Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/552

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.

Try (E. A.) on In Gordano, 255 Full up, use of the expression, 121, 195 Fur dyeing, book on, 336 Furness, Abbot of, scandal concerning, 396 Fusiliers, 7th Royal, and J. Drake, 516 Fusiliers, the Royal Dublin, 84 Fymnore (R. J.) on Garway family, 278 G. on green fairies : Woolpit green children, 155 G. (A.) on nursery rimes, 27 G. (A. B.) on modern zodiacs, 42, 331 G. (B. L.) on Ivers, its meaning, 291 Mayfair marriages, 137, 398 Pekin or Peking, 517 Vase of Soissons, 477 G. (H.) on Reade family, 68 G. (H. R.) on assassin of William the Silent, 346 G. (M. N.) on " Prince " Boothby, 236 Bummel, its meaning, 524 Devil walking through Athlone, 425 Miquelon, island of, 486 Muggletonian writings, 485 Proverbs in Herbert's ' Jacula Prudentum,' 383 G. (W. J.) on special literature for soldiers, 105 G. (W. R.) on Tennyson query, 503 Gadsden (W. J.) on Thomas Guy's will, 209 Gallows and birds' nesting-places, 172 Games : " Les Graces," 336, 459 ; tables, 435, 501 j

Fox myne host, 457 Games, Italian ball, 207 Games, the Wenlock Olympian, 513 Gantelope, the, old military punishment, 204 Gantillon (P. J. F.) on Tom-all- Alone's, 324 Garbett (E. L.) on town gates outside London, 362 Gardiner (S. R.) on Elizabeth Alkin, 400 Garrard (Rev. G.), Master of the Charterhouse, 37 Garway family, 169, 278 Gaskell (Mrs.) and Charlotte Bronte, 449 Gates of towns, 228, 362

Gavel and shieling, their etymology, 85, 210, 271 Gems, plates of antique, 395 Genesis, Basque book of, 396, 442 Genius and large families, 433, 479 Gennadius on ' Dr. Johnson as a Grecian,' 71 Gennys (J.), his death, 316 George II., and Thomas Dunkerley's claim to be his

son, 106, 237 Gerard (Lady), 209

Gerish (W. B.) on William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, 28 Ghosts and suicides, 288, 462 Gibbs (J. W. M.) on Margaret Blount, 16 Gilbert (Sir John), his drawings in the ' London

Journal,' 108, 238

Gilbert (Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna), 476 Gillies (Margaret), portrait of Helen Faucit, 147, 198 Gillman (C.) on coronation of Henry II., 364 Elizabethan terms, 365 Ivers, its meaning and derivation, 188 Gilpin (John), his burial-place, 357 Gipsies, charges against, 165 ; in England in the

thirteenth century, 186, 276 Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), his height, 129, 189

234 ; tablet to, 313, 406 ; and De Quincey, 314 Glas Ghairm, Highland incantation, 107 Gla-tronbury. altnrsat, 131 Glengarry, early use of the word, 372 Gnomon on artists' mistakes, 317

Grmonom on box-irons, 173

"International Library of Famous Literature,"


nu, its etymology, 45 3-old, eyes rubbed with, for luck, 104, 212 Goldsmith (Oliver), misquotation from his 'Deserted

Village,' 45, 115 Goode (J. A.) on " See how these Christians love one

another," 107 Groodere (Capt. Samuel), his biography, 209, 275, 341,

443 joodfellow (R.) on translations of Baudelaire, 483

oober and pindar, botanical terms, 413 Gordon (Duchess of), her biography, 336, 460 Gordon (Hon. Peter), of Grenada, his biography, 497 Gordon (Robert), Romanist priest 1687-1761, 28, 91 Gorey or Gourey, origin of the name, 209 Glotch (H. G.) on Shakespeariana, 283, 329

Gotham, Three Wise Men of,' origin of the rime, 169,

293, 465, 524 S-ough (H.) on Guild of St. John the Baptist,

Dunstable, 187 Gould (I. C.) on Chingford old church, 113

St. Mary Woolnoth, 455 Grammatical usage, " there was " with plural sub- stantive, 288, 360, 421 Granby (Marchioness of), portrait by, 25 Gray (Thomas) and Horace Walpole, 51 Greek Church, its liturgical language, 515 Green (C.) on boundary stones in open fields, 441 Casts of ancient seals, 402 Gladstone, tablet to, 406 Holbein Gateway in Whitehall, 320 Green as symbol of inconstancy, 65, 152, 295 Gregorians and Griggs, London society, 1730, 127, 236 Grenfell (H. R.) on " Up, Guards, and at them ! " 32 Grenoble, wooden pitchers at, 154 Griffits, origin of the name, 316

Griggs and Gregorians, London society, 1730, 127, 236 Grimgibber : Grimgribber, earliest use of the word,

127, 237 Grolier bindings, 18 Grosvenor manuscripts quoted in Ormerod's ' History

of Cheshire,' 315, 424 Guild Mayor of Preston, Lancashire, 96 Gunpowder in China, date of introduction of, 516 Guy, Thomas (ob. 1724), founder of Guy's Hospital,

his will, 209, 326 H. on armorial, 314

Pitches (Sir A.), his pedigree, 314 H. (A.) on bed-waggons, 356

Brothers bearing same Christian name, 54 Carteret (Sir Charles), his biography, 292 Children, mark on the spine of Chinese, 344 Coins, gold, of the Fornm, 56 Contributors to vol. i. ' N. & Q.,' 90 Dandy's Gate, old toll-gate, 9 George II., a son of, 237 Jekyll surname, 290 " King of Bantam," 18 Mouse, the, Isaiah Ixvi. 17, 446 Papaw, its origin, 32 Polder: Loophole, 258 Quarter of corn, 456 Rylands family, 440 H. (A. C.) on Fanny Cornforth, 129