Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/532

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.

Spence (R. M.) on Shakspeariana, 64, 222, 363, 422

Tennyson (Lord), bis 'Ancient Sage,' 248 Spencer (F. J.) on Easter Sunday, 149 Spendore, Lo, Neapolitan game, 49 Spode or Snode, arms of, 370, 452 St, consonantal combination, 133, 236, 492 Stag, Tame, child's story in verse, 49, 115 Stair on ' Chant of Achilles,' 272 Staircases, houses without, 116 Stalls in theatres, earliest, 297 Stapleton (A.) on Gotham and Gothamites, 307

' Merry Tales of Men of Gotham,' 386 Stapleton (Thomas), his ' Fortress of the Faith,' 89 Starck (Col.) inquired after, 108 Steading, its meaning, 226

Stephenson (C. H.) on Bessie Rayner Parkes, 169 Stevenson (Rev. Alexander), his biography, 8 Stevenson (W. H.) on era in monkish chronology, 234 Glyndyfrdwy, 238

Rounds or rungs, 231

Swansea, its derivation, 470

Veit = Guy, 490

Wolverhampton, charter relating to St. Peter's,


Stewkley parish registers, 106 Stickit or stickiu minister, 229, 337 Stilwell (J. P.) on Battle of Dorking, 305

Royal Naval Club, 173 Stitherum, Midland provincialism, 6 Stoffel (C.) on Paragon, its meaning, 168 Stonard families, 192 Stone, in topography, 43 Stone ale, 489 Stook=shock of corn in harvest field, 206, 357, 412,

474, 498

Stopes (C. C.) on 'Butteifly's Ball,' 127 Strathmore (Mary Eleanor Bowes, Lady), portrait

and descendants, 168, 234 Street (E. E.) on English translation, 34 Strong (H. A.) on " Mead and obarni," 471 Strong's Bluff and Strong family, 187, 293 Stuart (Prince Charles), his recantation of the Roman

Catholic faith, 387, 471 Stuart (H.) on Lady Garascar's chapel, 227 Stuart watch, 69

Subjunctive, imperfect, in English, 136 Sulby, parish of no importance, 386 Sun, its so-called willow leaves, 66 Sunday, Christmas Day on, 284 Sundials dated before 1580, 149 Surname, licence to take additional, 209 Surnames, in -son, 90, 176, 237 ; their spelling, 109 ;

double, 249

Sutton (C. W.) on 'Legacy of an Etonian,' 274 Swallow, "chimney " or " barn," 324 Swallow, its song, 93, 1/1 Swansea, its derivation, 470 Sweating-pits in Ireland, 54 Sween or swean, its meaning, 69, 212, 270 Swift (Dean Jonathan), a descendant, 76 Sycophant, its Greek equivalent, 484 Sydenham, Jew's Walk at, 62

T. (C. P.) on heral.lic query, 209 T. (H.) on the contraction CM., 307 Shakspeariana, 282

T. (J. S. M.) on Lo Spendore, 49 Marbles, games with, 65

Martin, a game, 408

Rounds or rungs, 75, 158 "Table de Communion," 471 Talbot (J.) on Addams family, 303

Nicholson family and Charity, 188 Tarleton (Col.), portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 488 Tartar cloud conventionalized, 38 Tartarus and its vapours, 229, 370 Tate (W. R.) on dead fold, 153

Rounds or rungs, 117 Tavare* (F. L.) on Charles I. rings, 418 Tavern signs : Beetle and Wedge, 134 ; Gate hangs

Well, 216, 315, 398 ; Loggerheads Inn, 68, 171 Taw, its derivation, 97, 272

Tawton, South, Princes Arthur and Henry at, 127 Taxidermist, origin of the terra, 27 Taylor (C. S.) on "Sooner or later," 475 Taylor (Edward), professor of music at Greshaua

College, 229 Taylor (H.) on brothers with same Christian name, 34

' Eclectic Review,' 27

Heptonstall, 174

Lancashire witches, 223 Taylor (I.) on Christian basilicas, 322, 493

Biggies wade, 33

Cecil, its pronunciation, 34

Fyfe (Alexander), 205

Gold Coast name system, 146

Hayward=hedge warden, 145

Hoo and she, 245

-Irgton, termination, 376

Minutes and seconds, 136

Name system among the red men, 445

Names, Saxon and Norman, 1

Registers, old, how to read them, 497

Sewardstone, 156

Stone, in topography, 43

Village, deserted, 404

Walton, place-name, 176

Ward, surname, 72

" T'esquinte pas," its meaning, 69, 152 Telescope and Roger Bacon, 163

Tennyson (Lord), ' Amphion,' 109, 218, 458, 484; jealous poet in 'The Spiteful Letter,' 208, 317; " Single world " in ' The Ancient Sage,' 248, 376 Tephi, Irish legends about, 56 " Terrae filins," its meaning, 207 Terry (C. S.) on historical parallel, 215 Terry (P.) on expulsion from Oxford, 307 Testons or testernes, their coinage and value, 42, 118,


Thackeray (W. M.), and Edward FitzGerald in 1831, 4 ; and ' More Hints on Etiquette,' 52 ; his Latin, 196, 409 ; his house in Kensington, 325 ; " Mother is the name for God," 471

Theatre tickets and passes, metallic, 58, 116, 350 Theatres, stalls in, 297 Theobald-= Rosa, 308

Theobald (Simon), Abp. of Canterbury, his skull, 186 Theotocopuli (Domenico), portrait by, 288 " These kind," use of the phrase, 406 Thiselton (A. E.) on Shakspeariana, 63, 223, 362,

423 Thomas (E. J.) on ' Moro,' an opera, 471