Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/555

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Notei and Queries, Jan 20,1900. 577 INDEX. Stafford Castle, earliest mention of, 437, 544 Stafford family, 458, 477 Stafford (J.) on Stafford family, 458, 477 Stage curtain, 45 Staircases, houses without, 55 Star, six-pointed, archaeological rarity, 69, 214 " Starry Galileo," author of phrase, 459, 487, 544 Statue in Bergen, Norway, 614 Steading, its meaning and origin, 77, 118, 177, 275 Steele (A. B.) on the white faunch hind, 17 Steggall (0.) on a reel in a bottle, 232 Stephen's (Henrie) ' A World of Wonders,' 207, 294 Stephens family, 348 Stephennon (P. A. F.) on Stephenson family, 48 Theobalds of Kent, 28 StevenB (T.) on fey, its origin, 275 Stevenson family, 499 Stevenson (W. H.) on Aldgate and Whitechapel, 385 Alfred's Parliament, 344 Hexham and the Augustales, 34 Jekyll surname, 415 Maheu de Redman, 351 Oxford place-name, 70, 382 Stilwell (J. P.) on frail, its meaning, 436 Morcom surname, 406 Nimmet, its meaning, 507 Stoffel (C.) on " Ce canaille de D—," 524 Stockton (F. R.), 'The Lady or the Tiger?' 419 Stonard : Vincent: Newcombe families, 90 Stone ale, 37, 93, 151 Stones, boundary, in open fields, 476, 542 Storm family, 52 Stothard (Thomas), 1778 (?)-1834, and Robert T. Stothard, 1827-1857, artists, 109, 171 Stowe sale of pictures, purchasers at, 27, 91 Stuart (Prince Charles), his recantation of the Roman Catholic faith, 74, 444 Sturge (J. M.)on ' The Truth about General Gordon, 147 Summer rain and sun rimes, 165 Sundial, abridged motto on, 9 Superstitions, marriage and baptism, 518 Surnames: Welsh, 107, 216,293 ; Morcom, 148, 312 406, 467; commonest, 226 ; Zangwill, 246 ; Swigg 329, 464 ; Jekyll, 415, 483 : Sherewynd, 417 Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of), lines to Lady Geraldine, 237 Swabbers=aceand court cards in whist, 249, 318, 38' Swansea, its derivation, 37, 110, 230, 407 Swedenborg Society and S. T. Coleridge, 536 Swedenborgianism in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 245 Swift family, 108 Swigg surname, 829, 464 Swim-shell, method of divination by, 68 Swinton (G. 8. C.) on etymology of peat, 76 Sword worn ;it the right side, 285 Sword-belt, carriage of, 286, 447 Sycophant, its Greek equivalent, 76 Sympson (E. M.) on chimneys in ancient houses, 387 Les Detenus, 355 T. on lance-corporal, 189 T. (H.) on Cuthbert Bede, 267 Chapman's monument, 109 Cybel as Christian name, 418 . (H.) on Mays, its meaning, 147 Obituary notices of contributors, 412 Quiller-Couch(A. T.), miBtake, 225 T. (J. S. II.) on card terms, 317 ' H.E.D.,' 337 Smokables, 294 Swabbers, 318 '. (0. S.) on antiquities of Eaut London, 315, 485 P. (T. S.) on Ladbroke: Pery: Twigg, 445 T. (W.) on Les Detenus, 288 Donsel, 295 Table de Communion," 73 Tailors as soldiers, 341, 486. See HawTcrtood, L'arbock, Minshull, and (.'aidwell genealogies, 266 Tate (W. R.) on corn-crake, 57 Outlander, use of the word, 465 Pavare' (F. L.) on houses without staircases, 55 Tavern, notable old London, 98 Paverner (Capt. Samuel), his biography, 9 Taylor (C. S.) on Bibury, its derivation, 296, 524 Taylor (H.) on links with the past, 319 May Road Well, Accrington, 464 Taylor (I.) on African names, 436 Bricks, early dated, 93, 214 Churches washed away by the sea, 331 Dogger Bank, 106 Dreyfus, name of, 186 Karoo, 156 Orientation, 335 Toledo, the, its derivation, 345 Walworth, its derivation, 246 Taylor (J.) on Cuthbert Bede, 353 Cromwell tercentenary, 117 Cromwell (Richard), loyal addresses to, 30 Dryden, sonnet on, 143 Little Gidding Church, 363 Teas, names of, 26, 96 ' Telegraph' newspaper. See London Telegraph. Tennyson (Lord), his visit to Warwick Castle, 8 ; his spelling of idyll, 8 ; parody on ' The Princess,' 477 Tentouris, its meaning, 247, 316 Teosinte, South American grass, 288 " Terrse filius," its meaning, 137 Thelwall (Eubule), 457 Theobalds of Kent, 28 Thackeray (William Makepeace), date of bis death, 47, 113 Thackerayana, 416 Thames tunnel and Ralph Dodd, 419, 467 That, elliptical use of the word, 49, 176, 256, 349 "Theophilus Insulanun," his identification, 89, 193 Thiselton (A. E.) on Daniel's ' Sonnets to Delia,' 293 Shakespeariana, 141, 221, 304, 453 Thomas (A. W.) on Christianity in Roman Britain, 406 Thomas (E.) on hell of the poets, 217 Thomas (E. J.) on William Duff, 401 Ristori (Madame), 337 Thomas (R.) on artists' mistakes, 164 Cyclopeedia of British Domestic Archaeology, 292 Encyclopedias, 126 ' Giants of Patagonia,' 24 Imprisoned Debtors' Discharge Society, 94 Knights, list of, 467 Paine (Tom), portrait of, 13 Peerless Pool, 271