Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/416

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[2" S. NO 21., MAT 24. '56.

beariahness and pomposity, he laughed heartily at the feeble efforts of his unknown enemy. Having seen a copy of this reprint, upon which, in a handwriting of the period, stands " Tribunus, i. e. Samuel Parr," I am induced to inquire if there is any ground for charging the friend of John- son with such a piece of literary perfidy as this would involve ?

2. Another attack upon Johnson, not noticed by Boswell, came from the north, and bore the title of The Deformities of Dr. Samuel Johnson, collected from his Works, 8vo., Edinburgh, printed for the author, 1782. Is this scribe known ?

3. Boswell records of Johnson that being in a serious mood, and seeing at the Sacrament a poor girl in a bad gown, he privately gave her a crown, though he saw Harfs Hymns in her hand. In a note (vol. ii. p. 277., Croker, 1839) we are told that this was the hymn book of the " Rev. John Hart, of the Gray Friars Church, Edin- burgh ; " but I -venture to correct this by sub- stituting the " Rev. John Hart, of Jewin Street, London, whose Hymns, &c., on various Occasions," published in 1759, was undoubtedly the book alluded to by Johnson. The Doctor was a strict 'churchman, and could not but know something of the heterodox Calvinistic preacher of Jewin Street, whose remarkable experience forms part of his hymn book. With this correction I think the obscurity of the passage disappears ; for however shocked the Doctor might be at seeing such a sectarian book in the hands of a communicant within the holy precincts of the altar, his humanity prevailed, and the heresy of the poor girl was out- weighed by the poverty of her garb. J. O.


(Concluded from p. 389.)

M c Causland, of Strathbane, or, within a R. T. a F.-d.- L. sa.

M c Gildowny, of Clare Park, az. 3 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Maitland, of Hollywick, or, a L. R., &c. within a R. T. gu. ; cr., a lion, in sin. paw a F.-d.-L. az.

Massey, of Pool Hall, (1 and 4) gu. and or, 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Meyrick, of Bodorgan, between 3 brands, &c. a F.-d.-L. gu. ; cr., a Cornish chough, in dext. claw a F.-d.-L. gu.

Meyrick, of Goodrich Court, a F.-d.-L. between 2 choughs; cr., a chough holding a F.-d.-L.

Miller, arg. a R. T. (Clarke, 54.).

Money, of Walthamstow, cr., 2 wings az. each semee de Fs.-d.-L. or.

Montgomerie, of Annick Lodge, az. (1 and 4) 3 Fs.-d.- L. or, within R. T.

Montgomery, of Convoy H., az. (1 and 4) 3 Fs.-d.-L. or, &c.

Morley, of Sussex, sa. 3 leop. faces jessants Fs.-d.-L. or (Clarke; 143.).

Murray, of Polmaise, az. 3 stars within R. T. or.

Murray, of Eriswell, az. 3 mullets, do.

Napier, of Pennard H., R. T. (for Scott of Thirlestane).

Newdegate, of Harefield, cr., a F.-d.-L. arg.

Newton, of Cheadle Heath, gu. a cross fleurettee, or. Oakeley, of Plas Tan-y-Bwlch, arg. on a fesse between 3 crescents, gu. 3 Fs.-d.-L. or ; cr., dext. arm charged with

2 Fs.-d.-L. or.

O'Shee, of Garden Morres, (1) per bend indented, or and az. 2 Fs.-d.-L. counterchanged (1382).

Owen, of Tedsmore and of Bettws, (1 and 4) cross flory.

Palmer, of Naburn, gu. 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Pattenson, of Ibornden, arg. on a fess sa., a bugle horn, between 2 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Pedler, of Hoo Mavey, on a chief an oriental crown, be- tween 2 Fs.-d.-L. az.: cr., a demi-L. R. holding a lozenge arg. charged with a F.-d.-L. az.

Pennant, of Downing, &c., (4) arg. on a bend az. 3 Fs.- d.- L. arg.

Peppard, of Cappagh H., az. 2 bars or, the upper charged with 3 Fs.-d.-L., and each of 2 towers charged with a F.- d.-L.

Philipps, of Aherglasney, (1 and 4) L. R. between 2 Fs.- d.-L. in chief, az. ; cr., L. R. with dexter paw on a F.-d.- L. or.

Philips, of Heath H., per pale az. and sa. within an orle of Fs.-d.-L. arg. a lion, &c. ; cr., a demi-L. R., a F.-d.-L. arg. between its paws.

Phillips, of Eaton Bishop, cr., a leop. face jessant de lis, or.

Plowden, of Plowden, az. a fesse dancettee, 2 upper points terminating in Fs.-d.-L. or.

Portal, of Freekfolk Priors (French), cr., 2 portals flanked by 2 towers, each charged with a F.-d.-L.

Powell, of Brandelsome H., cr., a lion's head with collar Fl. C. gu.

Price, of Gunley, arg. a L. P. sa. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. gu. (2 and 1).

Probert, see Clifford.

Pryse, of Gogerddan, cr., L. R. holding a F.-d.-L.

Pugh, of Llanerchydal, (1 and 4) a L. P. G. sa. between

3 Fs.-d.-L. gu. ; cr., a L. holding a F.-d.-L. gu. Ramsbotham, of Old Hall, arg. on a Fesse gu. between

10 pellets, a F.-d.-L. or.

Ramsden, of Carlton H., arg. on a chevron between 3 Fs.-d.-L. sa. 3 rams' heads ; cr., an arm, holding in hand a F.-d.-L. sa.

Rebow, of Wivenhoe P., 4 bezants, each charged with a F.-d.-L. az. ; cr., on breast of a demi-eagle a bezant charged with a F.-d.-L. az.

Richards, of Ardamine, ( 1 and 4) sa. a chevron between 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Rogers, of Dowdeswell, on a chief, gu. a F.-d.-L. or.

Rogers, on a chief az. a F.-d.-L. or (Porriy, 47.).

Russell, of 11am H., cr. (for Watts), a fesse between 3 Fs.-d.-L. in chief.

St. Clair. of Staverton, (1 and 4) a ship at anchor, c. within a R. T.

Sarsfic-ld, of Doughcloyne, per pale arg. and gu. a F.-d.- L. counterchanged.

Savile, of Oaklands, cr., an eagle rising per bend sin. or and sa., holding a F.-d.-L. az.

Scobell, of Nancealvarne, arg. 3 Fs.-d.-L. gu. in chief, &c. ; cr., demi-lion holding a F.-d.-L. gu.

Serocold, of Cherry Hinton, (1 and 4) per chevron, arg. and sa., in chief 2 Fs.-d.-L. az. ; cr., a castle with a F.-d.- L. issuing.

Reton, of Mounie, R. T. gu.

Seton, of Cariston, or, 3 crescents within a R. T. gu., and (for Balfour) a F.-d.-L. in base.

Seymour, of Knoyle, (1 and 4) or, on a pile gu. between 6 Fs."-d.-L. az. 3 lions of Eng., &c.

Sheppard, of Frome Selwood, az. on a chevron between 3 Fs.-d.-L. or, as many mullets, gu.

Shirley, of Eatington, arms of Thomas of Woodstock (Edw. III.).