Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Wise (C.) on ' Jack Sheppard,' 249

Place-names, 105 ,. Wishing Wells, visiting the, 443 Witchcraft, collection of tracts relating to, 208, 317 Witches, Lancashire, in seventeenth century, 223 Withycombe Church struck by lightning, 26, 136,

Wolferstan (E. P.) on Acorns calamus, 73 French proverb, 317

Wollaston (William), biographical notes on, 29

Wollaston family arms, 29, 78, 211

Wolverhampton, charter relating to St. Peter's, 70, 149

Wood engravings, hand-printed books from, 424

Woodham (Mrs.), her biography, 36

Wordsworth (William), quoted by George Eliot, 47, 151 ; allusion by Scott, 114

Wotton (Sir Henry), and the Bacon-Shakspeare con- troversy, 181 ; and Kepler, 244

Wrangham (Archdeacon F.), 425, 492

Wrench (Sir Benjamin), M.D., of Norwich, 97

Wright (Mr.), painter, 34

" Writer of sorts," its meaning, 167, 197, 237

Wronski (Hoene), his writings, 87

Wyld (H. C.) on English guttural sounds, 21

Wyvern Gules on Caen Wood, Highgate, 473

X. on architectural niches, 32

Xmas, origin of the contraction, 27, 138

Yardley (E.) on the real ^Eneas, 132

^Esop, remarks on, 344, 404

Bull (John), 378

D'Aulnoy (Comtesse) and the microphone, 397

Lee (S.), his ' Shakespeare,' 256

St. Helen, 474

Shakspeare (W.) and the sea, 173

Shakspeariana, 64, 282, 294, 422

St, consonantal combination, 133, 236, 492

Swallow, its song, 93, 171

Troy and Belgrade, 126

Waller (Edmund), 165

Walpole (Horace) and his editors, 354 Yates (Mrs.), actress, 1728-87, 49, 134 Ydoltorec on Cardinal Rossi, 134 Yeed or Yeedith, prenomen, 369, 456 Ygrec on Motiled : Motlet : Mullett, 227 York (Frederick, Duke of), insult to, 284 Young (Charles and Mrs.), acting in New York, 107,


Young (Dr. Edward), his letters, 128 Younger (E. G.) on Mrs. Younger, 153 Younger (Mrs.), actress, her marriage with J. F.

Hatton, 69, 153 Younie surname, 68

Z. (A.) on heraldic query, 372

Zama, battle of, alleged eclipse at, 246

Zodiacs, ancient, 24, 402, 463