Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/417

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2* S. NO 21., MAY 24. 56.]



Shirlev, gu. a chevron, &c. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. or (Clarke,"55.).

Skelton, of Papcastle, az. a fesse between 3 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Smith, of Halesowen Grange, cr., with a R. T. gu.

Smith, of Ashlyns Hall, cr., an elephant's head, charged with 3 I<s.-d.-L. sa.

Sneyd, of Keel, arg. in fesse point a F.-d.-L. sa. (Cl. 177.).

Soltau, of Little Efford, on sin. side of bend, 3 Fs.-d.-L. az.

Southby, of Carswell, (2 and 3) on a bend sa., 3 Fs.-d.- L. or, &c. (for Hayward).

Stanley, of Cross Hall, France, seme'e of F.-d.-L. or.

Steuart, of Glenormiston, in base, 3 Fs.-d.-L. az.

Steuart, of Ballechin, (1 and 4) L. R. within a R. T. gu.

Steuart, of Steuart's Lodge, the same.

Stevenson, Bellasis, of Uffington, (1 and 4) erm. a chevron countercompony or and gu. between 3 Fs.-d.-L.

S u -

Stewart, of Ardvorlich, (1 and 4) or, a L. R. gu. within a R. T. gu.

Stillingfleet, of How-Caple, arg. on a fesse sa., between 3 Fs.-d.-L. gu. 3 leop. heads; cr., of one branch, in dext. paw of a demi-leop. a F.-d.-L. gu.

Stoddyr, cr., F.-d.-L. or (Cl. 114.).

Storie, of Camberwell, a L. R. gu. on a canton az., a F.- d.-L. or.

Stuart, of Aldenham Abbey, or a fesse chequy az. and arg. within a R. T. gu.

Tennyson d'Eyncourt, of Bayons Manor, (2 and 8) gu. 3 leop. faces or, jessant Fs.-d.-L. az. ; cr., a L. P. G. arg. on the head a crown of Fs.-d.-L. or.

Thorp, of Ryton, (1 and 4) per pale arg. and or, within nn orle of 10 Fs.-d.-L. az. a L. R. gu. ; cr., a L. R. in dext. paw, a F.-d.-L. az.

Trench, of Caugort P., arg. a L. P. gu. between 3 Fs.- d.-L. az.

Urquhart, of Meldrum, (3) 3 crescents within a R. T. g-

Vaughan, of Caethle, &c., (1 and 4) a L. P. sa. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. gu. (2 and 1).

Venn, of Freston Lodge, erm. on a bend gu. between 6 Fs.-d.-L. UK. 3 escallops, arg. ; cr., L. P., dext. paw on an escutcheon, az. charged with a F.-d.-L. or.

Vilett, of'Swindon, on a canton az. a F.-d.-L. or.

Vyse, of Stoke, a R. T. gu.

VValcot, of Bitterley Court, (2 and 3) arg. on a cross Fl. sa., 5 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Wall, of Worthy Park, per fesse or and az. a fesse bat- tellde counter battellee between 3 Fs.-d.-L. all counter- changed, &c.

Ward, of Willey, az. a cross pate'e erm. between 4 Fs.- d.-L. or; cr., a martlet, sa., in its beak a F.-d.-Lt or.

Ward, of Salhouse, arg. on a bend engrailed sa., between

2 acorns, &c. 3 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Plumer-Ward, of Gilston, (2 and 3) party per chevron F. C. gu. and arg. 3 martlets, &c. (for Plumer).

Lee-Warner, of Walsingham Abbey, (2) party per bend indented, gu. and or, 2 Fs.-d.-L.

Watkins, of Woodfield, az. on a chevron, &c. 3 leop. faces "jessant de lis," gu.

White, of Yeovil, (1 and 4) a F.-d.-L. between 2 loz. gu. (2) a d. L. R. sa., on the shoulder a F.-d.-L. or (for Mervin).

