Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Moseley (B. D.) on bell-ringing at wakes, 294 Lamb (Charles) and The Champion,' 131 Peaky-blinder, 28

Motto : " Non terra sed aquis," 247, 395 Motto for laundry porch, 68, 176, 215 Motto on sundial, 467 Mottoes, Latin, 12, 312, 432; "Scientia fiducia

plenus provocare," 368, 478 Mount (C. B.) on ecclesiastical peculiars, 421, 463

Ipplepen, co. Devon, 113, 297 Mourning, public, 150, 174, 295 Mugginton, Derbyshire, a legend of, 265 Miiller (Max) and Westminster Abbey, 33 Mulock (Thomas Samuel), 1789-1869, his biography,

482, 501

Mummeries, Plough Monday, 322, 363, 477 Municipal coincidences, 409, 515 Munsie, its etymology, 295 Murray (D.) on Breckenridge family, 415 Murray (J. A. H.) on jerry-build : jerry-built, 30f Keel, 65

"Sarson stones, "270 Surnames, 271

Musha, Irish form of the word, 13 Music publishers' signs, 507 Mussulman legend of Job, 63, 190, 296 Mutilations, voluntary, in France, 27 Myddelton (T. C.) on date wanted, 237 Myths, nature, 4, 35, 130 N. or M. in the Prayer Book, 367 N. (M.) on oath of allegiance, 287 N. (T.) on Mrs. Arbuthnott, 187

Easter magiant, 136 Name, Christian, two in one family bearing same, 5,

91 ; sisters bearing same, 436

Names, proper, verbs formed out of, 182, 263, 393, 493 Napoleon and a coat of mail, 467 National nicknames, 135 253 Nature myths, 4, 35, 130 Naunton family, 54 Nautical terms : jury, 197 Navigation, early steam, 16, 133, 252 Negro boy, spotted, 258 Nelson (Lord), picture of his death, 367, 411 : relic

of, 407

Neptune and crossing the line, 404 Newall (W.) on origin of the " Flying Dutchman," 308

' Troth of Gilbert a Beckett,' 349 Newspaper and magazine statistics, 223 Newspapers, London evening, and Queen Victoria's

funeral, 165, 257

Nichols (John), his epitaph, 189, 232 Nicholson (E.) on horses with four white stockings toll- free, 111

Troy weight for bread, 90 Verge and yard, 281 Nicholson (Sir Francis), 1660-1728, 28 Nicknames, national, 135, 253 Nineteenth century, best book of the, 23 Noble, the word in Swiss genealogical tree, 208, 290 Nooth (Dr. J. Mervin), his biography, 37 Norgate (F.) on Anthony de Solemne, first printer at

Norwich, 1565-80, 241

Norman (P.) on ancient marriage custom in North- umberland, 6 Norman (W.) on " Jeber's cooks," 148

Norman (W.) on Trinity Hall Chapel, 425 Gorman (W. M.) on acacia in Freemasonry, 9 Normandy (Duke of), disuse of the title, 329, 452 North (P.) on All roads lead to Rome," 511

" J'ai vecu," 198

Quotations, 497 Northumberland, ancient marriage custom in, 6, 135 Notchell : " Crying ' notchell,'" its etymology, 74 Notes and Queries,' indexes to, 26 ; corrections in General Indexes, 43, 164 ; in fiction, 85, 155 ; value of complete set, 320 ; for sale, 387, 520 Notsram on Boston local records, 428 Nottingham and Notts, 47 Notts and Nottingham, 47 Numbers, odd, and Arabs, 225 ; and luck, 227 Nuns, Visitation, at Chelsea, 1799, 327 Nunty, dialect word, 130, 194, 291 Nursery rimes, 18, 249 0. on fortune-telling at Bideford, 366

Mile-End Gate pottery, 18

Trunk or box, 55 Oath of allegiance and Eoman Catholicism, 287

Obituaries :

Besant (Sir Walter), 480

Binns (R. W.), 40

Christie (R. C.), 60

Cleveland (Duchess of), 420

Ellis (Frederick S.), 200

Hall (Dr. Hitzedward), 140

Morgan (Henry East), 400

Smith (Basil Woodd), 100

Smith (George Murray), 300

Sykes (John), 300

Tate (Rev. W. R.), 60

Victoria Regina et Imperatrix, 61 Ochidore, its etymology, 108 Odd numbers and luck, 227 ' Ode to the North Cape,' 187 Odell (F. J.) on a Latin motto, 368 Office- bearer on meaning of " bench," 487 Officials, hereditary, 365 O'Hanlon (Mrs. M.) on Achill Island, 133 " Old Curiosity Shop," original, 509 Oleanders and rhododendrons, 88, 117, 171 Oliver (A.) on Lincoln's Inn Fields, 115

Movable stocks, 214

" Old Curiosity Shop," 509

Old London taverns, 354

Verbs formed out of proper names, 495 Ollis (J. A.) on author and reference wanted, 35

Poem by the late Dr. E. Hatch, 29 Ombo (K.) on lay canon, 148 Omnibus knifeboard, early use of the word, 487 One of Them on university degrees, 329 Onions, spring, banquet at Bourne, Lincolnshire, 447 Oratory, English, books on, 427 Orb, the, its symbolic meaning, 227 Order of the Garter, queens members of, 166, 357 Orientation in interments, 195, 338, 431 Orientation of churches and the exigencies of con- troversy, 503

Ornithology of Cambridgeshire, 425 Orthography, American, 6, 227, 293, 358, 413 Ould (S. G.) on Charles Barbandt, or Barbant, 87 Dresden Amen, 87, 215