Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/549

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.



Peacock (E.) on "Who stole the donkey ?" 395, 495

Windows, low side, 392

Peacock (F.) on Merry, prefix to place-names, 277 Peacock (M.) on Steed=ascending stairs, 88 Pearl fisheries in Wales, 505 Peckham Rye, its etymology, 33, 296 Pedigrees, criticisms on, 148 Peerage, French, 15, 171, 478 Peet (W. H.) on Outis, pseudonym, 246 Pegamoid, its meaning and derivation, 91 Pekin or Peking, 448, 517 Pelops on indexing queries, 238

Masterson family, 374

" Twm Shon Catti," 52

Whalley (Dr. T. S.), 211 Pengelly (W. G.) on church goods, 368

Orford, Suffolk, 248

Pengilly, alias Pengelly, 448 Pengilly, alias Pengelly family, 448 Penn (William), his companions to Pennsylvania, 50,

192, 298, 474

Pennefather or Pennyfather family, 387 Penny (Kev. Charles William), his death, 300 Penny (F.) on " Creekes," 237

May (Anne), 251

Pennyfather or Pennefather family, 387 ' People's Journal,' its publication, 208, 296 Pepys (Johanna), register entry, 448 Periodical binders, suggestion to, 366 Personate^ resound, 388 Perspective, historic, 421 Perth, its resemblance to Rome, 173 Perth (three Duchesses of), note on, 465 Pertinax on King Solomon and Hiram, 87 Pestle and mortar in use in farmhouses, 248, 889 Petherick (E. A.) on bookbinding question, 152 Petit (Jules Charles Henry), heraldic authority, 17 Petrie (G-.) on christening new vessels, 269 Pett family of Barnstaple, co. Devon, 418 Philip II. of Spain, his first wife, 9, 74 Phillip (Admiral), his biography, 128 Pianoforte keys, their width, 408 Pickford (J.) on " Bill, the whole Bill," 112

Blaise (Madam), 47

Burns (Robert), first edition, 185

Canning (Hon. George), 174

Erica, Christian name, 446

Gladstone bibliography, 492

Grub Street, 15

Heraldry, its restoration, 390

Holford (Dame Elizabeth), 371

Mary, Queen of Scots, 64

Minister of the Word of God, 297

Oxford undergraduate gowna, 515

Ralph, its pronunciation, 431

Shakspeariana, 83

Suffolk (Henrietta, Countess of), 328

Tirling-pins, 237 Picksome, its meaning, 49 Pictures, imported, 104

Pigott (John), Captain or Lieutenant, 1760-2, 407 Pigott (W. G. F.) on " Hoity-toity," 135

' Life and Exploits of Wellington,' 168

Shot of land, 454

Spalt, its meaning, 268

Pigott (W. G. F.) on " Twopence more and up goes the

donkey," 475 Pigott (W. J.) on John Burke, 168

Frobisher family, 508 Pincott (Leonora), her marriage, 268, 317 Pink (W. D.) on Sir Thomas Dale, 495

Middlesex M.P.s, 328

Smith families, 352

Piozzi (Mrs. H. L.) and Dr. Whalley, 211 Pisa, Byron and Shelley in, 142 Place-names, temp. Edward I. and Richard II.,

107, 191, 275

Plant names, obsolete, 29, 272 Plantagenet on a medal, 67 Platt (J.), Jun., on African names mispronounced, 466

Boadicea (Queen), 94

Browningiana, 366

Eo, vowel combination, 305

-Halgh, the termination, 345

Hamish as a Christian name, 437

Hernsew, its etymology, 354

Hongkong and Kiao-Chou, 393

Kerruish, Manx name, 173

Kisfaludy, its pronunciation, 515

Languages, study of foreign, 261

Letters, Old English, 211

MacLehose surname, 187

Mascot, its meaning, 311

Nankin or Nanking, 517

Siamese names, 424 Plurality =majority, 124, 274 Poco Mas, pen-name, 388, 413 Poem (1 escribing boy on the river of life, 109 Poems, their authors, 227, 247, 313 Poetry, nature, 382

Poland, Protestant episcopal churches in, 95 Politician on " Lord " Bishop, 47

Colonies, nicknames for, 109

"Hear, hear! " 216 Pollard (M.) on tirling-pins, 58 Pollard- Urquhart (J.) on " Ascetic," 227 " Pollice verso " and the painters, 445 Poole (M. E.) on John Chapman, 308

Cromwell (Major Oliver), 135

Darwin (E.) and Mason, 47 Pope (Alexander) and Thomson, 23, 129, 193, 289,

353, 415 Popham (J. S.) on faded epitaph, 250

Finlegh (Prince), 111

H vvfa family of Wales, 411 Popinjay and pappajay, 33 Popladies, name of cakes, 448 Port Arthur, its name, 367, 398, 437 Porter. See Gentleman Porter. Porter (H. C.) on Tom Matthews the clown, 255 Porter's lodge, its meaning, 112, 198 Portuguese boat voyage, 345, 453 Posca, beverage of Roman soldiers, 369, 518 Possessive case in proper names, 166, 270 Posts in 1677, 121, 326 Pot-Lord, its meaning, 19 Potter (A. C.) on Robert Burton, 42 Potteries, Roman, in England, 68, 196 Pownall family of Cheshire, 427 Poyntz (Thomas), tapestry by, 67