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NOTES AND QUERIES. S. X. JULY 7. '60. -Parliamentary Papers. Recently published : RAILWAYS IN INDIA. Report on Railways in India to the end of the Year 1839. 56 pp. fcap. folio. Price 7d. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. Seventh Keport. 220 pp. demy 8vo., with 4 folding Maps, showing progress ot the Geological Survey. Price 3s. PUBLIC RECORDS. Twenty-first Annual Re- port of the Deputy Keeper. 72 pp. fcap. folio. Price 9d. PRISONS, GREAT BRITAIN. Twenty-fifth L Report of Inspectors. Part. I., Southern District. 78pp. demy 8vo. Price 6d. "PRISONS, GREAT BRITAIN. Twenty-fifth _L Report of Inspectors. Part II., Midland District. 152 pp. demy Svo. Price lOrf. CUSTOMS. Fourth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs on the Customs. 96 pp. royal 8vo. Price 6d. -REFORMATORY SCHOOLS, GREAT BRI- _|X) TAIN. Third Report of Inspectors. 90 pp. demy 8ro. Price 6d. rpURNPIKE TRUSTS, ENGLAND and WALES. L General Report under 3 & 4 Will. IV., c. 8>., for 1857. 12 P. fcap. folio. Price lid. POOR LAW BOARD. Twelfth Annual Report. 320 pp. royal Svo. Price Is. 8d. TYEFENCES OF UNITED KINGDOM. Report J of Commissioners, with Evidence and Appendix. 154 pp. reap, folio, with numerous Maps. Price 8s. JUDICIAL STATISTICS ENGLAND AND ft WALES, 1859. Part I. Police, Criminal Proceedings, Prisons. Part II. Common Law, Equity, Civil and Canon Law. 194 pp. imperial 4to. Price 2. "DAILWAY ACCIDENTS. Report on during the Jl) Months of March and April, i860. Part III., 12 pp. fcap. folio, with 2 Plans. Price 8d. T7ACTORIES. Reports of Inspectors for the Half- X? year ending 30th April, 1860. 88 pp. demy 8vo. Price 6d. CONVICT PRISONS. Reports of Directors on the Discipline aua juanageuitiit, uf. 336pp. royal 8vo. Price U.9rf. T? MIGRATION. Twentieth General Report of tlJ Emigration Commissioners. 200 pp. demy Svo. Price 1. INCLOSURE COMMISSION. Special Report, I860. 6 pp. fcap. folio. Price Id. 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