Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/536

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Coleman (E. H.) on Grierson of Dublin, 153 Hyndford's (first Earl of) daughter, 358 Irish harps, 339 Joan of Arc, 356, 472 ' Kathleen Mavourneen,' the author of, 430 Keech, to, its meaning, 18 Lemaistre (J. P.), 377 Lever (Darcy), 173 London churches, 278 London taverns, old, 154 May -water, its meaning, 276 Monkeys, 73

  • N. & Q.,' corrections in General Indexes, 164

for sale, 387 Naunton family, 54 Nelson's death, 411 Nichols (John), his epitaph, 232 Official lists, 411 Pews annexed to houses, 518 Register of births on Tower Hill, 397 Roman Catholic records, 471 Rose and Zorzi families, 155 Royal standard, 353 Rutter family, 314 Sack and sugar, 293 St. Clement Danes, 173 St. Hugh's Day, 15 Scanty wedding dress, 17 Scudamore (Sir Clement), 373 Ships moving without sail or wind, 188 Sisters bearing the same Christian name, 436 Steam navigation, 16 Steward (Sir Simeon), 434 Ten Commandments in rime, 53 Troy weight for bread, 18 Whately's (Archbishop) ' Logic,' 177 Coleridge (S. T.), caledonianize, 5 ; lines by, 58 Collate, use of the verb, 5 Collet (Humphrey), M.P., 1553-5, 269, 393 Collinson (J.) on the evil eye, 47 Colman (Edmund Craven), his biography, 109 Colombia, republic of, witch superstitions in, 366 Colpeara, old custom, 249, 432 Columbaria, ancient dove or pigeon cotes, 15, 116,

216, 318

Colville (J.) on carrick, its meaning, 292 Comb = cockade, 206 Combe (Dame Ann), her family, 188 Combination, arithmetical term, 17 Comedy, 342

Come-outers, the, earliest use of the term, 424 Commandments, the ten, in rime, 53 Commissions, cradle, 169, 251 Company of miners, 390, 497

Complain = to groan or creak from overstraining, 387 Coningsby (Humphrey), of Hampton Court, co. Here- ford, 349

Conner (P. S. P.) on Governor Haynes's grand- father, 415

Convolvulus, morning glory, a variety of, 209, 292, 417 Cooke (Sir Thomas), Alderman of Queenhithe, 1692-

1709, 429

Cooling (J. A.) on '< Capt. Rock," 227 Cooper (A. L.) on battle of Seetabuldee, 149 Cooper (Col. T.), 168 Cowper family, 8

Cooper (George), of Clarendon Park, Wilts, his death,


Cooper (Col. Thomas), 168, 239, 353, 438 Co-operative trading, growth of the movement, 445 Coost, use and meaning of the word, 445, 518 Cope (E. E.) on Henry VII., 110

Sergeant of the Uatery, 169 Cope (Mrs. J. H.) on Julius Caesar, 37

Gossage of Spratton, Northamptonshire, 70 Irish wills, 9 London churches, 169 Mohun of Wollaston, 128 Yeomanry records, 34

Cornish place-names, meaning and derivation, 488 Coronation of Queen Victoria, 346, 437 Coronation Stone of Westminster Abbey, 309, 393 Corpse on shipboard, 75, 137 Corpse superstition, 86

Corpus Christi Day, its date, 27, 96, 153, 237, 293 Country life, changes in, 147 Courtenay (G. H.) on powdering slippers, 488 Surnames, 28

Verbs formed out of proper names, 393 Courtney (W. P.) on monolith with cup-markings in

Hyde Park, 292 Couvade, the, reference to, in the Hebrew romance 'Alexander, '507 owper family, 8 radle commissions, 169, 251

raig (Gibson), picture of Elizabeth Throgmorton, 167 Oranford' or John Bright, 93, 154

raw-craw, its etymology, 347 Crawford (C.) on Edmund Spenser, ' Locrine,' and

Selimus,' 61, 101, 142, 203, 261, 324, 384 Cresswell (L.) on powdering gowns, 374 Suffolk name for ladybird, 96 Surnames, formation of, 45, 436 Vulgar misuse of " right," 396 Cricket, early lines on, 72, 195 Iriticaster on journalistic errors, 128, 230

Literary errors, 387 romwell family, 88 'romwelliana, 481 Orong, use of the word, 346, 433 rooke (W.) on ' Attur. Acad.,' 68 Cape Guardafui, 468 Coco de mer or double coco-nut, 349 Complain, its meaning, 387 Inarn, its meaning, 345 Killing pigs in the wane of the moon, 93 Quotation, 27

1 Takmi,' an Indian march, 507 Watch-chain ornament, 35 Crosier, archbishop's, its use, 89, 154, 231, 355 Crosier and pastoral staff, 387, 495 Crosse (G.) on Manningham and ' Twelfth Night,' 205 Drosse Hall, Lancashire, 309, 414 Jrouch (C. H.) on flogging at the cart tail, 158

Suffolk name for ladybird, 396

Crown," the, behind the Royal Exchange, 309, 417

Jrowned heads on coins and stamps, 248, 315 Jroydon, Archbishop Whitgift's Hospital at, 178, 256,

358, 450

Crucifixion, date of the, 35

3ruttenden (Edward Holden), Deputy-Governor of Calcutta, 369