Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.

Omond (T. S.) on Browning's 'Ring and the Book,'

177 On or upon, prepositions in place-names. 205, 296,


" On his own," source of the phrase, 304, 433 Opposition, "Her Majesty's," 312 Order : In order = ordered, 408, 458 Orford, Suffolk, its history, 248 Organ keys, their width, 408 Oriel=hall royal, 288, 436 Ormonde family, 307 Osberga, wife of Ethelwulf, 301 41 Outis "= John Lucas Tupper, 246 Owen (J. P.) on Plurality = majority, 124 Swansea, its derivation, 43, 371, 496 Oxford, ship named, 307

' Oxford English Dictionary.' See ' Historical Diction- ary.'

Oxford undergraduate gowns, 247, 292, 415, 515 Oxford University, west window of New College, 288, 454


P. (A. F.) on Eaoul Hesdin, 393 P. (A. O. V.) on Bunker's Hill, 387 P. (A. S.) on great events from little causes, 209 P. (C. M.) on Daniel Defoe, 133 P. (D.) on Luther's Table-Talk,' 12 P. (E. H.) on Edward Parry, 369

Scott (Sir W.), his ' Antiquary,' 454 P. (F. J.) on great events from little causes, 476 Massey (Hugh), 269 Plurality, its meaning, 274 Pung, its meaning, 397

P. (H. B.) on Hasted's ' History of Kent,' 497 Ireland (Samuel), 436 Thurlow (Lord), his burial-place, 357 P. (K. A.) on Sir W. B. Rush, 448 Paejama, its meaning, 486 Page (J. T.) on James Adams, 410 Autographs, 336 Branwell family, 377 Butter charm, 36 Cromwell (Major O.), 296 Johnson (Dr.) and Bolt Court, 506 Shakspeare (W.), baptism and burial, 68 Wade (General), 334 Watch-boxes, 514

Paine (Thomas) and Charles Inglis, 465 Painting from the nude, 88, 233 Palamedes on asses braying for tinkers' deaths, 46 Bayard= horse, 155 Bull-doze, 248 " By Jingo," 411 Cross vice krls, 317 "Crow to pluck with," 367 Crucifixial, origin of the word, 227 Dublin, Georgian inscription in, 3 07 G. (T.), his identity, 157 Gladstone (Mr.), nature's portrait of, 466 Hands without hair, 328 Mauthe doog, 493 Order=ordered, 408 Personate=resound, 388 St. Patrick's Purgatory, 173 Saragossa Sea, 207

'alamedes on " Stripper," Irish word, 287 Vinci (Leonardo da), his 'Flora,' 148 Welsh ale, 392 'aim Sunday, wind on, 17 'aimer (A. S.) on " Dargle," 434 "Dressed up to the nines," 211 Grouse = grumble, 273 " Mess of pottage," 466 Moon through coloured glass, 394 Processions, 388 Reference wanted, 507 Palmer (B.) on French prisoners of war in the Savoy,


Calmer (J. F.) on Cromwell pedigree, 256 Foster (Lady Elizabeth), 88 Prayer for " All sorts and conditions of men,"


Calmer (Thomas), Oxford scholar, 172 Pamphlet wanted, 449 Parish registers. See Registers. Parks, new varieties of cattle and sheep for, 468 Parliament man and M.P., 26 Parliamentary Bills, their endorsement, 53 Parliamentary language," the phrase, 27 Parnell pedigree, 511 Parody on ' Tom Bowling,' 167 ' Parrot-like," notes on, 443 ' Parry, father and son," in pack of political cards,


Parry (Edward), of Llanferris, his biography, 369 Parry (J. H.) on " Parry, father and son," 108

Pars Oculi,' book entitled, 165 Partitive, construction with, 38, 96 Passey (John), master of Westminster School, 28'J Patches and patching, ladies' fashion, 347 Patriarch, its meaning, 288 Pattens worn by women, 44, 336, 413, 471 Paul of Fossombrone, his biography, 115 Pavia, church of San Lanfranco at, 364, 435, 478 Pavilion (Etienne), his epitaph on Cromwell, 428 Pay, its East Anglian pronunciation, 132, 178 Payn family arms, 108 Payson (E. P.) on Samuel Maverick, 173 Peacock (E.) on Board of Agriculture Reports, 38(5 Books attributed to other writers, 317 Christian names, 461 Dirt, its sanctity, 324

England, Bonaparte's threatened invasion, 72 Gunpowder, lighted candle in, 423 Harrow, agricultural implement, 485 Keg-meg, its meaning, 357 Lanfranc (Abp.), 435 Lights, its meaning, 65 Lynch laws in modern use, 37 Moon, its gender, 55 Mortar and pestle, 389 Names, origin of popular, 106 On or upon, in place-names, 474 Oriel=hall royal, 436 Pattens worn by women, 44 Ranter, its meaning, 134 Red tape and tape-tying, 105 Rotten Row, 217 Seals, eating of, 305 Trod=footpath, 54