Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.



H. (A. F.) on memorize, Americanism, 56

Roman Empire, its fall, 28 H. (B.) on Boudicca repulsed at Verulam, 14 H. (C.) on Elizabethan terms, 148 H. (D.) on hurgin, its etymology, 214

" Putrem," '^Eneid ' viii. 596, 383 H. (F.) on " an end," 175

"Another to," 256

Any, use of the word, 333

Bathetic, its derivation, 26

Boytry, its derivation, 26

" Comparisons are odious," 46

Entapis, its meaning, 167

Frail, its meaning, 158

Lincolnshire sayings, 197

None, used with a plural verb, 38

Seek or seeke, its meaning, 26

Sock : To sock=to thrash, 53

Worst, used as a verb, 228

Wound for winded, 177 H. (F. W.) on alteration of pronunciations, 453

Authorship of ' The Eed, White, and Blue,' 15 H. (J. B.) on orientation of the fabrics of churches, 104 H. (N. L.) on Richard Lovelace, Cavalier poet, 435 H. (P. F.) on byre, 361

Jews in Napoleon's army, 515

Mother, dying, kindness to, 313

Picts and Scots, 420

William the Silent, his assassin, 248 H. (S. F.) on salmon disease, 87

Scott (Sir Walter), his Scottish dialect, 95 H. (W.) on toad mugs, 8

H. (W. B.) on ' The Red, White, and Blue,' 15 H. (W. F.) on Mr. Ongley's death, 249 ' Hail, Queen of Heaven,' Catholic hymn, 28, 154 Halfpenny, Leith, local coin, 377, 466 Hall (A.) on Bibury, 384

Chaucer (Thomas), his biography, 146

Jonson (Ben), unclaimed poem by, 339

Mawdesley family, 248

Picts and Scots, 420

Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, 363

Saxon shore of Britain, 433

Tin trade, ancient, of Britain, 218

Tomb in Berkeley Church, 483 Hallam (H.), his riddle, 332 Hamburg, its coloured cow, 466 Hamilton family, 357 Hamilton (S. G.) on " The" Beurre*," 57 Hampstead, magazine articles on, 436 Hancock (A. W.) on Madame Laffitte, 7 Handwriting, pictures composed of, 127, 367 Hanky = Panky, curious mistake, 26, 175, 296 Hannay family of Kirkdale, 195 Hanover Square Concert Rooms, 493 Hansel, its meaning, 393 Harben (H. A.) on pictures made of handwriting, 255

Plashed hedges, 235

Up, use of the word, 195

Harbron (G. D.) on ' Methodist Plea to a Church- man,' 7 Harland-Oxley (W. E.) on Cowper centenary, 357

Inscriptions at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 284

Regimental nicknames, 377 Harp, Irish, wire-strung, by John Kelly, 269 Harris (C. S.) on carriage of a sword-belt, 237

Harris (C. S.) on regimental nicknames, 440 Harris (E. B.) on bookbinding, 209 Harrison (Hy.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 156

Beezeley, its etymology, 502

Danish place-names in Cheshire, 93

Edgett surname, 193

Morcom surname, 92

Petigrewe surname, 501

Swigg surname, 112 Hartshorne (A.) on drinking-glass, 515 Harvest festivals, their introduction in London 227 Haustead (Baron), his wife, 457 Havelock (Sir Henry), 291 Hawkwood (Sir John), his biography U 73 Hayden (Dr. G. T.), of Dublin, his biogr'aphy 28 H 109 n (Benj ' amin Eobert )> his historical pictures,

Hayes ( J.) on the " Bottle," St. Paul's Churchyard, 108' Headsore, classical word for, 87 Hebb (J.) on Bozier's Court, 185

Cetu, ghost-word, 412

Coarsie, its meaning, 457

Cox (James), his museum, 17

Dante, his house at Mulazzo, 514

Fleet Street, No. 17, 237

Goodere (Capt. S.), 443

Ireland Yard, Blackfriars, 434

1 New Critical Review,' 190

Punch and Judy, 513

Roberts (Lord) and Suwarrow, 454

Ruskin's residences, 475 Hedges, plashed, their origin, 127, 235, 325 Heel-ball and cobblers' wax, difference, 166, 256 Heelis (J. L.) on the murder of Paul, Emperor of

Russia, 23

Heit=father, in modern Friesian, 356 Help : To help, followed by an infinitive, 476 Hemington (Nicholas), his biography, 47 Hemingway (Samuel), his biography, 415 Hemming (R.) on regimental nicknames, 380 Hems (H.) on artists' mistakes, 319

Bible originally written in Dutch, 198

Brothers Mayor and Town Clerk at same time, 17$

Cape Town in 1844, 526

Chest, old wooden, 196

Churches, built of unhewn stone, 215

Clock, old, 269

Curate, a chained, 403

Eoyt, its meaning, 113

Laymen reading lessons in cathedrals, 466

Lighthouse, first British, 295

Mayfair marriages, 398

"One and all," 424

Pictures composed of handwriting, 255, 367

St. Eanswyth, virgin saint, 74

St. Hieretha, Devonshire saint, 294

Scoinson arch, 480

Shepherdess Walk, Hoxton, 11, 322

Silhouettes of children, 190

Soldiers' 'bacca, 332

Thebal, 479

Virtues and vices, 444

Windmill, an old, 453 Henley (W. E.) on refrain of poem, 208 Henricus on ' Winter's Tale, ' passage in, 208 Henry (Prince), epitaph on, 1612, 34, 77, 230, 337, 477