Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/229

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9>» S. IV. Oct. 14, '99.] 301 NOTES AND QUERIES. LONDON. SATVRDAY, OCTOBER Ik. 1899. CONTENTS.-No. 94. NOTES :—Parish Account*, 301 — Shakespeariana, 302 — Memorial to the Poet Campbell—Browning's 'La Saisiaz,' 304—Bellringers' Rimes—Inscription on Mace—Musical Epitaph—" You are old, Father William "—Birthday of George III., 305—Foot Outlines as Records of aPilgrimage —Shepherdess Walk, 306. QUERIES :-"Eggiste"— 'The Origin of Custom Houses' —Arms of Ardagh—Translations of Horace—Authors of Works Wanted -Luton Trinity Gild—Mr. Thoms's Library, 307—Helen Leigh — " Capados " — "Howk " — "Tips "— Jouillin—" Ah! pourquoi I'amitie gemiraitrelle encore? "

tOS — H. M. P. C. C. - "Bleachfleld horn " — " Lonk "

Sheep—Church of St. Agnes—" Rights and royalties of the sea "—Hemlock Tree-Cope Family—Gretna Green Marriage Registers—Sir Samuel Shepherd— Newspapers and Secret Intelligence, 309. REPLIES :-Hawker MSS., 309 — " Indispensable " — Sha- green— Henbane— Cromwell and Music, 310—Selectmen— Herries—Polkinghorn—Bleeding Image in Christ Church, Dublin, 311—Black Jews— Morcom— Authorship of ' Red, White, and Blue' — Trade=Road, 312—Portrait of Dean Vincent—"The white faunch hind"—Montreux Inscrip- tion—The Devil's Door—Boccaccio—Reference Wanted— " Wardrotie-liook," 313 -Tonghes—The Porter's Lodge — " Three Pound Twelve "—George Chapman—Collection of Biblical Quotations—" To be aff the gleg"—E. Howard, Duke of Norfolk—" Oof," 314—One of Blake's Captains- Matthew Arnold —Antiquities of East London — Harley Family—Black Images of the Madonna — "Glewed"— "To Hele," 3K> — "Bard wif" — "Marsouin " — Riming Warning to Book-Borrowers, 316—Calvert Family—Nicol- son Family — Law — Terms used at Cards — Napoleon : Marbeuf, 317—"Swabbers "—"A reel in a bottle "—Early History of the Bicycle, 318—Links with the Past, 319. NOTES ON BOOKS:-'Historical English Dictionary '— Deane's ' Book of Dene, Deane; Adeane'—Mcllwraith's ' Canada'—' Journal of the Ex-Lihris Society.' Notices to Correspondents. §rOttt. PARISH AND OTHER ACCOUNTS. The following is a list of reprinted parish and other accounts of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. I shall be glad to hear of any other reprints not included in this list, especially of those accounts which have been reprinted in parish magazines. The press-marks are those of the British Museum Library. Miscellaneous in Book Forth. Advice to Women; by one of that Sex. With housekeeping accounts for 1676. 12,316 f. 23 (4). Andover.—Churchwardens'Accounts, 1470. Being Part I. of the ' Archives of Andover,' edited by C. Collier and R. H. Clutterbuek. Not in B.M. Cata- logue. Ashburton. — Churchwardens' Accounts, 1479- 1580, edited by J. H. Butcher. 10,368 d. 26 (13). Bishop's Stortford. — Records of St. Michael's Parish Church. J. L. Glasscock. Contains Church- wardens' Accounts from 1431 to 1785, pp. 85. 4,707 e. 4. Canterbury, St. Dunstan's. — Churchwardens' Accounts, 1484-1580, reprinted from Archceoloffia Canliana. J. M. Cowper. 10,352 c. 43. Westgate, Canterbury.—A few extracts from the Overseers' and Churchwardens' Accounts in 'Our Parish Books.' J. M. Cowper. 10,352 e. 20. Chester, St. Mary-on-the-Hill.—Churchwardens' Accounts, 1536-65. From Earwaker's 'History of St, Mary-on-the-Hill,'p. 211. 4,707 h. 10. Cratfield, Suffolk.—Parish Accounts from 1490 to 1642. Wm. Holland. 010,3581. 42. Faversham, Kent.—On some Tudor Prices in Kent and Notes from the Records of Faversham. J. M. Cowper. 8,248 d. 27- Henley-on-Thames.—Extracts from Corporation Accounts in Burn's ' History of Henley-on-Thames,' pp. 192, 293, &c. 10,350 d. 16. Accounts of Queen Eleanora's Executors, pub- lished by Mr. Beriah Botfield. See Miss Strick- land's 'Queens of England,' 'N. & Q.,' 8th S. xi. 232. Bacon's Annals of Ipswich, 1654, edited by W. H. Richardson, 1884. 10,352 1. 13. Leicester, St. Martin's. — Churchwardens' Ac- counts, edited by Th. North, 1489 downwards. 010,358 h. 3. Louth.—Extracts from accounts, minutes, and memoranda of the town and free school. R. W. Goulding. 10.351 h. 30. North Elmham, Norfolk.—Churchwardens' Ac- counts, edited by A. G. Legge. Sixteenth century. 010.358 h. 2. Reading, Berks. — Churchwardeus' Accounts, Parish of St. Mary's, 1550-1662. Transcribed by F. N. and A. G. Garry. 10,351 h. 33. Reading.—Churchwardens' Accounts for Parish of St. Giles, temp. Hen. VIII. W. L. Nash, Read- ing, 1881. Not in the B.M. Catalogue. Reading.—History of St. Lawrence's Church, in- cluding some Churchwardens' Accounts. Chas. Kerry. 4,707 e. 7. Saffron Walden.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts in Griffin's ' History of Audley End,' p. 219, fifteenth century. 563 f. 18. Sheffield.—Extracts from the Town Trustees' Accounts, 1566-1707, edited bv J. D. Leader. 8,228 aa. 11. Steeple Ashton, Wilts.—Extracts illustrating the administration of poor relief, seventeenth century. Appendix B of ' The Parish.' J. Toulmin Smith. 2,232 b. 21. Worcester. — Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Michael in Bedwardine. Ac. 8,166/8. Churchwardens' Accounts from different parishes, both London and country, in J. Nichols s ' Illus- trations of Manners and Expenses.' 2,085 g. Surtees Society. Memorials of St. Giles's, Durham, being Grass- men's Accounts, &c. Ac. 8,045/73. Churchwarden's Accounts of Pittington, 1580- 1700. Ac. 8,045/64. Inventories of Church Goods, York, Durham, and Northumberland. Ac. 8,045/75. Extracts from Account Rolls of the Abbey of Durham, 1307-1535. Ac. 8,045/77, Part 1. Household Books of Lord Wm. Howard of Naworth Castle, seventeenth century. Ac. 8,045/55. Rural Economy in Yorkshire, 1641. At p. 140 a ' Shorte Remembrance for Workemen's Wages.' Henry Best, of Elmswell. Ac. 8,045/31. Inventories and Account Rolls of the Benedictine Houses of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, 1303-1517. Ac. 8,045/28. Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry at Richmond. Ac. 8,045/25. The Durham Household Book, 1530-4. Ac. 8,045/18. Priory of Coldingham, Inventories and Account Rolls, fourteenth century. Ac. 8,045/12.