Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/521

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



J. (D.) on Red Cross Society, 225

York (Duke of), 284 J. (H. R.) on Counts of Holland, 93

Ladle, silver, 137

J. (W. C.) on granting of arms, 404 Jackson (F. M.) on cure by corpse's hand, 294 Jacobin on miniature of Charles II., 427 Jacobite societies, modern, 34 Jalap, its etymology, 269 James II. at Rochester, 384, 471 James VI., letter of, 447 Janissary, plural and singular, 384, 454 Jarratt (F.) on Lord Tennyson's Ancient Sage,' 376 Jeakes (Capt.) and Muscat pirates, 444, 491 Jeakes (T. J.) on ancient bee-lore, 418 " Beetle and Wedge," 134 Bulls in coats of arms, 395 Cardboard models, 477 Caul, 491

Charme, its meaning, 94 Drowned bodies recovered, 255 Ghosts, sporting, 297 Madonna, black images of the, 190 Muscat, brush with pirates, 444 Pompey's Pillar, 410 Preen, Salop, 492 Randan, its derivation, 114 Village, deserted, 491 Wind gauge, 478 Jeffreys and Cosby families, 308 Jenkins (R.) on Godfrey Box, 48 Jerram (C. S.) on Romany Chal, 373 Jerrold (W.) on Rummer, its etymology, 238 Jewish rites and Homer, 209 Jew's harp, references to, 34, 473 Jew's Walk, Sydenham, 62

Jews, and bills of exchange, 94 ; and the Spartans, 385 " John-a-Duck's mare," 90 Johnson (E. J. W.) on Lee's 'Life of Shakespeare,'


Johnson (Isaac), antiquarian artist, 109 Johnson (Dr. Samuel), and tea-drinking, 215, 272 ;

his house at Frognal, 228, 334, 415 Johnsonians, Liverpool sect, 284 Jonas (A. C.) on prophecy by Burns, 75 Charles I. relics, 314 Numerals, Roman, 214

Jones (Edward), land agent, his biography, 389 Jones (O. B.) on Stock, its meaning, 357

Welsh custom, 333 Jones (Paul), song about, 34, 296 Jordan. See St. Jordan.

Josselyn ( J. H. ) on Firman or Firmin family, 289 Joy, past, its remembrance, 132 Judges, Welsh, 427 Jug, puzzle, 49, 98, 252 Junames, its etymology, 107 Junius's Letters, their author, 250 Jury, Grand, its number, 256, 393

K. on lines by Dickens, 287

K. (T.) on Filigalentse, its meaning, 27

Kaisar-i-Hind, origin of the title, 283

Kay and key, 248, 371

Kelly (Edward) and Dr. John Dee, 73

Keltic, fcee Celtic.

Kemp family, and Mergate Hall, 52 ; and Bolton

Percy, 103

Kemp family of Hendon, 7 Kendall (William), his 'Poems,' 246 Kensington, Thackeray's house in, 325 Kent (P.) on "Ko great shakes," 352 Kenyon (G. T.) on John Bright, 116

" Loggerheads Inn," 171 Kepler (John) and Sir Henry Wotton, 244 Kerr (Lord Mark), caricatures by, 329 Key, its pronunciation, 248, 371, 472 Khayydm (Omar), FitzGerald's translation, 326, 395 Killigrew on Bounder, its derivation, 13

Charles I,, his George, 16 ; his decollation, 124 ; relics, 130

Nag's head in heraldry, 235

Pease egger, 334

" Ploughing the sands," 72

Shakspeare and M. Rostand, 483 " Kind, these," and similar phrase?, 406 King (A. J.) on Agam colour, 170

' Legacy of an Etonian,' 178

Leprosy of houses, 497

Odour, hereditary, 78

Purton, its church, 254 King (John), D.D., master of the Charterhouse, 68 r


King of Jerusalem, the title, 388 " Kings ! " boys' term at games, 28, 114 Kipling (Rudyard), his 'Recessional,' 208, 236:

parodies on his ballads, 329 Kirk (S. J.) on epitaphs, 192 Knight family of Bristol, 321 Knights, list of, 427, 493 Knocker surname, its origin, 208 Knowledge, royal roads to, 263, 356 Knox (William), merchant, his biography, 428 Krasinska (Countess), her 'Journal,' 409 Krebs (H.) on early Italian, 231

M iracle play, Provencal, 226

Sibyls in Scotland, 194 Kylon, its meaning, 108, 175

L. (B. H.) on archery butts, 473

Corpse's hand, cure by, 68

Martin, a game, 496 L. (M. C.) on Alderney taxes, 208

Arnold (Benedict), 271

Devil as a black dog, 374

Helpmate and helpmeet, 196

Leaves marked by vapours of Tartarus, 22S"

Money, white, 108

Ring, camelian, 193 L. (T. V.) on black blotting paper, 72

Linwood (Miss), her picture galleries, 72 Ladle, ancient silver, 28, 137, 474 Lamb and banner device, 387, 417, 431 Lamballe (Princess de), her ' Journal,' 97 Lancashire witches of seventeenth century, 223 Landor (Walter Savage), his marriage, 125, 197 Landrail = corn-crake, 385, 474 Lanyon (John Jenkinson), his genealogy, 469 Late- wake and lyke-wake, 3 Latin ambiguities, 272 Latin motto, 249 Lauder family, 347, 475