Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/357

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



'Spurs, Ripon and other guarded, 119

Stained glass-, books wanted on old, 70 ; pre-

Baphaelite, 74, 105

Standard, historical allusion in a poem, explana- tion wanted, 238

Stanhopes at Westminster School, 152, 218 State coach, its cost and popularity, 288 " Stateroom " Passenger's Cabin, 104 Statue in Fleet Street inscribed with lines from

Byron, 40, 82, 107 Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 89, 91,

145, 259, 312

'Statues in Sydney, New South Wales, 177 Staveley (Rev. Ambrose), supposed ancestor of

Whistler, 70

Stepney (George), envoy at Vienna, 37 Stepney as registration district for births at sea,

261 Stewart (Hon. Lieut. George) (1771-1821), his

identity, 12, 75, 159 Stocker families of Devonshire and Bedfordshire,

183 Stocker (George), Devonian priest, supposed to be

executed, 183

Stocks (Dr.), traveller, his history, 237, 333 Stockton (Richard) of Kiddington, his history,


Stomach-ache, hair cut to prevent, 138 Stones used for ceremonial proclamation, 178,

221, 275

Stoyte family, particulars wanted, 152 Straw (Jack), his fate, 153, 217 " Straitsman," class of ship, name explained, 128 Street-names : Anguish, 122, 165, 194, 221 ;

Barroon, 317 ; Clapgun, 317 ; Finkle, 69, 109,

279 ; Labour-in-Vain, 123, 193 ; Spital, 317 Strindberg, August, an uncle of, 3 Stuart (Prince Charles Edward), poem on, 97 Stuart (Prince James Francis Edward), correct

legal title wanted, 321 Stuart, supposed husband of Margaret Hamilton,

information wanted, 290 ' Struwwelpeter,' English translation of, 68 Submarine at Paris, c. 1848-50, reference wanted,


Submarine, Chinese idea of the, 131 Suckling family (Norfolk) crest, 13, 99 Sundial motto in Savoy, 233 'Superphosphate, epitaph commemorating its

introducer, 289 Surnames carrying nicknames, 195


Amphlett, 266, 325, 326 Cowap, 206, 247, 272 Crowther, 266, 325, 326 De Miners, 170 Devey, 266, 325, 326 Eykyn, 266, 325, 326 Foch, 203

Garrett, Portuguese poet, 182 Gittins, 266, 325 Handwriting, 93 Hoord, 241, 266, 325 Kellond, 154, 189, 220 " Ney " (terminal), 290 Nock, 266, 325 Oliphant, 238, 301, 334 Pragell, 42, 139 Rutter, 7, 54 .'Snodgrass, in Ireland, 65 Yeardye, 209

Surtees (R. S.), his history, 122/245, 305

' Survey of Walden,' by Hayward, 94

Swanne (Rev. Richard), evidence of his marriage

wanted, 316

" Sweating," war slang, its meaning, 79 Swift (Jonathan), his description of Mrs. Oldfield,

230; relations with Walpole, 262 Swin (the) channel of Thames, 95, 130 ; meaning

of term, 166 ' Swiss Family Robinson,' information wanted

about first English edition, 320 Sydney, New South Wales, inscriptions in St.

James' Church, 174; monuments, 177 Sykes (John), Nelson's coxswain, 257 Sylke (William), LL.D., his epitaph at Exeter,

162, 241 Symmons (J.) of Paddington House," collector of

topographical prints, 265

" Tales about Old London," newspaper articles

entitled, 1 123

" Tamasha." naval slang, its meaning, 178 Tanks (military), invention and history of, 36 ;

origin of name, 176

Tavern Signs :

Bell (in combinations), 110

Bell and Shoulder, 109

Labour-in-Vain, 193

Rose of Denmark, 138

Shoulder (in combinations), 110

Three Cripples (' Oliver Twist '),'292, 334

Three Crutches, 292

Taylor (Sir Charles Wlliam), particulars of, 153,


Taylor (Harry) of Sending, details wanted, 319 Taylor (Jeremy), ' Holy Living,' persistent error

in, 315

" Tea Kitchens," meaning of term, 248 " Tea-pot, squeezing the," custom of, 75 Temple Bar, its iconography, 253 Tennyson (Lord A.), reference wanted to " [An]d

dimpling eddies," &c., autograph fragment, 67;

views on opium-eating 36 Thackeray (W. M.), identification of characters

in "The Newcomes," 14, 77 Thackwell, of Bristol, clockmaker, information

wanted, 153

Thames, scene of Peace Pageant, 1919, 197 Thames tunnels, bibliography of, 181, 297, Theobald, reputed author of " Double Falsehood,"

30, 60, 86

Threadneedle Street, origin of its name, 302 ' Three Black Crows,' authorship of, 123, 160 Thrush, missel and mistletoe seeds, 98, 132, 165 Thumb latch, information about its invention

wanted, 321

Thunder," peculiar meaning of word, 181 ' Thwertnic " or " Thiertnie," old Cheshire cus- tom, 93

Title of book on Tanagra figures wanted, 267 Toad-juice, use of, 70, 103, 166 Tobacco pipes, source of some old clay, 210, 303 Todd, (Anthony), secretary of the G.P.O., 104,

164, 326 Tolls at Metal-bridge, Dublin, abolished, 159