Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/351

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l*ot8 nd Queries, Jan., 1920.



Ichwe, " Sons of Ichwe," meaning, 48 " Jf |

Icke family, origin of name, 24

Iconography of London Peace Celebrations, 175,

213, 315

Iconography of Temple Bar, 253 Ide (Wm.), of Tunbridge Wells, clock-maker,

153 "If I should die to-night," authorship debated,


Immortality, views of S. T. Coleridge, 39 Immurement, bibliography wanted of mediaeval,

320 Incumbents and patrons of Bredwardine and

Brobury, 200

Incumbents, indexes of, 153, 245 Indentures, Sir J. G. Frazer's view, and the origin

of, 148, 211 " Index Ecciesiasticus, 1550-1800 " of Joseph

Foster, 11 ' In Flander's Fields,' .poema, particulars wanted,


Ingleby (Edward), his descendants wanted, 40 Inscriptions : on Berkshire itombstones, 182 ; on

Jenner statue at Boulogne, 288 ; on Louis

XVIII. monument at Calais, 288 ; in Maryle-

bone Burial Ground, .list wanted, 236 ; in St.

James's Church, Sydney, 174 ; in St. John the

Evangelist's, Waterloo Road, 63, 135, 193, 216 ;

on Edna Lyall's grave, wanted, 94 ; on tomb- stone in Malvern Priory, 266, 305

Intermentin other families' graves, 121

lona, etymology of place-name, 40 Ireland, an early Italian map of, 120 Ireland, inaugural meeting of Bibliographical

Society of, 111 Irish counties and towns, bibliography of histories

of, 147 H

  • Irrelagh ; or, The Last of the Chiefs,' Irish story,

authorship of, 69., 105, 139 JEsmenia, Christian name, its origin, 26

-Jackson (Rev. Jeremiah and Mrs.), memorial at

Wisbech, 146

Jenner (Edward), his statue at Boulogne, 288 Jenner family, its history, 149, 246 John, Bishop of Philippopolis, 107 Johnson (Alderman George John), memorial at

Brampton, Cumberland, 90 Johnson {Samuel) confused with Ben Jonson,

38, 103 ; ' Anthologia Graeca,' epigram in, 10 Jonson (Ben) and P. Henslowe, 81 ; confused with

Dr. Samuel Johnson, 38, 103 Jowett (Joseph), authorship of the epigram on

him, 288 -* Juan Fernandez,' poem by Patrick Bramwell

Bronte, 177

Judges' Level, anecdote of, 7 Julius II., Pope, statement about him questioned,

266 '"Jur de la vile," meaning of, 39

Keele (David) of Sarum, clockmaker, 153 Kellond surname, its origin, 154, 189, 220 Kent families of Kimberworth and Wadworth, 186 Kent family of Winchester and Reading, 62, 106,


Kettle (Tilly), artist, particulars of, 154, 189, 221 Kilmorey, Earls of, their ancestry, 176 " Kimono," early use of word, 80 King rescued by dogs, subject of picture, infor- mation wanted, 317

' King's standing wood,' particulars wanted, 318 King's table cloth, old custom of laying, infor- mation wanted, 318

Kinghorn of Fireburnmill near Coldstream, K ' Kington, History of,' name of author wanted, 42 Kleinschmidt ( J. J.), engraver, particulars wanted,

295 Knibb (Joseph), clockmaker, old clock by, 123,


Knight (Michael), of Brighthelmstone, clock- maker, particulars wanted, 237 Knight's tour in chess, 92, 136, 325 Knocker of door in form of bat, explanation of,


Knox (Vicesimus), copies of his ' Spirit of Despot- ism,' 176

Kyffin (Maurice), ' Blessedness of Brytaine, 1587 written by, 6

Labour is the father, and Land is the mother of Capital," source of definition, 154 Labour-in-vain,' street-name in Shadwell, origin of, 123, 193

La Cour (Dr. Poul) on windmill power in Den- mark, 103

Lady Day in Harvest," a name for the Feast of the Assumption, 236

Laing (William), memorial at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 145

Lamb (Charles), his East India Company em- ployers, 287

Landsdowne-passage, behind Devonshire House, site of a river bed, 288

Lang (John Dunmore), his statue in Sydney, 177

Langenstein (Henry de), his ' Tractatus de con- tractibus,' 265, 298

Law case of eleventh century unfinished, parti- culars wanted, 293

Lawson (Dorothy), wife of Alexander Collingwood, information wanted about her parentage, 320

Leap Year : lady's offer of marriage, 24

Le Cateau, mentioned in 1577, 26

Lee (Nat), his ' Tragedy of Nero, Emperour of Rome,' 254, 299, 323

Legh (Lady Margaret) of Lyme, Cheshire, 63

Legs, the indelicacy of piano and other, 261, 301

Le Hardy (F.) of London, miniaure painter, his relatives, 207

Lewknor family, its history, 201

' Life of Henry Maitland,' novel by Morley Roberts,

key to, 161, 269

Light Invisible, The,' source of book-title wanted, 123