Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Rivett-Carnac (J. H.) on noble, 290

Roman steelyard weights, 317

Superstitions relating to animals in India, 225 Bobbins (A. F.) on Richard Estcott de Lanceston, 444

Exeter Theatre in 1348, 506

" Let them all come," 35

Peremptory, its meaning, 489

Porte-manteau, 478

Prisoners of war in our literature, 469

Tapping and tipping, 105

Tea as a meal, 511

Telegraphy, its invention, 516

Verbs formed out of proper names, 494 Roberts (John), his biography, 268 Roberts ( W.) on H. S. Ashbee, 347

City curio collector, 496

Jowett's little garden, 405

Manuscripts at Paris, 258

Painted and engraved portraits, 438

Portrait of Archbishop Ussher, 195

' The Two Duchesses,' 423 Robertson (J. R.) on Simon Fraser, 75, 192, 431

Old London taverns, 69

Rock : " Captain Rock," his history, 227, 353 Roker, manicurists' term, its meaning, 28, 135, 238 Rollins (Mary Packard), lines by, 91 Roman Catholic records, 389, 471 Roman steelyard weights, 228, 317 Rood Well, Edinburgh, its site, 207, 475 Roos family, 169, 294 ' Rosciad,' author of the poem, 349 Rose and Zorzi families, 68, 155 Rossell (C.) on roker, its meaning, 28 Rotton (J. F.) on Jesse and Selwyn, 122

Walpole's (Horace) letters to Mann, 229 Rouen, use of the word, 149, 214, 258, 316, 453 Roulston family, 229 Rouse (W. H. D.) on beard of the pinna and silk

manufacture, 428

Rowe (A. F.) on D'Auvergne family, 397 Royal standard of England, 268, 353 Royal surname, 269 'Rule, Britannia,' its authorship, 146 Runagate, use of the word, 76 Rushton (W. L.) on Shakespeare's books, 163, 423 Rusk in (John), memorial at Herne Hill, 126 Russell (Lady) on " All roads lead to Borne," 511

Definition of gratitude, 172

Jean le Manique, 454

Philoscriblerius, 75

Purbeck (Lady) and her son, 456

Quotations, 74

St. Christopher and laughter, 357 Russian bear, origin of the term, 349 Rusticness, use of the word by Thomas Carlyle, 5 Rutter family, 148, 314

Rutton (W. L.) on executions at Tyburn and else- where, 121, 242, 282, 310

Manor of Tyburn, 489 Rymmyll = rummel, a blow, 427, 519 S. on the family of Sir Francis Mitchell, 144 S. (A.) on book by Richard Baxter, 326

Donne (Dr.), references in early English literature

to, 183

S. (C. W.) on yeomanry records, 12 S. (D.) on inscription in Rinnel Church, 315

S. (G. C. M.) on source of quotation, 8 8. (G. S. C.) on Breckenridge, 313

Scottish names in Froissart, 28

" Tout lasse tout casse tout passe," 247 S. (H. Y.) on author of recitation wanted, 150 S. (J. M.) on English representative at the funeral of Alexander I., 447

Illustrations to 'The Mill,' 427 S. (N. S.) on the accession of Edward VII., 187

Albert the Good, 88

Co-operative trading, 445

Delagoa Bay, 407

Gipsies and longevity, 406

Glasgow University, 484

Handel relic, 126

" Le Roy le veult," 264

Public mourning, 174

Queens members of the Order of the Garter, 166

Ruskin (John), memorial to, 126

St. Patrick's Day, 223

Smith (George Murray) and authors, 307

Vanishing London : Christ's Hospital, 205

" We don't want to fight," 386 S. (R.) on disguise of man as woman, 248

Orientation in interments, 338

Folio, quarto, &c., 185

Verbs formed out of proper names, 394 S. (R. B.) on formation of a place-name, 105 S. (S.) on source of quotation, 148 S. (W.) on The Bible, Crown, and Constitution," 469

Bligh (General), 166

" Clubbing the battalion," its meaning, 110, 314

Ladle, 467

Nooth (Dr. J. Mervin), his biography, 37

"Owl in ivy bush," 116

"Quod non fecerunt barbari fecerunt Barberini," 375

Regiments at Culloden, 24

Rood Well, Edinburgh, 475

Runagate, its meaning, 76 Sack and sugar, 148, 293 Safford family in Somersetshire, 88, 233 Safford (J. B.) on Safford family in Somersetshire, 88 St. Alban's land, meaning of the term, 407 St. Barnabas's Day, 11 June, 445 St. Christopher and laughter, 247, 356, 434 St. Clement Danes Church, Strand, 64, 173, 274, 375 St. Edmond's right, meaning of the term, 407 St. Eustatius, Ravene* family of, 308 St. George, device of, on damask linen, 446 St. George and the Dragon, 466 St. Giles's Church, Northampton, municipal business

transacted in, 367, 453 St. Helena playbill, 285 St. Hubert's rent, meaning of the term, 407 St. Hugh's Day, account of the festival, 1 5 St. Patrick's Day, the commemoration of, 223, 271 St. Paul's Churchyard, runic inscription found in, 269,


St. Peter's patrimony, meaning of the term, 407 St. Swithin on game of battledore, 469

Hattock, 72

Heads or tails, 126

" Hutching about," ita meaning, 271

Inundate, its pronunciation, 71

Lay canon, 197,274