Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/541

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



H, (A.) on Rechabites, the, 14

Verbs formed out of proper names, 495 H. (Alf.) on designation of foreigners in Mexico, 496 H. ( A.. C.) on Anthony Wharton, 49 H. (A. D.) on gun reports, 207 H. (C. W.) on Sir James Eyre, 1734-99, 397

Warren (Sir John Borlase), Bart., 198, 395 H.'(F.) on collate, its meaning, 5 ^ Quaint custom, 49

Quotation, an adulterate, 5

Right, vulgar misuse of, 49 H. (F. K.) on ' Annals of Aberdeen, 1617,' 486 H. (H. G.) on Gill's Lap, 228

Jones (John), the regicide, 249

Leghorn, 47

" So long," 129 H. (J. B.) on towns which have changed their sites,


H. (J. L.) on voluntary mutilations in France, 27 H. (O. O.) on Bayard, name for horse, 106

Easter magiant, 136

Heaf, 93

Lotteries, 23

Roll of guild merchants of Shrewsbury, 96

" Silver trumpet," its meaning, 487 H, (R. T.) on Phillippo, its meaning, 468 H. (W. B.) on Bonaparte ballad, 434

Coronation of Queen Victoria, 437

High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, 238

National nicknames, 253 H. (W. S. B.) on Book of Morning and Evening

Prayer only, 409

Hago, origin of the word, 408, 478 Haines (C. R.) on Governor Haynes's grandfather, 172 Haines (R.) on an American invasion, 293

English hexameters and elegiacs, 514

Moline family, 448

Shakespeare, the knavish, 474

Shakespeare queries, 388 Halberts, old military weapons, 473 Hall (A.) on boulder stones, 137

Buller pedigree, 354

Caesar (Julius), 37

Cromwell family, 88

Currency before coinage, 109

Lamb jottings, 232

" Mad as a hatter," its meaning, 251

Movable stocks, 14

Nature myths, 36

Poem attributed to Milton, 90

Poison in beer, 105

Skilly, 217

Throgmorton (Francis), 216

Tyburn, manor of, 491 Hall (H.) on yockynggale, its meaning, 288 Hall (J.) on Sir James Audley and his four esquires,


Hallaton, Leicestershire, Easter Monday at, 347 Hamilton (J.) on Ashwood family, 429 Hamilton (J. L.) on hammer-ponds: fresh-water

mussels and pearls, 467

Hamilton (S. G.) on comic dialogue sermon, 339 Hamilton (William), of Liscrooney, his biography, 128 Hamley (Edward), B.C.L., b. 1764, his biography, 205 Hamley (George), his ' Captain Clutterbuck's Cham- pagne,' 478

Hammer-ponds : fresh-water mussels and pearls, 467 Hancock (T. W.) on Pennant's Tours in Wales,' 67 Handel, a relic, 126 Handford on yeomanry records, 12 Hand-ruling in old title-pages, 169, 331, 396, 515 Hankford (Sir William), his biography, 429 Harben (H. A.) on executions at Tyburn and else- where, 312

Old London taverns, 354 Hardinge (George), 1744-1816, his < Essence of

Malone,' 197

Hardstaff (R.) on Carlyle on " mostly fools," 456 Hare (Henry), Lord Coleraine, his The Situation of

Paradise,' 487 Harland-Oxley (W. E.) on skulls found in Victoria

Street, Westminster, 11 Harley (Lady Brilliana), her portrait, 508 Harps, Irish, 228, 338 Harris (C. S.) on Florio's Montaigne,' 412 Harris (H. N.) on Henry Harris, M.D.Edin., 308 Harris (Henry), M.D.Edin., his biography, 308 Harrison (H.) on wise, 172 Hartshorne (A.) on bougces : buggies, 148

Humbuz, 89

Sack and sugar, 148

Hatch (Dr. E.), the late, poem by, 29, 111 Hately family, 367, 41 1 Hattock, meaning of the word, 72 Hatton (Sir Christopher), his monument, 410, 510 Hawkins family, 29

Hawkins (Serjeant), his biography, 154, 477 Ha wok, its meaning, 13 Haydon (N. W. J.) on the Hay don family, 469 Haynes (Governor), his grandfather, 172, 415 Heads in Southam Church, Warwickshire, 268 Heads or tails, 126 Heaf, derivation of the word, 93 Hearth-money, 1662-89, 308 Hebb (J.) on Anglo-Hebrew slang : kybosh, 188

Blue Beard, 224

Chisel marks, 233

Foscolo (Ugo) in London, 150, 318

Guadagnoli (Antonio), 229

Hogarth's House, Chiswick, 386

Lincoln's Inn Fields, 13

London topography, No. 22, Catherine Street, 285

Parks, the lungs of London, 289

Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), 51, 398

Plots of plays, 145

" Quod non fecerunt barbari fecerunt Barbenni," 246

Sandwich men, 245

Sarson stones, 149

Saunders (George), F.R.S., F.S.A., architect, 307

Statue in Soho Square, 209

Verbs formed out of proper names, 394 Hebrews, prohibition of heathen wine among the, 14 Hedge in Bacon's ' Essay on Gardens,' its meaning, 489 Heelis (J. L.) on dog and the gamekeeper, 107

Miraculous bolt, 46

' N. & Q.' in fiction, 85

Heiress, a Scots, as a recluse in Bologna, 488 Helm (W. H.) on wall calendars with quotations from

Shakespeare, 335 Hemming (R.) on ' Book-World,' 177

Greek pronunciation, 351