Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/533

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Thomas (R.) on Assyrian rowing, 325

Book terms, 172, 432

Cataloguing, 102

Encyclopedia, 325

Foy boat, 385

' Good Lines,' 466

Hoy, Margate, 365

Index, its meaning, 444

' Lena,' its author, 315

Moore (Frances), 272

Watkins (John), 338

Thompson (G. H.) on "No great shakes," 493 Thornfield on monument to a flea, 237

Ministers' letters to their sovereign, 66 Thornton (B. R.) on prophecy concerning Spain and America, 263

Slingsby (Simeon), 50 Thornton (R. H.) on blotting paper, 136

Chronogram, 1532, 46

Cipher, Skelton's, 386

Copper-tailed, 8

Debt of nature, 491

Decoctor bankrupt, 245

Dogs, old proverb concerning, 145

" Hard siege," 229

Hat, first silk, 325

Jury, Grand, its number, 256

Leprosy of houses, 409

London and Lonnon, 304

Myrmecides, 5

Popes, bearded, 246

Thorp (J. T.) on regiments at Malta, 268 Thoyts (E. E.) on Mary Bowles, 34 " Three Pound Twelve " token, 249 Thurloe and Ewer families, 148 Till and Tweed, rimed dialogue, 324 Timber and timbre tones, 188, 429 Titles : Sir, as a prefix, 145 ; Marquess, 224 ; Kaisar-

i-Hind, 283 ; King of Jerusalem, 388 Tobacco, old documents relating to, 488 Toes, twilly, 406

Token lettered "Three Pound Twelve," 249 'Tom Tit Tot,' folk-tale, 146, 211 Tour, aerial, 178, 316 Tower or tour, aerial, 178, 316

' Town and Country Magazine,' its tete-a-tete por- traits, 77 Toynbee (H.) on Horace Walpole and his editors, 54,

i31, 257, 353, 451 Trades in the fourteenth century, 18 Trances, its meaning, 267 Transpire, misuse of the word, 243 " Tres tois d'or," origin of the phrase, 48, 156 Trethowan, place-name, 28, 115 Trevis family, 148, 255 " Tring, Wing, and Ivinghoe," 349 Trinity windows, 28, 187, 293 Trisantona three waters, 4 Trotter, clockmaker, 128 Trousers, introduction of the word, 126, 274 Troy, its siege, 126, 453 True Blue Club, 122, 396 ' Truphes of Phylosophers,' 46 Truscott (J. L.) on Henderiokp, clockmaker, 427 Tryst, its etymology, 35 Tuckwell (W.) on^ Scott's 'Antiquary,' 198

Tuckwell (W.) on Chifney-bit, 387

Tuer (A. W.) on Browne-Mill family documents, 347

Silhouettes of children, 30

Stag, captive, 49, 115 Turner (A. G.) on Grigson family, 258 Turthel cow, its meaning, 295 Tweed and Till, rimed dialogue, 324 Twilly toes, 406

Twist (Robert), Westminster scholar, 368 Two-mile Bridge, co. Limerick, 337 Tyrone (Hugh O'Neil, Earl of), his portrait, 89, 171,

332 Tyrone (T.) on Northumberland House MS., 229

U.E.L. See United Empire Loyalists' Association. Unction, extreme, its administration, 165 Underbill (W.) on "Sooner or later," 229

William III., 168

United Empire Loyalists' Association, Ontario, 181 University colleges of residence, 337, 452 University office, tenure of, 486 Uprising seat child-bed pew, 212 Urban on Sir Charles Sedley, 67

Wrench (Sir Benjamin), 97

Yates (Mrs.), actress, 49

Young (Charles and Mrs.), 107

Younger (Mrs.), 69

V. (Q.) on barricades, 3

Motto, proud, 204

Reprint, lines omitted in, 5

Walpole (Horace), 156

' Whole Duty of Man,' 118

V. (W. I. R.) on anecdote of Archbishop Blackburne, 484

Humphry (Ozias), 401

Sherlock (Dean), 467

Shore (Jane), her residence, 445 Vane (G. H. F.) on register entry, 90 Vanity Fair, origin of the phrase, 15 Veit=Guy, 249, 490 Velton Abbey, its history, 1 68 Verax on Gate, tavern sign, 398 Verdion (Theodora de), 442 Verlaine (Paul), versions of 'Chanson' beginning

<( Leciel,"267

Vernon (Mr Thomas), Knt., his biography, 397 Vesey (Archbishop), inscription, 306 Vicar on Muse plots, 176 Vilett (John) and his brother Richard, 1/1 Village, deserted, 404, 490 Vincent family, 192 Virgil and the real JEneas, 74, 132

W. on Ward surname, 8

W. (A. C.) on parish of no importance, 386

' Wise Men of Gotham,' 417 W. (A. S ) on Gate, tavern sign, 315 W. (A. T.) on how to read old registers, 497 W. (E.) on " Loggerheads Inn," 171 W. (G.) on " Brig o' dread," 487

Caul, child's, 408

St. Helen, 409 W. (J.) on cipher, 128

Clare Street, 69 W. (J. J.) on " Old Frenchman," 287