Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.

Prefect of Studies on Stonyhurst cricket, 416

Pre-moi cem, new word, 289

Presbyter on Holy Unction, 408

Price (F. G. H.) on Hatnmersley's Bank, 257

Price (G. C.) on tnoon through coloured glass, 328

Prideaux (W. F.) on Aldersgate, 431

Bank of England arid Heberfield, 97, 229

Bayswater, its etymology, 154

Bibliography, 294

Camp- ball, the game, 19

Chelsea, its etymology, 264

Cheltenham, its etymology, 510

Cound, village name, 251

" Counterfeits and trinkets," 16

Donne (Dr. John), his Poems,' 29, 255

Etheredge (Sir George), 365

Farquhar (G.), his ' Recruiting Officer,' 241

FitzGerald (E.), his ' Buphranor,' 302

Holloway, manor house at, 236

Kipling (R.), his Allahabad books, 101

Lisson manor, 181

London, its gates, 1

St. John's Wood and Eyre family, 29

Shakspeariana, 150

Stow (John), his ' Survey,' 48 Prince (C. L.) on gunpowder and candle, 495

Madoc ap Uwen Gwynedd, 447

Visitation lists, 297

Wren and Ridout families, 87 Printers' marks, note on, 504 Prisoners, discontinuance of branding, 328, 413* " Prizes his cupboard," its meaning, 228 Probate of wills, alteration in, 66 Probationer, Scotch, 67, 177

Processions round buildings, their direction, 388, 497 Procter (Adelaide), poem, ' Star of the Sea,' 48, 97 ' Prodigal Son ' in old prints, 136, 195 Prospect!, new word, 86 Proverbs, dictionary of English, 487

Proverbs and Phrases : Abraham's bosom, 516 Another story, 349, 417

Bears : Are you there with your bears ? 387, 496 Bill, whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill, 111 Blows rayther thin, 226, 475 Breeches : Wearing the breeches, 403 Broaching the admiral, 128, 271, 350 Carpet : On the carpet, 26, 95 Chalk on the door, 408 Crow to pluck, 367, 438 Defects of his qualities, 367, 435 Donkey : Twopence more and up goes the

donkey, 328, 475 Down to the ground, 145, 291 Esprit d'escalier, 267, 373

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, 400, 491 Hamlet : Playing Hamlet, 14 Hand of glory, 52

Handsome is that handsome does, 389 Hare, 468 Hear, hear ! 216

Hoist with his own petard, 287, 331 Hoity-toity, 135, 197 Horizon of practical politics, 507

Proverbs and Phrases :

Horse-sense, 487

Jingo : By Jingo, 227, 276, 350, 411

Key, golden, 98, 314

Lamp-post : To the lamp-post, 260, 395

Little Englander, 128

Long and short of it, 91

Mess of pottage, 466

Nez a la Roxelane, 67, 169, 494

Nines : Dressed up to the nines, 57, 211, 338

Noblesse oblige, 228, 473

Nobody's enemy but his own, 416

On his own, 304, 433

Parliamentary language, 27

Patch : Not a patch upon it, 175

Play old gooseberry, 147, 293, 452

Prizes his cupboard, 228

Providence on the side of the biggest battalion?, 487

Random of a shot, 142, 214

Reed painted to look like iron, 405

Sitting : He got up in his sitting, 224

So pleased, 188, 315

Sticks and stones may break my bones, 177

Stillborn : To die stillborn, 285

Time immemorial, from and for, 246, 329

Ulster towns, 185

Who stole the donkey ? 267, 395, 495 Prussia, first horse-races in, 504 Psalter, French, 368, 492 Puddle Dock, its locality, 329, 478 Punch, the beverage, its history, 346, 431 Pung, its meaning and derivation, 224, 397 Puzzled on " Nez a la Roxelane," 67 Pye family, 388 Pyjama. See Pdejdma. Pyrenees, settlement from, in Midland counties, 313

Q. (P.) on wife v. family, 275 Quarrell (W. H.) on tapestry, 288 'Quarterly Review' article on 'Vanity Fair' and 'Jane Eyre,' 34

Quotations :

A fairer Athens and a nobler Rome, 509

A Naiad was murmuring in every brook, 509

Adieu, canaux, canards, canaille I 89

As if some sweet engaging Grace, 429

Ask nothing more of me, sweet, 389

Behold this ruin ! 'tis a skull, 229, 394

Better to leave undone than by our deed, 129,

198, 518

Christus, si non Deus, non bonus, 329 Conscious of Marsala's worth, 289 Early, bright, transient, chaste as morning dew,


Farewell, the beautiful, meek, proud disdain, 208 Fortiter, fiduciter, feliciter, 129 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, 400, 491 Handsome is that handsome does, 389 Has matter motion ? 509

Hush ! hush ! I am listening for the voices, 509 I looked behind to find my past, 89 ] see no restive leaflet quiver, 329