Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.

W. (M. B.) on Lady Strathmore, 168 W. (T.) on expulsion from Oxford, 393 Wade (N.) on Cromwell family of Henbury, 367 Wage=wages, 384

Walker (A. S.) on church of Allhallowa the Great, 455

Holy Trinity Brotherhood, 269 Walker (B.) on epitaph at Birmingham, 457

Prynn (William), 14

" Servery " = service room, 498 Walker (R. J.) on William Lilly, 367

Myrmecides, 57

Walker (W.) on Gray's Elegy,' 229 Wall (William), his birth, and education, 348 Wallace (D. M.), notes on his 'Russia,' 305 Wallace (R.) on James Shaw, 387 Wallace (R. H.) on bulls in coats of arms, 287

Hamburg, its coloured cow, 369

Pack Rag Feast, 85

Pease eggers, 249

Waller (Edmund), his reputation, 165, 352 Wallis (R.) on " Bob-baw," 213

Walpole (Horace), and his editors, 54, 131, 257, 353, 451 ; scandal concerning, 156, 212 ; on Prior's parentage, 449

Walrus, Chinese description, 487 Walters (R.) on Mrs. Yates, actress, 135 Walton, place-name, its etymology, 107, 176, 317 Walton (D.) on Bounder, its derivation, 14 Wanstead House, temp. Queen Elizabeth, 113 War bow, last, 383, 494 Warburton (John) and his servant, 27, 97 Ward surname, 8, 72 Ward (C. S.) on dead fold, 68

Leprosy of houses, 497

Morales, cavalry engagement at, 395

" Peace, retrenchment, and reform," 334

St. Jordan, 207

Withycombe Church, 136 Ward (I. W.) on Dr. Lindsay, Archbishop of Armagh,


Ward (K.) on missing picture, 167 Ware (Major-General), his biography, 188 Warton (John Joseph), his parentage, 469 Was used for ' went," 227 Water-pipes, ancient, 445 Watkins (John), his biography, 149, 338 Watson (James), two imprisoned, 185 Watts-Dunton (Theodore), and the title of ' Aylwin,'

124, 174, 256 ; key to ' Aylwin,' 127 Weare (G. E.) on St. Jordan, 349, 414 Webb (W. L.) on George Bruce, 348 Weckherlin (G. R.), missing poem by, 189 Welford (R.) on books with curious titles, 128

Callings of various persona, 115

Campbell (Thomas), his ' Wallace,' 392

Christian names, 417

County histories, 393

Earnshaw (Thos.) and Theodore Hook, 494

mores Cortox,' 278

London and Lonnon, 416

Oxford Argo,' 397

Paragon, its meaning, 237

Parkes (Bessie Rayner), 254

Registers, old, how to read them, 497

Strathmore (Lady), 234

Wellington (Arthur, Duke of) and Grassini, 14

Wells, holy, reverence paid to, 173

Welsh corpse custom, 208, 333

Welsh judges, 427

Welsh provinces, 161

Welsh worthies, five, 465

Welsh (C.) on ' Voyages of Jack Halliard,' 249

Wentworth House, co. York, milestones directing to

409, 494

West Indian families, 93 West Indian families, French. 427 Westminster, ancient wharf in, 164 Westminster changes, 162 Wetherald (Rowland), his printing press, 347 " What all " for " what not," 188, 258 " What do they call you ? " 146, 244 Wheeler (S.) on Walter Savage Lander's marriage, 197 Whitby, epitaph at, 166 White (Edward Arthur), his manuscript pedigrees,


White money in Elizabethan times, 108, 210 Whit well (R. J.) on Agam colour, 170

Columbaria : Dovecotes, 113

De Feritate family, 192

Hooper (Bp.), his vestments, 209

Italian ball game, 213

Italian literature, early, 7

Jew's harp, 34

Whyte-Melville (G. J.), " White faunch deer," 169, 372 ; quotation in ' Brookes of Bridlemere, ' 368. 471

Widecombe-in-the-Moor. See Withycombe. "Wig of bread," 168, 252 Willcock (J.) on G. A. Magini, 148 Wilkie (Prof. William), his Epigoniad,' 197 Wilkinson (J. F.) on Acreware : Mollond, 85 Willcock (J.) on Boccaccio, 247

Clanmolinespick, 169

Heylin (Peter), 147

Iruin (Sir Alexander), 107

Loans, forced, 328

Motto, Latin, 249

Scot abroad, 109

Scotland, Civil War in, 348

William III., his right to the throne, 168 ; his fol- lowers in Ireland, 283 Williams (Col.) and Major Andr<?, 58, 95 Williams (Roger), of Providence, New England, 107,

237 Williams (T.) on the name Cecil, 154

De Feritate family, 277

Nag's head as a crest, 394 Williams (W. R.) on Welsh judges, 427 Willis (Hamilton) on lamb and banner, 431 Wills, provisions for animals in, 241 Wilmshurst (T. B.) on Rile, its meaning, 66 Wilson ( J.) on rounds or rungs, 76 Wilson (T.) on basilicas, 451

Dale (Dr.), his ancestry, 228

Month, rime to, 104 Winchester marquessate, 224 Wind indicator, automatic, 347, 478 Windows, Trinity, 28, 187, 293 Windsor chairs, 349, 456 ' Wise Men of Gotham,' 307, 417, 496 Wise (C.) on Illustration, book term, 394