Whyte, of Redhills, (4) arg. 3 Fs.-d.-L. between 9 cr. crosslets, and a bordui'e engrailed sa. (Beresford).

Williams, of Temple House, cr., a chough, in dext. claw a F.-d.-L.

Wilson, of Knowle Hall, (4) az. on a chevron, between

3 Fs.-d.-L. or, 3 etoiles, gu.

Wilson, of Stowlangtoft Hall, a wolf sal. or, on a chief of the last, pale of the first charged with a F.-d.-L. arg. ;

cr., a demi-wolf, sin. paw on a pellet charged with a F.- d.-L. arg.

Wolcott, of Knowle House, a Cr. Fl. arg., &c., as an augmentation of honour & F.-d.-L. between 2 annulets; cr., a hawk's head holding a F.-d.-L. or.

Woodforde, of Ansford H., sa.3 leap, heads reversed gu. swallowing 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Woodyeare, of Crookhill, sa. seme'e de L. or, &c. ; cr., on a wreath, or and sa. a demi-griphon, &c., sa. semee de lis.

Wright, of Kilverstone, sa. a chevron Eng. arg. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. or, on a chief, &c.

Wroton, a triple pile flory (Cl. 42.).


This last list is, as already stated, supplied by the courtesy of Mr. Court of Gotham, his son-in- law, from an unpublished MS., " Heraldic Dic- tionary, by Thomas Dudley Fosbroke, M.A., F.A.S.": "

" No dates are given, neither is it stated whether the families were extinct or not. The work is commenced without preface or remark of any kind, and is merely headed as above. The latter part of the MS. appears to be in an unfinished state."

It is presumed that the vicar of Walford may be cited as sufficient authority for the use of the fleur-de-lis in the subjoined family names. His thorough knowledge of heraldry is exemplified in his Hist, of Gloucestershire, which is chiefly cha- racterised by details of the families possessed of the lands in succession ; and he was employed by the Duke of Newcastle to unravel the mysteries of the Pelham-Clinton genealogy.

Adams, Aguillon, Angelus, Archas, Areas, Ashton, Ayl- worth, Ayson.

Bacon," Badd, Balmes, Banester, Barton, Basentyne, Bassett, Bates, Beard, Beaumond, Bereford, Beresford, Billingsley, Birch, Boughton, Brigges, Brigham, Buband, Buekfield, Bukefield, Bishop Burgh, Burgh, Burke, Bur- hope, Burrough, Burwell.

Campion, Cansey, Cantelo, Cashire, Cheffield, Clamend, Cole, Collingrig, Coneley, Constantyne, Cope, Crake, Craven, Crome, Curling, Curtoys.

Daires, Uawbeney, Deelsome, Disney, Dixwell, Dodson, Dokesworth.

Edgar, Edmonds, Elcotts, Eley, Elsing, Evans, Ever- ton, Eyles.

Fanshaw, Flegh, Frethorp, Fremond, Freny, Frisley.

Gaire, Gayer, Gilbert, Gomeldon, Gooclridge, Gouldine, Gouldsmith," Grazebrooke, Green, Grey, Griffin, (jumble- ton, Gurdon.

I-Iamelyn, Hamelton, Hawford, Haylord, Hicks, Hide, Hillary, Hiltoft, Hitchcock, Hobart, Holcroft, Holt, II o- vell, Hutton, Hynell.

Ingleby, Joyner.


Henry of Lancaster, Leigh, Leigham, Lilly, Limings, Little, Losse, Lyndwood.

Macklowe, Mallake, Markc, Marom, Martyn, Mascall, Maundrell, Meryett, Moncklow, Mordant, Morton, Moundeford, Mountford, Mountjoy, Murthes.

Nelson, Nonnansell, Northampton, Norton.


Paston, Patesley, Patterson, Peake, Pedley, Penn, Per- kins, Pooley, Portman, Price, Pugh.

Quennell, Quincy.