Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/356

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Saints and their burial-places, the Anglo-French

list of, 281

Saints, Association between pairs of, 209 Saintsbury (Prof. G.), allusion to Matthew Arnold,

38 Salisbury Cathedral Library, old dance tunes in,

85 Salute of four guns at officer's burial at sea,

38, 106

Salvers and patens, 13, 50, 134 Sampson family of Sussex, information wanted


Scholarship, hereditary, 118, 297 Schopenauer and " La clart6 est la bonne foi des

philosophes," 39

Scientific MSS., mediaeval, catalogue of, 206 " Score," name for narrow lane, 122, 165, 194, 279 Scot (Philip), author of ' Treatise of the Schism

of England,' 211 Scotchman's Post, origin of memorial so-called

123, 188 . Scotland's four royal rivers, particulars wanted

291 Scott (Sir Walter), " Quentin Durward," points

to be solved, 268, 306; satire on Church of

England marriage service, 208, 242, 278 Scottish chiefs, official recognition of, information

wanted, 9

Scottish University Graduates, lists of, 39 Screws displacing wooden pegs in furniture, 236 Scripps (James Edmund), newspaper man, his

history, 65

" Scrounge," war slang, its meaning, 18 Sculpture and painting, Boutell's punning cata- logue of, 173 Seal, XVth century : Trinity with St. John the

Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, 96 Seal inscription in Tonga language, 64 ' Second Maiden's Tragedy,' 225 Selkirk (Alexander), his connection with Defoe,

Selwyn (George), a riddle by, 153, 188

Seven Kings, origin of place-name, 210, 249, 272

Shakespear (Hon. John) of Jamaica, information

wanted, 124 Shakespear (John) of Ratcliff Highway, ' his

ancestors wanted, 151 Shakespeare (Wm.), augury in his plays, 5, 116 ;

and the garden, 153, 193, 306 ; Prayer-book

signatures, 207 ; reputed author of " Double

Falsehood," 30, 60, 86

Shakespearian^ :

1 As you like it,' Act iii. sc. iv. 7-12, 194

4 Hamlet,' Act I. sc. iv., 36-8, 4, 115

' I Henry IV.', Act II., sc. i, 202 ; sc. iv., 202

' King Lear,' Act I., sc. ii, 202

' Macbeth,' Act I 1} sc. iv., 203

Malvolio, the germ of, 115

' Measure for Measure,' Act. II., sc. ii., 202

' Romeo and Juliet,' Act. III., sc. ii., 203

' Tempest,' Act I., sc. ii., 202

' Tempest,' Act V., sc. i., Ariel's song, 203

Shallcross (Philip), animal-lover, his epitaph, 290

Sharpe (Lieut.-General) of Haddam Castle, infor- mation wanted, 321

Shedlock (John South), his death noticed, 28

"Sheer hulk," 65

Sheffield, lines spoken by children at Christmas, 46, 82

Shepard (Thomas), a founder of Harvard Univer- sity, his history, 179, 271

Shepherd (George), artist, relation to Thomas Hosmer Shepherd, 295, 332

Shepherd (Thomas Hosmer), artist, relation to George Shepherd, 295, 332

Sheridan (R. B.) founded Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, 276 ; source of passage by, on puffs, 37

" Sniffle-shuffle," early use of, 177

Shrapnel (Wm. Fisher), F. S.A., his history, 67, 132

Shropshire names, their derivation wanted, 266

Siddons (Mrs.) the actress, particulars of descen- dants wanted, 318

Sign of the Cross, its use, 236

Simco (John), his ' Middlesex Monuments,' parti- culars required, 294

Simplon Tunnel, translation of account of its boring wanted, 237

Simpson (Robert), a royal farrier, 67

Slang : terms for bank-notes, 309

Slang terms, Spanish author on origin of, 294

Slang, " topping," " top-hole," 233

Slang (War) : " Bill Jim," 19, 194 ; " Boche," its etymology, 182 ; " camouflage," 42, 79, 108, 136 ; " Chance one's arm," 195 ; ' Digger," 19, 194 ; " Dinkum," 7, 79, 194 ; " eyewash," 18 ; " fed. up," 79, 159 ; " gaspers," 159 ; " gypos," 79 ; list of examples, 19 ; " poultice wallahs," 79 ; regimental nicknames, 19 ; " rumbled," 79 ; " scrounge," 18 ; " sweating," 79 ; " yel- low peril," 159

Slaves, epitaphs to, 26, 81

Smales at Westminster School, 321

Smith (Edward), his death noticed, 336

Smoking in England before the introduction of tobacco, 82

Smyth (Sir George H.), Bt., M.P., bust at Col- chester, 146

" Snob," its etymology, 182

Snow (Richard), buried at Pilton, information, wanted, 125

Society* for Preserving the Memorials of the Dead, 183; 249

Sol as a woman's name in England, 21

Somerset incumbents, lists of, 153, 245

B and Ballads:

' Bertram de Bourne,' 318

" Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre,' version in

novel by Ainsworth, 25 ' Oh, dear ! What can the matter be ? ' Latin

version of, 133

" On a summer's day, in sultry weather/' 26 " St. Stephen and Herod," 315 " The Poor Thresher " (Burns), 66, 108 ' To-morrow shall be my dancing day,'


Songs sung by bird-scarers, 98 ? 132, 160, 246

Sonnet, English, David M. Main's work on, 236

Sorron, Bishop of, identity, 331

Soul's (released) attention to corpse, 205

Souls, exchange of, in fiction, 124, 191, 240, 279,

306, 334 Southey (R.), contributions to ' Critical Review,'


' Spanish Mam, The," 65 ' Spidometre," French neologism, 287 ipital as street-name, information wanted, 317 Spurriers' terms, 42