Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Gulloden, regiments at, 24

Cummings (W. H.) on the author of ' Kathleen

Mavourneen,' 430 Dresden Amen, 215 Curio collector, City, 348, 496 Curious on Nell Gwyn, 229 Currency before coinage, 109 Curry (J. T.) on author of verses wanted, 315

" Bernardus non vidit omnia ": "Blind Bayard,"


Jonson (Ben), unclaimed poem, 96 Language to conceal thought, 57 " Qui vive ?" explanation of, 438 Quotations, 74 Wall calendars with quotations from Shakespeare,


Curtana, the, or sword of mercy at coronation cere- mony, 187, 213

Curtsey-benders, origin of the expression, 287 Curwen (A. F.) on authorship of lines wanted, 77 Friar's Crag, Derwentwater, 196 Huitson family, 218 Jesse and Selwyn, 178 Custom, quaint marriage, 49, 136 Custos on wine in the early Christian Church, 185 Cyclops on cockade of house of Saxony, 149

Confidential dispatches to the War Office, 208 D. on Bethlem, 505

Capacity : capacious, 306 D'Auvergne family, 191, 277 Delagoa Bay, 430 Grlamis mystery, 312 Insurrection, 66 King and Queen equal, 150 Malt and hop substitutes, 150 Mayflower and the national flag, 404 Public mourning, 150 Rhododendrons and oleanders, 117 Van derMeulen, 117

D. (A.; on the rat first introduced into Europe, 428 D. (C.) on authors of books wanted, 509

Tuvill (Daniel), particulars of, 309 D. (C. E.) on flag of East India Company, 468 D. (G. H.) on Bishop's Head and Foot, 409 D. (J. A.) on N. or M. in the Prayer Book, 367 Daisy and troubadour, 389, 456 Daisy names, derivation of, 8, 53, 250 ; Cornish, 428 Dallas (J.) on the D.N.B.,' 71 Lotus flowers and lotahs, 472 Title of esquire, 33 Damask linen: St. George, 446 Danaids, the, meaning of the myth, 4 Dance, Scottish : Ghillie Callum, 5, 76 Dance tune : ' Go to the devil and shake yourself,' 32 Daniel on John Scott, citizen and salter, 468 Danteiana, 201, 316, 416 Darayne, its meaning, 288

D'Arcy (S. A.) on Talbot surname and family, 336 Darlington (0. H.) on England and Scotland repro- duced in America, 471

Darrand and Arrand surnames, their derivation, 75 Dashwood (R.) on Sir Anthony Brabason, 228 D'Auvergne family, 68, 117, 176, 191, 251, 277, 332,

397, 516

Davenport-Hulme (James), M.D., 1772-1848, his descendants, 129, 235

David (W. H.) on Sir Robert Peel, 207

Davis (M. D.) on shimmozzel, 10

Davy (A. J.) on centipedes, local name, 395

May-water, 393

Day (R.) on location of theatre, 351 Deal, meaning of the word in card games, 6 Deale, his 'Crockford's ; or, Life in the West,' 348 Death superstition, Scottish, 467 Debrett on dowager peeress, 510 Deedes (C.) on animals in people's insides, 391 Book of Common Prayer in Latin, 474 Cricket, early lines on, 72 Hand-ruling in old title-pages, 515 Defender of the Faith, use of the title, 416 Defoe (Daniel), his last male descendant, 86, 177, 297,


Delagoa Bay and Portugal, 407, 430, 478 Demonology, story of contemporary, 6 Dendritic markings in paper, 389, 477 Denew (James), auctioneer, 487 Devil's broth, 266

' Devil's Pulpit,' by Rev. R. Taylor, 209 ' Devil's Walk,' by Porson or Coleridge ? 268 Dey (E. M.) on Shakespeariana, 22, 23, 344, 345 Dialogue sermon, comic, 248, 339 Dibdin (E. R.) on Bijou as a Christian name, 137 " Let them all come," 157

Turner (J. M. W.), 156 Dickens (Charles) : " Golden Cross," Charing Cross,

223 ; the Old Curiosity Shop, 509 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' and portraits, 24 ;

in country places, 71

Dilke (Sir C. W.) on English-speaking, 12 Dilke (Lady) on Perelle's etchings, 312 Disease, superstitious cures for, 104 Disguise of man as woman, 248, 358 Dispatches, confidential, in time of war, 208, 250, 378 Disraeli (Benjamin), his biography, 120 ; his letters,


Distinct, use of the word, 206 Dodgson (E. S.) on "A hago," its meaning, 408

Barted, 165

Baskinn, 268

Blackheads, 169

Boca Chica, 155

El Conde de Caserta, 224

English parsimony and the cat, 418

Five o'clock tea, 176

Glen and glene, 47

'Kensington Palace,' by E. Law, 86

M. (J. W.), a painter, 187

Personate = resound, 478

Pinhoen, a ghost-word, 272

Roker, 238

St. Christopher and laughter, 247

Shakespeare and Vondel, 147

Shakespeare's epitaph in Labourdin Baskish, 345

Snicket, its meaning, 348

"So long, "234

Then = than, 447

4 Whitaker ' on Andorra, 326 Dog and the gamekeeper, 107, 194 Donation party, New England, 518 Donne (Dr.), references to, in earlyJEnglish literature,

183 Douglas (R. B.) on Joseph Boulmier, 415