Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/520

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899-.

Hodgkin (J. E.) on Anno Domini 1900, 423

Books, rare, in 1792, 104 Hogenstore : Hognor bread, 265 Hoggeners money, 265 Hognor bread, 265 Holland, Counts of, 31, 93 Rolling Day =5 January, 108, 173 Holy Communion, substitute for bread, 427, 498 Holy Trinity, Minories, its history, 146 Holy Trinity Brotherhood, Aldersgate, its register, 269 Holyoake (G. J.) on two James Watsons, 185 Homer and Jewish rites, 269 Hoo : She, 245, 418

Hook (Theodore) and Thos. Earnshaw, 446, 494 Hooper (J.) on Agnes a fateful name, 249

Bagatelle, its etymology, 345

Chal, Romany, 373

Churches, double-naved, 429

Humpbacks touched for luck, 486

Irish " Glibbes " or " Coulins," 449

Lavinia, origin of the name, 273

Loggerheads and Llanberris, 68

Masse'na (Marshal), 357

Mustard motto, 88

Nizolian paper books, 487

Peas, pease, and peasen, 25

Scrimanski, in ' Hudibras,' 358

" Wigs on the green," 492 Hooper (John), Bishop of Gloucester, his vestments,

209, 456 Hope (H. G.) on Bonaparte broadside, 392

Bonaparte relic, 3

" Buchanan (Geordie), Under the beard of," 433

Curran (Sarah), 472

" Cutting his stick," 272

FitzGerald (E.), his Omar Khayyam,' 326

' Gentleman's Magazine,' 144

Ghetto, Roman, 155

Gladstone (Mr.) on Shakspeare, 26

Green and the Grahams, 94

Herne the Hunter, 416

Ireland, Cromwellites and Williamites in, 283

Irishmen, their ubiquity, 309

Massena (Marshal), 356

Montaigne and East Anglia, 211

  • More Hints on Etiquette,' 52

" No great shakes," 277

' Old St. Paul's,' 418

" Parley's Penny Library," 233

"Policy of prin-pricks," 46, 278

Rubens (Sir P. P.), his ' Descent from the Cross,' 89

Selwyn (George), curious taste of, 435

Swift (Jonathan), 76

Thackeray (W. M.) and FitzGerald, 4

Wellington (Duke of) and Grassini, 147 Hope (W. H. St. J.) on church (?) at Silchester, 110 Hopkinson (H. C. B.) on Col. C. Godfrey, 409 Horace, and Chaucer, 224 ; " Strenua nos exercet

inertia," 310 ; " Judseus Apella," 326, 495 Horham Hall, Queen Elizabeth at, 408 Hornbeam wood for fuel, 94 Horse-chestnut, humorous poem on, 31 Horse marine, origin of the term, 215 Horwood (W. R.) on engraving of Chatham's monu- ment, 468

Hoskins (Serjeant), verses by, 428

Houses, without staircases, 116: their leprosy, 40&


Hoy, Margate, 365, 491 " Huchown of the Awle Ryale," 146 Hughes (T. C.) on Old St. Paul's,' 418

Seville, its capture, 395

Hull (Thomas), his biography and family, 42& Hullabaloo, early use of the word, 53 Humpbacks touched for luck, 486 Humphry (Ozias), MS. autobiography, 401 Hurst (H.) on the place-name Oxford, 309

Place-names, 177

Sibyls in Scotland, 194

Hurstwood, Spenser's Lancashire Home, 481 Hussey (A.) on Bekesbourne, Kent, 13

Cromwell (Oliver) and Christmas, 495

"Foy Boat," 457

More (Rev. William), 108 Hutchinson (T.) on "Hill me up," 436

Siege of Troy, 453

Thackeray (W. M.), his Latin, 409

Yeed or Yeedith, 456

Button (A. W.) on Sir George Aldrych, 208 Hyde (H. B.) on Roman numerals, 90

I. (C. J.) on "And which," 129 Barclay (Alexander), 305 Burleigh (Lord), his ' Precepts,' 409 Montaigne, Florio's translation, 406 ; and East

Anglia, 144

Northumberland House MS., 372 Sackville (Charles), sixth Earl of Dorset, 488 Shakspeare (W.) and Rabelais, 224

Ice : " An ice," quotations for, 26, "152, 351

Ichaboe, island on west coast of Africa, 98

Ida Barony, Kilkenny, temp. Cromwell, 128

Illustration as a book word, 247, 316, 394, 476

Impey (Sir Elijah) and Dr. James Fraser, 301, 497

Incarnation, era in monkish chronology, 73, 234

Index, its definition, 444

Indian nobleman, 6

Indians (North American), name system, 445

Information and General Knowledge Office, 327, 433

Ingleby (H,) on Parliament cake, 149

-Ington, termination of names, 208, 313, 376

Inman (C.) on King of Jerusalem, 388

Inn, old English, 326, 494

Innesrrde Insula, 188, 335

Interlunar, use of the word, 57

Ireland, sweating pits in, 54 ; poem relating to, 248 ; Cromwellites and Williamites in, 283 ; early print- ing in, 288, 479

Irish " Glibbes," or " Coulins," 449

Irish provinces, 161

Irishmen, their ubiquity, 309

Iruin (Sir Alexander), of Drum, proceedings against, 107, 172

Irving (J. H.) on De Feritate, 47

Issanchou on Homo additus naturae," 448

Italian ball game, 213

Italian literature, early, 7, 231

J. (C.) on ' Dialogus Gervasii Tilleburiensis,' 469 J. (D.) on ' Hamlet,' by Dan Hayes, 87 Inn, old English, 326