Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/352

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

" Mantle-maker's Twist," 75

MS. list of recruits to the Third Crusade, 236

Manuscripts, catalogues of mediaeval scientific,-

206 ; Norfolk (Frere catalogue), 182, 217 Map, earliest of New York, 204 ; early Italian, of."

Ireland, 120

Marazion, origin of the place-name, 292, 328 Markshall, relation with Fuller family, 8, 78, 132;.

with Honywood family, 78 Marlborough (first Duke of), lack of memorials to

91 ; St. Helena Life of, 70, 108 " Marlipins," origin of word, 123 Marriage entries in duplicate, 198: lists of, 262,.

305 Marriage service, Sir W. Scott's satire on Church.

of England, 208, 242, 278 Marshalls at Westminster School, 208 Martins at Westminster School, 236, 277 Marylebone Burial Ground, inscriptions in.'list wanted, 236

__ f t Master Gunner, the status of, 153, 212, 277

parish books of George Street, Portman Square, I Maule (Mr. Justice) on bigamy and divorce, 64 r 209 ; Sir Walter Raleigh's connection with East 129 5 and the Judges' Level, 7 London, 15, 16, 51 Maules at Westminster School, 236, 323

location of | Maurices at Westminster School, 266

Maw family records, 10, 75 information I May, borns born then, cruel, 25

Mays at Westminster School, 123, 164, 194 Mazonomum,"

Lights, convex and conic, c. 1700, 125

Lillard (R. W.), ' America's Reply,' particulars

wanted, 317

Lilliput and Gulliver, origin of the names, 156 Little Britain, Little Montague Court in, 18 Little Montague Court, Little Britain, 118 Littleton (Edward), letter to Richard Edwards,


Lloyd (Helicon) of Merionethshire, information wanted, 68 Locke (Joseph), M.P., statue and memorial tomb

at Barnsley, 147 Log houses in British Isles, information wanted,


Lombe (Sir John), information wanted, 42 London : an early orphan asylum , 204 ; link with Philadelphia, 148, 188 ; -Paris Airship, 1835, 58, 107 ; London peace celebrations, literature and iconography, 175, 213, 315 ; Peace Pageant on the Thames, 1919, 197 ; 1856 peace rejoic ing, 234 ; its plane trees, 205, 272 ; rate and

Longfellow's ' Village Blacksmith,'

smithy, 211,248, 299 Longworth Castle, Herefordshire,

wanted, 320 " Lord, for Thy tender mercy's sake," anthem,

author wanted, 291.

" Lorribus," first occurrence of word, 205 Louis XVIII., his monument at Calais, 288 Louisa, Christian name, spelt Leweezer, 237, 276 ;

Lueazer, 276

Lowestoft street names, 122, 165, 194, 221 Lowndes at Westminster School, 208 Lowthers at Westminster School, 96 Ludlow, Lucien Bonaparte a prisoner there.

236, 300

Lumber Troop, club in Fetter Lane, 306 Lyall's (Edna) grave, inscription wanted, 94 Lytton (1st Lord), his alleged horoscope of

the Earl of Beaconsfield, 11


Macaroni, origin of its name, 159 McCrae's (Lt.-Col.) ' In Flanders' Fields,' particu- lars wanted, 317 Macdonell (Col. Sir A. R.),his duel with Norman

Macleod, 9, 43, 76

Mackworths at Westminster School, 96 Macleod (Norman), his duel with Sir A. R

Macdonell, 9, 43, 76

Magazines, dealers in back numbers of, 40, 104 Magpies in augury in Shakespeare, 5, 116 Maidstone, Kent, aliens there in 1567, 169 Main (David M.), his works on the English sonnet,

hotel, Frankfort, information


Maison Rouge, wanted, 321

" Malbrook s'en va-t-en -guerre," in an Ainsworth novel, 25

Malvern Priory, tombstone inscription, 267

Man-of-war, information wanted about a minia- ture, 319

Manor House of Higham Benstead, Walthamstow. its history, 286

Manor records, whereabouts and particulars of, 182, 244

Latin word ' dish,' its gender,. 266, 300, 301

Mediaeval scientific MSS., 207

Medop, persons of the name, 138

Melkart's statue, particulars wanted of its re- moval to Rome, 292

Memorials and statues in the British Isles, 89, 91.. 145, 259, 312

Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, Fund for Preserving the, 183

Memorials of the Dead, Society for Preserving the,. 183, 249

Merchant marks and ancient finger-rings, 22, 23

Mercury drawn by two cocks, in a print, 154,

Metal-bridge, Dublin, tolls levied at, 159 Metempsychosis in fiction,. 124, 191, 246, 279,.

306, 333

Mews or Mewys family, it history, 163 Michell (Davy), priest, sixteenth century, parti- culars wanted, 292

Middlesex Monuments,' Simco's, particulars- wanted, 294 Middleton (Empson Edward), his will, and works,.

8 Miers (John), profilist, Mr. G. D. Lumb's paper

on, 162

Millbrook, Beds, Huett tomb at, 206 Million Bank, origin of name, 181, 222 ' Mind, memory and understanding,' legal formula,


Mistletoe seeds and missel-thrush, 98, 132, 165 Mitchell (Claude), memorial at Rugby, 145 Mitchell of Launceston, clock-maker/information

wanted, 153 ' Moat Island,' engraving, the origin of its subject,

Montague Court, Little, in Little Britain, 118 Monument of Louis XVIII. 's landing, at Calais,

288 Monuments, Simco's ' Middlesex Monuments,'

particulars wanted, 294 Monumental brasses at East Hatley, 260 Moore family of Milton Place, Egham, Surrey, it&

history, 264, 284