Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/554

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576 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. INDEX. Shakespearian*:— Antony and Cleopatra, Act I. sc. 1, " Grates me, the summe," 453; Act III. sc. 10, " Ribaudred Nagge," 141, 221 As You Like It, Act IV. sc. 1, " Her husband's occasion," 142 ; the character of Touchstone, 142 Hamlet, Act I. sc. 4, "The dram of eale," 222 ; Act J. sc. 5, " Unhousel'd, disappointed, un- aneled," 303, 453 Macbeth, Act I. sc. 2, " Damned quarry," 222 Othello, Act V. sc. 2, " It is the cause," 141 2 Henry IV., Preface, 82 Romeo and Juliet, Act II. sc. 2, " At lovers' perjuries," fee, 221 Sonnet CXLVI., 142 Tempest, Act II. sc. 1, " Twenty consciences," fee, 221 ; Aot III. sc. 1, "I forget : But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labours," 303; Act IV. sc. 1, "The cloud-capped towers," 188, 275 Troilus and Cressida, Act II. sc. 2, "TJn- respective sieve," 304 Shands Hall, 477 Shaw (David Taylor), author of ' The Red, White, and Blue,' 164, 231, 312, 338, 426, 502 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) at Oxford, 7 Shepherd (Sir Samuel), his family, 309 Shepherdess Walk, Shoreditch, 306, 424 Sherborne (Lord) on Bibury, 172, 331 Whorwood family, 484 Shere or Shene, religious foundation at, 12 Sherewynd surname, 417 Sheridan (R. B.). portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 109 Shifford, King Alfred's Parliament at, 344 Ship-launching, breaking bottle at, 228, 293 Ship-name, Liberator, 498 Shore (Jane), her father's and her husband's residence, 18, 56 Shore (T. W.) on the place-name Oxford, 130, 479 Short families, 437 Short (G. D.) on Short families, 437 Shove-halfpenny, old game, 191 Siddons (Susannah), her biography, 419 Sigma Tau on Barry O'Meara, 112 Signatures, double-name, for peers, 399, 487, 529 Silver-cooper=crimp, 205 Simms (R.) on Helen Leigh, 308 Simpson (P.) on horse-bread, 173 Jonson (Ben), 87, 196, 423 " King of Bantam," 419 Perseus as " Masculine Virtue," 286 Pluto in Shakespeare as God of Wealth, 265 Shakespeariana, 454

    • "Truth is the daughter of Time," 442

Sinclair (W. F.) on manufacture of shagreen, 115 Sir John, sixteenth-century nickname for priest, 534 "Six-shilling beer," its meaning, 128 Sjambok, its meaning and etymology, 456 Skat, German card game, 317 Skeat (W. W.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 94, 296, 547 Coal folk-lore, 508 County nicknames, 17 Dyddian'r Cwn, 277 Fetch, 545 Skeat (W. W.) on housen, its etymology, 278 Hoy, 63 Janissary, its etymology, 14 Marsouin, 257, 352 Mole, 377 Nimmet, 506 Oof, its origin, 166, 314 Orsidue, 330 Outlander, 465 Peat, its etymology, 113 " Seal of the morning," 175 Smoak=to twig, 215 Soam of hay, 277 Spancel, its derivation, 7 Tiffin, ita origin, 425, 506 " To mend the fire," 488 Trade=road, 312 Vole, 222 Water, its pronunciation, 354 Skimmington, its definition, 287, 388 Skipwith (G. H.) on Shakespeariana, 222 Skipworth (P.) on climate and character, 439 Skull writing, 25, 75 Smith (G. C. M.) on " My lodging is on the cold ground," 397, 505 Smith (G. G.) on verses by Earl of Norfolk, 541 Smith (R. H.) on parsimony, 285 Smithers (C. G.) on "a good pennyworth," 522 Smith's Folly at Dover, 34 Smoak = to twig, to find out, 78, 215, 355 Smokables, new word, 246, 294 Snape Castle, co. York, its history, 68, 150 Sniper, its meaning, 543 Soam = horse-load, 208, 277 Sock : to sock=to thrash, 539 Songs and Ballads :— A Trap for a Scold, 347, 420 Ballade of the Jubilee of ' Notes and Queries,' 392 Coming out of the little end of the horn, 114,156 My lodging is on the cold ground, 397) 505 Padre Francisco, 147, 196 Pyramus and Thisbe, 267, 400 Red, White, and Blue, 164, 231,812,338,426,502 Rule, Britannia, 143 The Cornysshe Chowgh, 228 The Foes of Old England, 148 Soy, its meaning and derivation, 475, 526 Spancel, a kind of tether, its derivation, 7 Speech, purism of, 349 Spence (R. M.) on Browning's ' La Saisiaz,' 304 Browning's ' Luria,' 516 Browning's 'Meeting at Night,' 585 Browning's works, misprint in, 394 Goethe, his ' Gesprache mit Eckermann,' 52 Hoy, 53 Scott (Sir Walter) and a Greek epigram, 31 Shakespeariana, 302, 453 That, elliptical, 350 White night, 439 Spenser (Edmund) and the name Rosalind, 44 Spirits at Hampton Court, 25, 94 "Spun butter," its meaning, 419, 484 Spurring peal, bell-ringing custom, 394 Stacey (Henry), 477