Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/549

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901,




Owen (D.) on runic inscription found in St. Paul's

Churchyard, 338 Palmer, its meaning, 157 Owen (J. P.) on dude, 16

St. Christopher and laughter, 434 Owen (Robert), of New Lanark, 9 Oxford (A. W.) on king's preacher appointed

Edward VI., 27

Oxford, Brasenose College, founder of, 92, 157, 235, 298 Oxford and Cambridge graduates, lists of, 269 Oxford University, Queen's College, 246 ' Oxford University Calendar,' first issue, 309 P. on Philip Kent, 174 P. (J. B.) on cap of maintenance, 192

Lever (Darcy), 73

P. (M. ) on blood as a prophylactic, 509 Money trusted, 190 Telegraphy, its invention, 446 P. (P. H.) on the Browne family, 389 P. (W. M.) on charter conditions, 289 Pabeinham (Sir Lawrence), his biography, 73 Pack-saddles v. carriages, 92 Page (J. T.) on an American invasion, 358 Blankets, 156 Burnham family, 455 Chartres (Rev. James), 447 Coat of arms, 58

Defoe (Daniel), last male descendant of, 395 Flower game, 474 Foscolo (Ugo) in London, 476 Funeral cards, 332 Gladstone statue, 177

Gossage of Spratton, Northamptonshire, 155 Hatton's (Sir Christopher) monument, 410 High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, 128 " Hutching about," its meaning, 272 Jesse and Selwyn, 274

Johnson (Robert), Sheriff of London, 1617, 418 Keech, its meaning, 94 London evening paper, 257 Old London taverns, 513 Pope's epitaphs in use, 246 Turner (J. M. W.), 48 Vanishing London : Christ's Hospital, 431 Pagett (Henry), of Knockglass, co. Mayo, 348 Pagination of books, 316 Paice (Joseph) and Charles Lamb, 232 Palamedes on King, translator of the Erse Old Testa-

meat, 8

Palestinian Syriac interrogative, 105 Pall-mall and golf, accounts of the games, 52, 235, 352 Palmer : to palmer, its etymology, 52, 157 Palmer (A. S.) on knievogue, 173

Musha, 14 "Pamina and Tamino " in Goethe's 'Hermann and

Dorothea,' 367, 454

Papal fleet and the battle of Varna, 405 Paper, dendritic markings in, 389, 477 Paris and London, routes between, in 1843, 114 Parish church and early Methodists, 169 Parks the lungs of London, 289 Parliament, three Estates in, 9 ; petition to, 1780, 12 j

English members of, 310 Parlour, origin and use of the word, 389 Parr (John), Mayor of Liverpool, 1773, 149, 272 Parrot in ' Hudibras,' 292

Parry (G. S.) on Boca Chica, 155

Parsimony, English, and the cat, 418

Parsley and Good Friday, 264

Paschal moons, table of, 48, 96

Passy or Passey family, their arms, 71

Patching (J.) on ' Book- World,' 276

Paterson (A.) on hand-ruling on old title-pages, 331

Journalistic errors, 352

Patmore (Coventry) and Swedenborg, 345, 411 Paton (Sir Noel), his picture ' The Pursuit of Pleasure,'


Patterson (W. H.) on verses on the Irish famine, 261 Paulie, dialect word, its etymology, 167, 257 Peachey (G. C.) on installation of a midwife, 352 Lists of Oxford and Cambridge graduates, 269 Ring of Elizabeth, 438 Safford family in Somersetshire, 233 Smith (Richard), surgeon, of Bristol, 169 Peacock (E.) on apostle spoons, 411 Cooper (Col. Thomas), 353 Funeral cards, 171 " Grey groat," its meaning, 505 Movable stocks, 14 Ring of Elizabeth, 438 Roman Catholic records, 471 St. Christopher and laughter, 356 Scottish names in Froissart, 95 Uphill zigzag, 92 West-Countrymen's tails, 410

Peacock (J.) on Stanbury of Devon and Cornwall, 274 Peacock (M.) on Plough Mouday mummeries, 322, 363 Peaky-blinder = hooligan in the Midlands, 28, 94 Pearson (John), Bishop of Chester, 1673, 56 Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), author, 51, 191, 398 Peculiars, ecclesiastical, 421, 463 Pedigrees, Welsh manuscript, 131, 213, 492 Peel (Sir Robert), quotation on, 207 Peer=a minnow, use of the word, 210 Peeress, dowager, retention of title by, 468, 510 Pennant (T.), his ' Tours in Wales,' rare edition, 67 Pennsylvanian on heraldic, 117 Penny (F.) on Job Charnock, 74 Moorhouse (Lieut.-Col.), 70 Penny's (Mrs.) ' Fort St. George,' 346 Penny (Mrs.), corrections in her 'Fort St. George/


Penny, first issue of the, 38 Pens : nibs and nebs, 339, 516 Perelle (Nicholas), b. 1638, etchings by, 287, 312 Peremptory, a, use and meaning of the word, 489 Peridot, perited, or pilidod, 215 Personate= resound, 478

Petering, meaning and derivation, 29, 195, 351 Petherick (E. A.) on voyages and travels issued

anonymously, 227 Petition to Parliament, 1780, 12 Petty (S. L.) on age of entry at Inns of Court, 452 Dendritic markings in paper, 477 Dutton family, 117 Pews annexed to houses, 388, 517 Phidias, the friend of, 268 Phillippo surname, its meaning, 468 Phillips (G.) on searchers of leather, 48 Phillips (W.) on Francis Throgmorton, 89 Philoscriblerius, pseudonym of James Moore Smith, 75 Phrases, origin of current, 58