Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/547

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Notes and Queries, July 23,



Modestest, use of the word, 488

Molony (A.) on 'Colleen Bawn,' 434

Monastic records, index to, 249

Monckton (H. W. ) on copper coins, 394

Money, its value in 1575, 347

Money (G. E.) on a hymn-book, 308

Monkish chronology, era of Incarnation in, 10, 92,


Monks and friars, their difference, 364, 455, 513 Monteath (J.) on "Hoity-toity," 135, 197 Moon, its gender, 54

Moon through coloured glass, 328, 377, 393 Moore (C. T. J.) on More family, 4

More family portrait, 508 Moore (J. Carrick), his death, 200 More family, 4 More family portrait, 508 Morland (Henry Robert), his " laundress " paintings,

Morris (Capt.), his biography. 327

Morris (J. B.) on R. W. Buss, artist, 256 Sand-paper, 18

Mortar and pestle in use in farmhouses, 248, 389

Mortimer's Hole, Nottingham, 144

Mottoes : " Hinc lucem et pocula sacra," 29, 105, 216 ; " Defais le [sic] foi," 46 ; "Lamh Foistineach an Uachtar," 47, 132; " Prends-moi tel que j suis," 113 ; " In lumine lucem," 116 ; " Dry weres agan Dew ny," 231 ; "Hie et Ulubris," 381. " Sapit qui Deo sapit," 408 ; of College of Surgeons,

Mouldy, its slang meaning, 145 Moule (H. J.) on Carnafor, 189 Mount (C. B.) on " Down to the ground," 292 George = penny roll, 74 Lynch laws in modern use, 37 Moon, its gender, 55 " Play gooseberry , 293 Ralph, its pronunciation, 430 ' Social Life in Time of Queen Anne,' 258 Mountgymru, its locality, 188 Muller (H.) on Foot's Cray, 169 Mummy wheat, 248 Murray (Sir Charles) and Goethe, 363 Murray (J.) on book -borrowers, 512

Boswell (James), his 'Johnson,' 409 Murray (J. A. H.) on Henchman, 154 Hilary Term, 247 Hoast : Whoost, 247 Hobby-horse, 247 " Hoist with his own petard," 287 Honest and honestly, 427 Hop-picker, 487

"Horizon of practical politics," 507 Swallow, poem on, 167 Murray (J. H.) on Dublin liberties, 6 Mus on Horace Walpole, 247 Musical instruments temp. Edward III., 388, 457 Myas, its meaning, 124, 414 Myrmidon on fir-cone in heraldry, 330

N N. (T.) on George Cooke, 171

Poland, Protestant episcopal churches in, 95 N. (W.) on Whiffing, fishing term, 172

Names, origin of popular, 106 ; possessive case in, 166, 270 ; pronunciation of " eo " in, 305 ; Siamese, 424

Nankin or Nanking, 448, 517 Napoleon I. See Bonaparte. Nature poetry, 382 Naval captains, English, 408 Navy of late seventeenth century, 53 Ne Quid Nimis on an enigma, 157 Neilson (G.) on " Hide," 96 Neither, its syntax, 24

Nelson (Rev. Nathaniel), his biography, 467 Nemo on French Embassy at Albert Gate, 294 Nursery lore, 513 Story, reference to, 8 Wade (General), 254 Will found, 496

'New English Dictionary.' See 'Historical Dictionary.' ' New Entertaining Press,' periodical, 505 New Year's Day superstitions, 87, 249, 351 Newington Butts, Shakspeare's theatre at, 386 ; its

name. 485

Newington Causeway in sixteenth century, 425, 513 Newman (Abraham), tea-merchant, Fenchurch Street,


Newman (F. W.), his ' Lectures on Logic,' 189, 251 Newman (Rev. William), master of Tonbridge School,


Newton (Sir Isaac), Sir D. Brewster's ' Life,' 43, 78, 153 ; his house at Kensington, 53 Nez ;i la Roxelane," origin of the phrase, 67, 169, 494 Nice fellows " and their punishment, 489 Nicholson family of Cumberland, 108, 332 Nicholson family of north of England and Ireland,

228, 354, 492

Nicholson (James), of Durham, cordwainer, 348 Nicks (John), his biography, 244 Nightingale, Coleridge's and Skelton's lines on, 204 Niven ((jr. W.) on ' Blackwood's Magazine ' and 'Scots

Magazine,' 265

Nivernois, Anglicized word, 266 Noblemen, their inns in towns, 327, 412 Norman (P.) on fire at Cripplegate, 6

Stonyhurst cricket, 361 Norman (W.) on books, 1564-1616, 458 Norse word, old, 469 Northamptonshire Visitation, 1681, 387 Northfleet, skirmish at, 1648, 388 'Notes and Queries,' and previous note-makers, 1 ;

continental, 28 Nottingham, Mortimer's Hole at, 144; Rotten Row

at, 217, 314, 372, 470 NOUDS ending in o, their plural, 148, 377 Novels with the same name, 269. 332 Nude, painting from, 88, 233 Nursery lore, 267, 432, 513 Nynd, its meaning, 385, 493


O, plural of nouns ending in, 148, 377

Oath of allegiance, 168, 216

Ocneria dispar, its English name, 127, 216

Old Year custom, 47

Oliphant families of Bachilton, 61

Olney, surname and place-name, 250