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NOTES AND QUERIES. b>*b.iv.0ct. 14,-9 JOHN C. NIMMO'S NEW BOOKS. NBW WORK BY THB BEV. P. A. QASQUBT, D.D. O.S.B. IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS OF THE REFORMATION PERIOD. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. cloth, gilt top, price 125 6d. net. The EVE of the REFORMATION: Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the Hnglish People in the Period preceding the Rejection of the Roman Jurisdiction by Henry VIII. Note.—This is not a controversial work, but a study chiefly of the literature, Ac., of the period in order to see what people were doing, saying, and thinking about, before the change of religion. As touching upon rather new ground, and at the same time widening the held of view in the Reformation question, it should be of great interest at the present moment. NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK ON PALESTINE. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. cloth, gilt top, With 16 Illustrations reproduced in Colours in Facsimile of the Original Oil Paintings by the Author, price 12s. 6d. net. TWO YEARS in PALESTINE and SYRIA. By Margaret Thomas, Author of 'A Scamper through Spain and Tangier,'&c. With 16 Illustrations reproduced in Colours in Facsimile of the Original Paintings by the Author. Note.—This book is being looked forward to with great interest by travellers, so many people have in one out-of-the- way corner or another of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia me:, this versatile lady. A Royal Academy Silver Medalist, she has had many pictures and pieces of sculpture exhibited in the Royal Academy. This (her new book) will be illustrated with sixteen reproductions in colour of her oil paintings. The subjects of these were painted on the spot, and the repro- ductions are by a new process not as yet employed for book illustration. AN ARTIST IN SPAIN. la 1 vol. super-royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, with Photogravure Portrait, after the Painting by Jan Vetb, and 39 Illustrations, price 12s. 6d. net. SPAIN: the Story of a Journey. By Jozef Israels. With a Portrait in Photogravure, and 39 Reproductions of Drawings by the Author. Translated from the Dutch by ALEXANDER TKIXEIRA DU MATTOS. Note.—The author and illustrator of this book (Jozef Israels) has long been acknowledged the most popular painter of the day, in this, the best sense, that his work claims the admiration not only of the critics, the collectors, and the diUttnnli, but also of those uncultured people who, understanding nothing of painting, having no care for artlaticity or virtuosity, cannot fail to be penetrated by the poetry that fills each of the veteran's canvasses. NEW VOLUME OF THE NEW ILLUSTRATED LARGE-TYPE EDITION OF WORKS BY THB AUTHOR OF ' MARY POWELL.' In crown 8vo. with 10 Illustrations by John JelUcoe, price 6s. cloth elegant, gilt top, uniform with preceding volumes. The COLLOQUIES of EDWARD OSBORNE, Citizen and Cloth-Worker of London. With 10 Illustrations by John Jelliooe.

  • «* The volumes already published in this edition are i * The Household of Sir Thomas More, The Maiden and Married

Life of Mary Powell (afterwards Mistress Milton) and the sequel thereto, Deborah's Diary,' ' Cherry and Violet: a Tale of the Great Plague,' and 'The Old Chelsea Bun-Shop : a Tale of the Last Century.' A CHEAPER EDITION. In 2 vols, extra crown 8vo. cloth, gilt top, with Portrait and 32 Illustrations from contemporary sources, price 12s. net. The REMINISCENCES and RECOLLECTIONS of CAPTAIN GRONOW: being Anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs, and Society, 1810-1860. With Portrait and 32 Illustrations from con- temporary sources by Joseph Grego.

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      • This book was published in 1889, and the whole of the edition printed was immediately absorbed. The present new

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