Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/519

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Haes (H.) on definition of preface, 228 Hale (C. P.) on " Ask no questions," 157

Bailey, its meaning, 433

Button games, 185

Corpse's hand, cure by, 172

"No great shakes," 352

Sween or swean, 213

" Unspeakable Turk," 177 Haley (F. G-.) on ' Legacy of an Etonian,'. 21 8 Halfpenny, Cronbane, 327, 456 Hall (A.) on Cromwell family of Henbury, 494

Dante, his wife, 226

Hall (William), printer, 125

" Hanged, drawn, and quartered," 384

More (Sir Thomas), his ancestry, 151

Morgan (Major-General George), 308

Trisantona, 4

Walton, place-name, 177

Warburton (John), his servant, 97 Hall (General Gage John), his biography, 28 Hall (R.) on French poet, 267 Hall (William), printer, 125 Hallett (S.) on Arthurian puzzles, 111 Halliday family, 207 Hallingee, co. Chester, 169 Hamburg, its coloured cow, 369 Hamilton (Archibald), his biography, 187 Hamilton (S. G.) on 'Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes,' 398

" Weary Titan," 377 Hamilton (W.) on John Warburton and his servant,


Hamilton (Walter), his death, 140 Hamilton (Sir William), his class motto, 389 Hands without hair, 152, 236 '* Hanged, drawn, and quartered," 384 Harben (H. A.) on Clare Street, 175 Harbron (G. D.) on heraldic query, 308 Hardinge ((}.), letter from Horace Walpole to, 451 Harland-Oxley (W. E.) on St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 274

Westminster changes, 162 Harper family, 248, 393 Harris (C. S.) on horse marine, 215

Janissary, 384

" Kiss the rod," 433

"Mutus dedit nomen cocia," 190 Harris (E. B.) on Lee's ' Life of Shakespeare,' 42 Harrison (B.) on list of knights, 427 Harrison (B.) on Enstone, 435

Frisbie surname, 392

Leigh and Lee, 311

Silchester, 256

Harry (O.) on Trevis family, 148 Harvie-Brown (J. A.) on " White faunch hind," 169 Hat, first silk, in London, 325 Hat, "shaving," 447 Hathaway surname, 53 Hayes (Dan) and 'Hamlet,' 87 Hayward = hedge warden, 145 Hean = hilt, 377

<c Hear, hear ! " origin of the phrase, 133 Hebb (J.) on A cor as calamus, 72

Advertisements, riming, 5

"Cambuscan bold," 108

Charade, 187

Hebb (J.) on Dante in America, 41, 297

' Don Giovanni,' 103

Neithior or bidding custom, 328

Oriel = hall royal, 116

Petit bleu = closed telegraph card, 244

Plackett (Jack), his Common, 423, 491

Putnam family, 106

" Red Lion," Parliament Street, 262

Rummer, its etymology, 36

Thackeray (W. M.), his house in Kensington, 325 Heber (Richard), book collector, his portrait, 267, 338 Hebrew numerals, 58

Heckethorn (C. W.) on wind indicator, 347 " Heels o'er gowdie," its meaning, 386, 453 Helpmate and helpmeet, 50, 71, 196 Hems (H.) on Bailey, its meaning, 269

Bonaparte relic, 175, 373

Cape Town in 1844, 96, 196

Chal : Romany Chal, 476

Cresset-stones, 477

Dibble, its meaning, 407

Ladle, silver, 474

Money lent by measure, 191

Paint, process for removing, 392 Hendericks, clockmaker, 427 Henry (Prince) at South Tawton, 127 Heptonstall, Yorkshire, and its church, 61, 174 Heraldic query, 50, 98

Heraldry :

Arg., gutte'e gu., two swords in saltire, &c., 6, 212

Arms, foreign, in England, 308, 361, 372; grant of, 404

Bulls in coats of arms, 287, 395

Franciscan arms, 28, 172

Lamb and banner device, 387, 417, 431

Nag's head as a crest, 148, 235, 393

Or, three slipped trefoils in pale vert, &c., 370, 452

Pess (Sir Berner), arms of, 469

Quarterly of two, Gu., 1 and 4, hawk arg., &c., 308, 372

Scorpions, 436

Surname, licence to take additional, 209 Herbert (Lady Grace), her marriage, 489 Herne the Hunter, writers on, 328, 416 Hexham Priory and the Augustales, 8, 410 Heylin (Peter), his biography, 147 Heysham antiquities, 169 Hiatt (C.) on Dr. Pinches's school, 269 Hickory, its etymology, 124 " Hill me up," Derbyshire phrase, 285, 435, 496 Hind, "white faunch," 169, 372 Hippoclides on " Shaving Hat," 447 ' Historical English Dictionary,' MS. lost and found,


Historical parallel, 104, 215 Historical research, notes on, 302 Historical societies, 228 Historicus on Cardinal Beaton, 467 History, unwritten, 82, 154, 195 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Kemp family of Hendon, 7

Lady Grace Herbert, 489 Hoby (Sir Philip), diplomatist, 328 Hodgkin (J. E.) on JEregraphans= compositor, 126