Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/347

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Notes and tQueries,' Jan. , 1920.



Early occurrence of double, 289

Hervey, 95, 167, 189, 246, 306

Ismenia, 25

Ladysmith Shamrock, 206

Louisa spelt Leweezer, 237, 276

Lueazer, 276

Richenda, 237, 324 ' .

Sol, a woman's name, 21

Thistle Dijon, 206

Christmas carol, " To-morrow shall be my dancing

day," origin wanted, 320 'Christmas lines spoken by Sheffield children,

'46, 82 Church bells, Hampshire, their founders, 44,

109, 304

Church briefs, looks about, 294, 331 Church of England bishops in America, list

wanted, 264 Church of England marriage service, Sir W. Scott's

satire on, 208, 242, 278 Church plate, crest on, 50 Churches used for the election of municipal officers,

127, 162 Cistercian order in England, bibliography wanted,


Clap^un as street name, information wanted, 317 Clarke (Mary), of New York, particulars of, 236,

278 " Clarte" est la bonne foi des philosophes," 39,

105, 135

Classical parallelisms to the war, 57, 189 Clay balls as Christmas collecting boxes, 39, 79, Clements family, information wanted, 126 Clenock (Rev. Dr.), Rector of English Catholic

College, Rome, 124, 161 Clerke (Edmund), clerk of the Privy Seal, his

history, 12, 83

Clifton family of Clifton, Notts, 98 Clitheroe marriage registers, duplicate entries in,


Clock- and watch-makers, 153, 237, 241, 305 -Clover (Joseph), of Norwich, and his son, particu- lars wanted, 11

  • Cobden : a Bagman, with a Calico Millennium,'

particulars wanted, 291 Cock as French national emblem, 94, 131 Cockle (James), patentee of the anti-bilious pills,

particulars of, 154, 190 Cogan (Eliezer), Walthamstow schoolmaster, his

history, 286

^Coins :

Ancient British, collected, 121 Ancient Irish gold, 301 Farthing of Charles I., 195 Sestertius of Vespasian, 301

Colby (Sir Thomas), his kinsmen, 180 Coleridge (S. T.) on ' Bully,' 69 ; immortality, 39 Collecting boxes, Christmas, clay balls as, 39, 79 Collingwood (Alexander), information wanted of

his wife's parentage, 320 Collins (Mr. and Mrs. G. D.), memorial at Wisbech,

146 Colville (John, 7th Lord), precise date of death

wanted, 293

Concannon family, details wanted, 265

  • ' Conduitt, the beautiful Mrs.", information

wanted, 321

" Congewoi," meaning of term wanted, 264 Considine (Capt. Wm.), 69th regiment, memorial

at Chester, 261 Constant Reformation, flagship, 1651, its chaplain,

Constellations, knowledge of, Carlyle on, 150

Convex and conic lights, c. 1700, 125

Cook (Captain), discoverer, his statue in Sydney,

Cooke (Charles), bookseller, his history, 210 Cooper (Samuel), painter, an ancestor of Whist- ler (?), 70 Coorg State : strange tale of Princess Gouramma,

264, 296 Cope (William), died 1715, place of education

wanted, 294

Cornish biographers and bibliographers, 88 Cornwall, Sorrow's notes for his proposed book

on, 237

Corpse visited by the released soul, 205 Correspondents, notices to, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140,

168, 196, 224, 252, 280, 308, 336 Cotesmore (Thomas), priest, sixteenth century,

particulars wanted, 292, 334 Coulson (Col. W. L. Blenkinsopp), memorial to,

at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 145 Countless Stones, Ay lesford, bibliography wanted,


Court of St. James, first use of term in diplomacy,

265, 324

Courtney (Wm. Prideaux), biographer, 88 Cowap surname, its etymology, 206, 247, 272 Cowper (W.), his ' Sephus,' 258 Cragg family, arms of, 130

Craggs family related to Nicholson family, 21, 130 Cramahe" (Hector Theophilus), supposed husband

of Margaret Hamilton, 289, 327 Creighton (Bishop) on history, 66 " Crest," measure for crest-cloth, 69 Crest on church plate, 50 Crest-cloth, measurement of, 69 ' Critical Review,' Southey's contributions to, 187 Cromwell (Oliver), ensign, 1727, his history, 292,

331 Cromwell (Mrs. Susan), last of Oliver Cromwell's

descendants, 232, 277 Crosier, when carried by the Pope, 24 Cross (James Kynaston), M.P., bust at Bolton,


Cross, the sign of the, its use, 236 Crouch (Nathaniel), his pseudonym ' Richard

Burton,' 95

Crow- fig, old name for nux vomica, 14 Crown of Edward the Confessor represented in a

tapestry, 232

Crucifix, lines under a, origin, 19, 135 Crusade (Third), list of recruits to, 236 Crusaders with Bishops Peter de Rupibus and

William Briwer, list wanted, 293

Daggle Mop, places where term used wanted, 293 Dale (John), successor to John Durston, 276 Dalley (Rt. Hon. William Bede), P.C., his statue

in Sydney, 177 Dance, " Cellarius," c. 1847, information wanted,

319 Dance tunes, old, in Salisbury Cathedral library,


Dante, article of Gladstone on, 122 Danvers family, information wanted, 320