Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/468

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NOTES AND QUEEIES. [9 th s. xn. DEC. 5, 1903.

and marked at 4J. 10s.); the Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels; 'The Survey of Western Palestine,' &c.

The December catalogue of Messrs. Bailey Bros., of Newington Butts, contains over 3,000 books, topography, antiquities, family history, and genea- logy being among the subjects. Under London, and also Oxford, will be found much to interest.

Mr. Bertram Dobell has a fresh and good general catalogue. Among interesting items, under Motor- Oars, is Hancock's narrative of twelve years' experi- ments demonstrative of the practicability and advantage of employing steam-carriages on common roads, 1824-36.

Messrs. Macmillan & Bowes, of Cambridge, have a catalogue of modern books at low prices. Among the subjects to be found are archaeology, ecclesio- logy, heraldry, and folk-lore. Of special interest are Feasey and Micklethwaite's ' Westminster Abbey,' 3/. 3-s. ; Farren's ' Cathedral Cities,' 4/. 4.s., and proof copies, 81. 8-s. ; Allibone's ' English Literature ' ; and a ' Reader's Guide to the Best Books.'

Mr. Thomas Thorp's Reading catalogue includes all branches of literature; a number of works on Africa and America ; a set of the 'Annual Register,' 1758 to 1844 ; an exceptionally fine copy of Boileau ; the 4tq series of 'Chronicles,' 18 vols. ; the Library Edition of Swift, 19 vols., 1814; the Ideal, vol. i. part i. (all out 1903); the Studio, from the commencement to October, 1902, 8/. 8.s. ; Dibdin's ' Bibliographical Decameron,' 3 vols., 1817, 111. Us. ; also a large collection of coloured engravings and book-plates.

Mr. Thorp's St. Martin's Lane list contains a set of Borrow's Works, first and second editions ; a first edition of ' Red-Cotton Nightcap Country'; Beatify'* Miscellany, 1837-61 ; first edition of Miss Burney's 'Camilla/ 1796, 3 vols.,6/. 6*. ; ' The Wan- derer,' 1814, 5 vols., 8 guineas ; a number of Cruik- shank books, including ' The Comic Almanacks,' 1835-46 ; the 1808 edition of Dryden ; the Huth Catalogue, of which only 130 copies were printed for sale ; Littelton's ' Tenures ' ; the original Roman edition of ' Vedute di Roma ' ; and, among auto-

B'aphs, a letter of Dickens to Buckstone, Gad's ill, May 15, 1870, in which he refers to " a severe attack of neuralgia in the foot.

Mr. Alexander W. Macphail's list contains rarities in Scottish and general literature ; also many in-

Other items are the 'Nuremberg Chronicle,' and an impression of the original picture of the inaugura- tion of Burns as Poet Laureate of the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, 1787. This contains sixty por- traits of celebrities. There is also a cheap set of the Edinburgh.

Messrs. Gilbert & Son, of Winchester, have a miscellaneous list, including many works on Hamp- shire. There is a nice set of Prescott, Library Edition ; ' Little Dorrit,' first edition in the original parts ; and also the six parts of ' Edwin Drood.'

Mr. Winter's December catalogue includes a first edition of ' Oliver Twist ' ; ' Follies and Fashions of our Grandfathers,' 1807; Hutchinson's 'County of Durham ' ; first edition of Rowlandson's ' Dr. Syn- ' ' German Street Cries,' with 120 illustrations,


Hamburg, 1808; and Granger's 'Biographical His- tory of England.'

Mr. West, of Lancaster, has a selection from the library of Sir J. W. Pease. There is a first edition of Minsheu's 'Guide into the Tongues,' being the dedication copy to James, with his arms stamped in gold ; also a first edition of ' Festus.'

Messrs. Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have many rare books in their new catalogue, which is illus- trated, and includes Arrian, 1535 ; Vecellio, ' Habiti,' 1590 ; Elyot's ' Castel of Helth,' 1541 ; and 73 en- gravings by Finden. collected by him for his private pleasure, 1834-54. The first plate, with his signature, is a portrait of Queen Victoria, May 1, 1838. There is also another of Her Majesty as a girl of eleven. The catalogue contains many other items of con- siderable interest, including autograph letters of Southey, and a fine copy of the first edition of ' The Dresden Gallery,' 1753-7, price 21/. The original cost of this was 105/.

Mr. W. J. Smith, of Brighton, has many topo- graphical books relating to England and its counties ; also a large number of books on America and Australia. The books of reference include the 'Century Dictionary,' 8 vols., 9/. 18s. ; Brunet's ' Manuel du Libraire,' 9/. 15.*. ; a cheap set of 'Family Library' (Murray's); Knight's 'Enter- taining Knowledge ' ; Lubbock's ' Hundred Best Books ' ; Household Words and All the Year Round, complete from their commencement to 1890; many first editions of Dickens, also his portrait, given to Edmund Yate.s, with autograph, February, 1859 ; Vanity Fair, 1869 to 1879 ; Fun, 1861-1900, &c.


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ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

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CAPT. THOBNE GEORGE. Evidently a misprint for "undulating character." The words were no doubt set correctly by the compositor, and after- wards broken accidentally.


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