Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/540

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Fynmore (R. J.) on Button and Seaman families, 48

Hawkins family, 29

School-teachers in Kent, 1578-1619, 137 G. on Between the devil and the deep sea," 449 G. (A.) on Comtesse de Se*gur, 427 G. (C. L.) on Teddye family, 28

Tinkhame family, 68 G. (L.) on lady and gentlewoman, 309 G (M. N.) on battle of Fontenoy, 212

Canadian boat-song, 513

Designation of foreigners in Mexico, 496

Dude, its pronunciation, 16

Joan of Arc, 355

Scanty wedding dress, 18

Shakespeare, the knavish, 255

Suwarroff and Masse'na, 193 Gadsden (W. J.) on singing in church, 265 Gaidoz (H.) on Celtic schedules of the 1901 census, 308 Galen, translations of his works, 132, 258 Gallimaufry, its etymology, 36 Galloglass, its meaning, 506 Galluses = braces, 155 Games : golf and pall - mall, 52, 235, 352 ; flower,

329, 397, 474, 511 ; battledore, 469 Gardiner (R. F.) on living in three centuries, 86 Garland, new sense of, 45 Garratt (John), Lord Mayor of London, date of his

death, 447

Gast, the terminal, its meaning, 308, 418 Gates of Caroline Park, Edinburgh, 288 Gatty (A.) on Nelson's death, 367 Gaucho, its etymology, 86 Gavelage and pillar tax, 81, 141 Genealogical research in America, 244, 350 Genealogical trees, 27, 71 Genealogy, consolidated indexes of, 426 Gentlewoman and lady, 309 Gentlier as a comparative adverb, 468 Gerish (W. B.) on area of churchyards, 9

Healing stone, 12

Human remains at Machen, Monmouthshire, 126

Kitty- witch, 114

Morice (John), F.S.A., 350

Movable stocks, 118

"St. Hubert's rent, St. Alban's land, St. Ed-

mond's right, St. Peter's patrimony," 407 German, dual number in provincial, 449, 517 Gilles de Raiz or de Retz, his biography, 224, 355 Gilling Church, monuments in, 189 Gillman (C.) on whom = home, 374 Gill's Lap, place-name, its meaning, 228, 356 Gingall=grasshopper, 349 Gipsies and longevity, 406 Gipsy wedding, account of a, 45 Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), statue of, in Liver- pool, 108, 177 ; tragedy by, 408 ; volume by, 488 Glamis mystery, 288, 312 Glasgow University, ninth jubilee of, 484 Glen and glene, etymology of, 47 Gloucestershire on " To sit bodkin," 228 Gloves worn in celebrating the Eucharist, 45 Gnomon on acacia in Freemasonry, 112

Barry (Dr.), 516

" Bull and Last," 254

Date wanted, 153

Scottish dance, 76

Gnomon on Usk Castle, 116

Wall calendars with quotations from Shakespeare,

209 Godding (J. W. S.) on taverns in Seven Dials and

Soho, 487

Godling, its meaning, 506

Goethe (J. W.), " Pamina and Tamino " in, 367, 454 Gold, the Mint price of, 127 Golf and pall-mall, the games, 52, 235, 352 Goncalez (Cardinal Pedro), anecdote of, 106, 172, 373 Goodchild (J. A.) on broken on the wheel, 196 Good Friday and parsley, 264 Goodyere (Sir Henry), date of his death, 447 Grossage family of Sprat ton, Northamptonshire, 70, 155 Gosselin (H. R. H.) on churmagdes, its meaning, 28 Gough (A.) on Achill Island, 171

Ipplepen, co. Devon, 217 Gould (I. C.) on county abbeys, 455 Granges (James), his biography, 69 Grant (Lewis), his biography, 47 Grant (Mrs.) of Laggan, 265 Grasshopper=gingall, 349 Gratitude, definition of, 89, 138, 172 Graves (A.) on James Denew, auctioneer, 487 Gravestones, English, in Minorca, 45 Gray (T.), elegy imitating poem by, 8 Great Britain v. England, 367 Greatorex (John Anthony), his biography, 47 Greaves (George Golding), his biography, 69 Greece, Lord Byron's poem on, 328, 475 Greek Church, liturgical language of the, 51 Greek pronunciation, 146, 351, 449 Green (C.) on apostle spoons, 411

Byron's poem on Greece, 475 Green (L.) on become, 165

"Hutching about," 165

"Trunk up, "165 Green family of Wyken, 248 Gretna Green, marriage custom, 408 Grey Friars Church, Aberdeen, 285 Grierson family of Dublin, 27, 153 Grigor (J.) on the William Black Beacon, 446

'Book- World,' 275 Grillet (J.) on noble, 290 Grindleford Bridge, 17

Gringo on the designation of foreigners in Mexico, 389 Grivignce (Baron) and M. N. Power, 409, 476] Guadagnoli (Antonio), c. 1798-1858, his biography,


Guild merchants of Shrewsbury, roll of 1231, 96 Gun reports, distance heard, 207, 258, 493 Gurney (Hudson), his papers, 17 Gutter-snipe, use of the word, 77 Gwyn (Nell), notable descendants of, 229, 376 H. on Americana, 427

St. Clement Danes, 375

Van der Meulen and Huchtenburg, 87, 453 'H.E.D.,' title of, 347, 436 H. (A.) on the Berners family, 253

Date of the Crucifixion, 35

Defoe (Daniel), last male descendant, 177, 395

Edward VII. 's title in Scotland, 317

Fergaunt, 169

Ipplepen, co. Devon, 217, 353

Johnson (Dr.), 296

Kent (Mr.), 174