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A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOB "When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 236.] SATURDAT, JULY 7. 1860. f Price Fourpence. I Stamped Edition, 5d. rfHE QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. CCXV. JL ADVERTISEMENTS for the forthcoming Number must be for- warded to the Publisher's by the 10th instant. ' 50. AlbemarJe Street, London, July let, 1860. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JULY (2s. 6d.) contains Froude's History of England: Edward VI. and Mary. The Armoury of Mahmoud II. The Diary of General Patrick Gordon. The Old Heraldry of the Percies (with Engravings). Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire. Gleanings from Westminster Abbey : a Lecture by G. G. SCOTT (with a Plate). Antiquarian and Literary Intelligencer: Cambridge Architectural Con- gress (with a Plan) The Guesten-hall, Worcester. Correspondence: Way bourne Church, Norfolk; the Arrangements of Monastic Parish Churches, &c. Historical and Miscellaneous Reviews. Obituary ; Births, Marriages, Deaths, &c. London i J. H. & JAS. PARKER, 377. Strand, W.C. On July 1, in 4 to., price 5s. THE MINOR PROPHETS ; with a Commentary Explanatory and Practical, and Introductions to the several Books. By the Rev. E. B. PUSEY, D.D., Regius Professor of Hebrew. Part I. HOSEA-JOEL, Introduction. The above Volume forms the First Part of a Commentary on the whole of Holy Scripture, by Clergymen of the Church of England. As soon as the necessary arrangements shall be completed, it is pro- posed to publish this Commentary in Quarterly Parts, at 5s. each. Oxford, Cambridge, and London: J. II. & JAS. PARKER, Oxford, and 377. Strand. London, W.C. ; DEIGIITON & BELL, Cambridge; RIVINGTONS, Waterloo Place, London, W. Uniform with " Life of Bishop Ken." This Day, with Portrait, 8vo., 10s. 6rf. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ROBERT NELSON, Author of the " Companion to the Festivals and Fasts of the Church." By the REV. C. F. SECRETAN, M.A., Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Westminster. " Considering the place Robert Nelson occupies among English worthies, it is surprising that he has not sooner found a biographer. We may safely compliment Mr. Secretan on his tact and skill." Li- terary Churchman. "Mr. Secretan has done Churchmen service by this excellent com- panion volume to Mr. Anderdon's Life, of Ken. The work is well and carefully done as a whole, and is written with aright spirit and in a fair ond sensible tone." Guardian. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street, W. On the llth instant will be Published, Second Edition, in fcap. 4to. cloth; price 20s., THE NOBLE AND GENTLE MEN OF ENG- . LAND ; or, Notes touching the Arms and Descents of the Ancient Knightly and Gentle Houses of England, arranged in their respective Counties. Attempted by EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, Esq., M.A., one of the Knights of the Shire for the County of Warwick. Westminster : JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS & SONS. AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. RICH'S _nLBIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA NOVA, Vol. II., with Additions and Corrections to Vol. I. A few Copies on sale at 10s. (pub. at Ito.) A good price will be given for Vol. I., or the smaller Volume published in 1832. E. G. ALLEN (late RICH), American Agency, 12. Tavistock Row. Covent Garden, London, W.C. Old Books, Pamphlets, or MSS. relating to America bought for cash, or exchanged for other books. 2ND S. No. 236.] MRS. HAMILTON GRAY'S WORKS. HISTORY of ROME for YOUNG PERSONS. By MRS. HAMILTON GRAY. Second Edition. One Volume 12mo. With numerous Illustrations, 8s. cloth. " The clear, lively, and pleasing style of narration is admirably cal- culated to awaken and sustain the attention." AthencKum. Also, by the same, EMPERORS of ROME, from Augustus to Con- stantine. Being a Continuance of the " History of Rome." OneVol 12mo. With Illustrations. 8*. " We have no hesitation in saying that this is one of the best histories of the Roman Empire for children and young people which has come under our notice. Mrs. Hamilton Gray has made herself acquainted with at least some of the more important ancient writers on the subject of which she treats, and also with the criticisms of Niebuhr and other modern investigators of Roman history." Athenceum. " It may be recommended as a clear, rapid, and well-arranged sum- mary of facts, pointed by frequent but brief reflections. . . . The book is a very good compendium of the Imperial History, primarily designed for children, but useful for all." Spectator. " It would be an erroneous impression to convey of this volume, that it is written solely for schools and children. In reality it is an abridg- ment far more likely to be useful to grown-up persons, who can reflect upon the working of general laws, and make their own observations upon men and things. A striking characteristic of the book is the im- partiality of its political tone, and its high moral feeling." Examiner, The HISTORY of ETRURIA. Two Vols. post 8vo. cloth, each 12s. " A work which we strongly recommend, as certain to afford pleasure and profit to every reader. Athemeum. TOUR to the SEPULCHRES of ETRU K1A in 1839. Third Edition. With numerous Illustrations. Post 8vo. cloth. 11 U. " Mrs. Gray has won an honourable place in the large assembly of modern female writers." Quarterly lleview. " We warmly recommend Mrs. Gray's most useful and interesting volume." Edinburgh Review. London : HATCHARD & CO., 187. Piccadilly, W. CHEAP SECOND-HAND BOOKS. Just Published, free for One Stamp. DAWSON'S CATALOGUE of CHEAP BOOKS, comprising 4,000 Volumes in all classes of literature, in good con- dition, at exceedingly low prices for cash. WM. DAWSON SONS 74. Cannon Street, City, London, E.G. Established 1809. /CURIOUS BOOKS of Ana, Anecdotes, Fine Arts, MILLER'S' CATALOGUE OF BOOKS for JULY, ready this Day, and sent Gratis and Postage Tree for One Postage Stamp. JOHN MILLER, 43. Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square, W.C. WHAT WILL THIS COST TO PRINT ? is a thought often occurring to literary minds, public characters, and persons of benevolent intentions. An immediate answer to the in- quiry may be obtained, on application to RICHARD BARRETT, 13. MARK LANE, LONDON. R. B. is enabled to execute every description of PRINTING on very advantageous terms, his office being furnished with a large and choice assortment of TYPES, STFAM PRINTING MACHINES, HVDRACLIC and other PRESSES, and every modern improve- ment in the Printing Art. A SPECIMEN BOOK of TYPES, and informa- tion for authors, sent on application, by RICHARD BARRETT, 13. MARK LANE, LONDON, E.G.