexander A.), memorial at Daventry, 146 Brown family of Brown's Bay, near Larne, 98 Brown (Joseph) of Sunderland, particulars of, 54 Brown (Thomas) (1663-1704), confused with Sir

Thomas Browne, 6, 110

Browne (Sir Thomas) see Brown (Thomas) " Buffaloes, Royal Antediluvian Order of,"

particulars of, 237,*,276

Bugden (Edmund), letter to Richard Edwards

118 Bullivant (Samuel), letter to Richard Edwards

33, 117

" Bully," in Coleridge, 69

Bulteel family, evidence of marriages wanted, 31i Bunnett (Henry), artist, information wanted, 66 Burial at sea, four gun salute for an officei

38, 106

Burial of heart, an example in Palestine, 134 Burials : see also Internments Burns (Robert), his song, ' The Poor Thresher,

66, 108 Burrell (William), centenarian, informatio]

wanted, 12

Burt (Albin R.), miniature painter, 167 " Burton (Richard)", pseudonym of Nathanie

Crouch, 75

Byron (John), author of 'Three Black Crows,' 16( Byron (George Gordon, 6th Lord), Apocrypha

writings, 113, 143; bust at Oxford, 122, 163

' Don Juan,' cantos 17 and 18, 179, 240; as t

character in fiction, 80 ; lines on a statue ii

Fleet Street, 40, 82, 107

Calais, Dessin's Hotel, its history, 20, 21, 51 ; Louis

XVIII. monument, 288

Calendar!, lake near Thusis, its position, 13, 51 Campbell (Sir Gilbert), title of his poems wanted


Cambrai mentioned in 1577, 26 Cambridge University, list of alumni, 66 " Camouflage," occurrence in American telegram,

42, 79 ; its origin, 108, 136 Cantrell family, particulars wanted, 291, 332 ; Irish

branch, information wanted, 68 Captor and his captive's arms, instance, 26, 133 Caractacus, works on his life, 237, 275 Carlyle (Thomas), his supposed work. ' Cobden :

a Bagman, with a Calico Millennium,' 291 ; on

studying astronomy, 150 Carew tournament, information wanted about

persons present, 152 Carrique (John), evidence of his marriage wanted,

316 Cartwright family, connected with Labrador and

Newfoundland, information wanted, 97 Cassell (Miss), her memorial at Kew, 146 Cat, lines on the Puritan hanging his, 232 Catalogue of painting and sculpture, punning, 173 " Cellarius," a dance, information wanted, 319 Chadwick (Samuel Taylor), statue at Bolton, 312 Challoner, Bishop, his father Richard Challonei


Challoner (Richard), 235

Chaloner family of Sussex, pedigree wanted, 235 Chapman family of Ormsley, details wanted, 40 Charles I. farthing found, 195 Charles I.'s journey from Oxford to Southwell,

182, 326

Charter, a Gloucester, of Henry I., 16, 72, 101 Cheshire, old custom of " Thwertnic " or " Thiert-

nie," 93

Chess, the Knight's tour, 92, 136, 326 Chesterfield Letters, publication of new, 154, 215 Cheveley (John), marine painter, particulars

wanted, 68

Chinese anticipation of submarines, 131 Christian fathers, English translations of, 295, 330